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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Brittle Stars And Basket Stars
Sea Stars And Brittle Stars
Brittle Stars And Basket Stars
Ophiura ljungmani (Lyman 1878)
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Ophiura ljungmani (Lyman 1878)
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Ophiuroidea Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Ophiura lepida
Species recognized by
Caribbean Sea Species List
Gulf of Mexico Species List
, and
North Atlantic Species List
Ophiura lepida
(Lyman 1878)
Species recognized by
GBIF national node type records UK
Ophiura lepida
(Lyman 1878)
Recognized by
OBIS environmental data records
Ophiura ljungmani
Species recognized by
wikipedia NL
Australia Species List
Mexico Species List
Bay of Biscay Species List
Caribbean Sea Species List
Gulf of Guinea Species List
Gulf of Mexico Species List
North Atlantic Species List
Tasman Sea Species List
South Atlantic Species List
South Pacific Species List
, and
United States Species List
Ophiura ljungmani
(Lyman 1878)
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
GBIF national node type records UK
Ophiura ljungmani
(Lyman 1878)
Recognized by
OBIS environmental data records
Ophioglypha lepida
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Ophiura lepida
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Ophiura ljungmani
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
, and
iNaturalist Taxonomy with vernacular names
Ophiura ljungmani
Recognized by
Marshall et al
Ophiura ljungmani (Lyman 1878)
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
World Register of Marine Species
GBIF data coverage
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Alternative Names
Ophioglypha lepida Lyman 1878
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Ophiuroidea Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Ophioglypha ljungmani Lyman 1878
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Ophiuroidea Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Ophioglypha thouleti Koehler 1895
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Ophiuroidea Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Ophiura lepida (Lyman 1878)
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Ophiuroidea Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Ophioglypha lepida Lyman 1878
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Ophioglypha lepida Lyman 1878
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Ophioglypha ljungmani Lyman 1878
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Ophioglypha ljungmani Lyman 1878
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Ophioglypha thouleti Koehler 1895
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Ophioglypha thouleti Koehler 1895
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Ophiura lepida (Lyman 1878)
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Ophiura lepida (Lyman 1878)
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Common Names
Spanish; Castilian
Erizo corazón
Recognized by
iNaturalist Taxonomy with vernacular names
Curated hierarchies for Ophiura ljungmani (Lyman 1878)
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Ophiuroidea Gray 1840
Myophiuroida Matsumoto 1915
Metophiurida Matsumoto 1913
Euryophiurida O'Hara, Hugall, Thuy, Stöhr & Martynov 2017
Ophiurida Müller & Troschel 1840
Ophiurina Müller & Troschel 1840
Ophiuridae Müller & Troschel 1840
Ophiurinae Lyman 1865
Ophiura Lamarck 1801
Ophiura ljungmani (Lyman 1878)
(this page)
Ophiura acervata (Lyman 1869)
Ophiura achatae Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura aequalis (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura albata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura albida Forbes 1839
Ophiura amphitrites (Bell 1888)
Ophiura astonensis Hess 1964
Ophiura atacta H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura bartonensis Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura bathybia H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura bognoriensis Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura bridgerensis (Meek 1873)
Ophiura calyptolepis H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura carpelloides Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura clemens (Koehler 1904)
Ophiura costata Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura crassa Mortensen 1936
Ophiura cryptolepis H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura davisi Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura falcifera (Lyman 1869)
Ophiura fallax Cherbonnier 1959
Ophiura flagellata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura flexibilis (Koehler 1911)
Ophiura floscellata Hertz 1926
Ophiura fluctuans Koehler 1922
Ophiura fraterna (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura furiae Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura gagara Djakonov 1949
Ophiura graysonensis (Alexander 1931)
Ophiura grubei Heller 1863
Ophiura hendleri Blake & Aronson 1998
Ophiura imbecillis (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura imprudens (Koehler 1906)
Ophiura indica (Brock 1888)
Ophiura innoxia (Koehler 1906)
Ophiura kofoidi McClendon 1909
Ophiura lanceolata H. L. Clark 1939
Ophiura lenticularis (Koehler 1908)
Ophiura leptoctenia H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura lienosa (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura luetkenii (Lyman 1860)
Ophiura maculata (Ludwig 1886)
Ophiura micracantha H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura mimaria (Koehler 1908)
Ophiura mitescens Koehler 1922
Ophiura monostoecha H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura nitida Mortensen 1933
Ophiura ooplax (H. L. Clark 1911)
Ophiura ophiura (Linnaeus 1758)
Ophiura palliata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura parviformis Küpper 1954
Ophiura paucilepis Stöhr, Jagt & Klompmaker 2011
Ophiura paucisquama Matsumoto 1917
Ophiura podica (Koehler 1910)
Ophiura pteracantha Liao 1982
Ophiura quadrispina H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura robusta (Ayres 1852)
Ophiura rouchi (Koehler 1912)
Ophiura sarsii Lütken 1855
Ophiura saurura (Verrill 1894)
Ophiura stenobrachia H. L. Clark 1917
Ophiura sternbergica Kutscher 1981
Ophiura straini Cornell, Lemone & Norland 1991
Ophiura subgen. Aspidura von Hagenow 1840
Ophiura subgen. Dictenophiura H. L. Clark 1923
Ophiura subgen. Ophioglypha Lyman 1860
Ophiura subgen. Ophiura Lamarck 1801
Ophiura tenera (Lyman 1883)
Ophiura texana (Clark 1893)
Ophiura tinurtiensis Valette 1929
Ophiura travisana Berry 1941
Ophiura umitakamaruae Seno & Irimura 1968
Ophiura undulata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura utahensis (Clark & Twitchell 1915)
Ophiura verrucosa (Studer 1876)
Ophiura vindobonensis Küpper 1954
Ophiura violainae (Cherbonnier & Sibuet 1972)
Ophiura wetherelli (Forbes 1852)
Ophiura zebra Djakonov 1954
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Myophiuroida Matsumoto 1915
Metophiurida Matsumoto 1913
Euryophiurida O'Hara, Hugall, Thuy, Stöhr & Martynov 2017
Ophiurida Müller & Troschel 1840
Ophiurina Müller & Troschel 1840
Ophiuridae Müller & Troschel 1840
Ophiurinae Lyman 1865
Ophiura Lamarck 1801
Ophiura ljungmani (Lyman 1878)
(this page)
Ophiura acervata (Lyman 1869)
Ophiura achatae Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura aequalis (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura albata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura albida Forbes 1839
Ophiura amphitrites (Bell 1888)
Ophiura atacta H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura bartonensis Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura bathybia H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura bognoriensis Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura bridgerensis (Meek 1873)
Ophiura calyptolepis H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura carpelloides Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura costata Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura crassa Mortensen 1936
Ophiura cryptolepis H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura davisi Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura falcifera (Lyman 1869)
Ophiura fallax Cherbonnier 1959
Ophiura flagellata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura flexibilis (Koehler 1911)
Ophiura floscellata Hertz 1927
Ophiura fluctuans Koehler 1922
Ophiura fraterna (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura furiae Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura gagara Djakonov 1949
Ophiura graysonensis (Alexander 1931)
Ophiura grubei Heller 1863
Ophiura hendleri Blake & Aronson 1998
Ophiura imbecillis (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura imprudens (Koehler 1906)
Ophiura indica (Brock 1888)
Ophiura innoxia (Koehler 1906)
Ophiura kofoidi McClendon 1909
Ophiura lanceolata H. L. Clark 1939
Ophiura lenticularis (Koehler 1907)
Ophiura leptoctenia H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura lienosa (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura luetkenii (Lyman 1860)
Ophiura maculata (Ludwig 1886)
Ophiura micracantha H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura mimaria (Koehler 1907)
Ophiura mitescens Koehler 1922
Ophiura monostoecha H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura nitida Mortensen 1933
Ophiura ooplax (H. L. Clark 1911)
Ophiura ophiura (Linnaeus 1758)
Ophiura palliata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura parviformis Küpper 1954
Ophiura paucilepis Stöhr, Jagt & Klompmaker 2011
Ophiura paucisquama Matsumoto 1917
Ophiura podica (Koehler 1910)
Ophiura pteracantha Liao 1982
Ophiura quadrispina H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura robusta (Ayres 1852)
Ophiura rouchi (Koehler 1912)
Ophiura sarsii Lütken 1855
Ophiura saurura (Verrill 1894)
Ophiura stenobrachia H. L. Clark 1917
Ophiura sternbergica Kutscher 1981
Ophiura straini Cornell, Lemone & Norland 1991
Ophiura subgen. Aspidura von Hagenow 1840
Ophiura subgen. Dictenophiura H. L. Clark 1923
Ophiura subgen. Ophioglypha Lyman 1860
Ophiura subgen. Ophiura Lamarck 1801
Ophiura tenera (Lyman 1883)
Ophiura texana (Clark 1893)
Ophiura tinurtiensis Valette 1929
Ophiura travisana Berry 1941
Ophiura umitakamaruae Seno & Irimura 1968
Ophiura undulata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura utahensis (Clark & Twitchell 1915)
Ophiura verrucosa (Studer 1876)
Ophiura vindobonensis Küpper 1954
Ophiura violainae (Cherbonnier & Sibuet 1972)
Ophiura wetherelli (Forbes 1852)
Ophiura zebra Djakonov 1954
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Ophiura ljungmani (Lyman 1878)
(this page)
Ophiura acervata (Lyman 1869)
Ophiura achatae Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura aequalis (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura albata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura albida Forbes 1839
Ophiura amphitrites (Bell 1888)
Ophiura astonensis Hess 1964
Ophiura atacta H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura bartonensis Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura bathybia H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura bognoriensis Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura bridgerensis (Meek 1873)
Ophiura calyptolepis H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura carpelloides Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura clemens (Koehler 1904)
Ophiura costata Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura crassa Mortensen 1936
Ophiura cryptolepis H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura davisi Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura falcifera (Lyman 1869)
Ophiura fallax Cherbonnier 1959
Ophiura flagellata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura flexibilis (Koehler 1911)
Ophiura floscellata Hertz 1926
Ophiura fluctuans Koehler 1922
Ophiura fraterna (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura furiae Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura gagara Djakonov 1949
Ophiura graysonensis (Alexander 1931)
Ophiura grubei Heller 1863
Ophiura hendleri Blake & Aronson 1998
Ophiura imbecillis (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura imprudens (Koehler 1906)
Ophiura indica (Brock 1888)
Ophiura innoxia (Koehler 1906)
Ophiura kofoidi McClendon 1909
Ophiura lanceolata H. L. Clark 1939
Ophiura lenticularis (Koehler 1908)
Ophiura leptoctenia H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura lienosa (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura luetkenii (Lyman 1860)
Ophiura maculata (Ludwig 1886)
Ophiura micracantha H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura mimaria (Koehler 1908)
Ophiura mitescens Koehler 1922
Ophiura monostoecha H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura nitida Mortensen 1933
Ophiura ooplax (H. L. Clark 1911)
Ophiura ophiura (Linnaeus 1758)
Ophiura palliata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura parviformis Küpper 1954
Ophiura paucilepis Stöhr, Jagt & Klompmaker 2011
Ophiura paucisquama Matsumoto 1917
Ophiura podica (Koehler 1910)
Ophiura pteracantha Liao 1982
Ophiura quadrispina H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura robusta (Ayres 1852)
Ophiura rouchi (Koehler 1912)
Ophiura sarsii Lütken 1855
Ophiura saurura (Verrill 1894)
Ophiura stenobrachia H. L. Clark 1917
Ophiura sternbergica Kutscher 1981
Ophiura straini Cornell, Lemone & Norland 1991
Ophiura subgen. Aspidura von Hagenow 1840
Ophiura subgen. Dictenophiura H. L. Clark 1923
Ophiura subgen. Ophioglypha Lyman 1860
Ophiura subgen. Ophiura Lamarck 1801
Ophiura tenera (Lyman 1883)
Ophiura texana (Clark 1893)
Ophiura tinurtiensis Valette 1929
Ophiura travisana Berry 1941
Ophiura umitakamaruae Seno & Irimura 1968
Ophiura undulata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura utahensis (Clark & Twitchell 1915)
Ophiura verrucosa (Studer 1876)
Ophiura vindobonensis Küpper 1954
Ophiura violainae (Cherbonnier & Sibuet 1972)
Ophiura wetherelli (Forbes 1852)
Ophiura zebra Djakonov 1954
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Ophiura ljungmani (Lyman 1878)
(this page)
Ophiura acervata (Lyman 1869)
Ophiura achatae Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura aequalis (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura albata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura albida Forbes 1839
Ophiura amphitrites (Bell 1888)
Ophiura astonensis Hess 1964
Ophiura atacta H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura bartonensis Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura bathybia H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura bognoriensis Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura bridgerensis (Meek 1873)
Ophiura calyptolepis H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura carpelloides Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura clemens (Koehler 1904)
Ophiura costata Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura crassa Mortensen 1936
Ophiura cryptolepis H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura davisi Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura falcifera (Lyman 1869)
Ophiura fallax Cherbonnier 1959
Ophiura flagellata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura flexibilis (Koehler 1911)
Ophiura floscellata Hertz 1926
Ophiura fluctuans Koehler 1922
Ophiura fraterna (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura furiae Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura gagara Djakonov 1949
Ophiura graysonensis (Alexander 1931)
Ophiura grubei Heller 1863
Ophiura hendleri Blake & Aronson 1998
Ophiura imbecillis (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura imprudens (Koehler 1906)
Ophiura indica (Brock 1888)
Ophiura innoxia (Koehler 1906)
Ophiura kofoidi McClendon 1909
Ophiura lanceolata H. L. Clark 1939
Ophiura lenticularis (Koehler 1908)
Ophiura leptoctenia H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura lienosa (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura luetkenii (Lyman 1860)
Ophiura maculata (Ludwig 1886)
Ophiura micracantha H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura mimaria (Koehler 1908)
Ophiura mitescens Koehler 1922
Ophiura monostoecha H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura nitida Mortensen 1933
Ophiura ooplax (H. L. Clark 1911)
Ophiura ophiura (Linnaeus 1758)
Ophiura palliata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura parviformis Küpper 1954
Ophiura paucilepis Stöhr, Jagt & Klompmaker 2011
Ophiura paucisquama Matsumoto 1917
Ophiura podica (Koehler 1910)
Ophiura pteracantha Liao 1982
Ophiura quadrispina H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura robusta (Ayres 1852)
Ophiura rouchi (Koehler 1912)
Ophiura sarsii Lütken 1855
Ophiura saurura (Verrill 1894)
Ophiura stenobrachia H. L. Clark 1917
Ophiura sternbergica Kutscher 1981
Ophiura straini Cornell, Lemone & Norland 1991
Ophiura subgen. Aspidura von Hagenow 1840
Ophiura subgen. Dictenophiura H. L. Clark 1923
Ophiura subgen. Ophioglypha Lyman 1860
Ophiura subgen. Ophiura Lamarck 1801
Ophiura tenera (Lyman 1883)
Ophiura texana (Clark 1893)
Ophiura tinurtiensis Valette 1929
Ophiura travisana Berry 1941
Ophiura umitakamaruae Seno & Irimura 1968
Ophiura undulata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura utahensis (Clark & Twitchell 1915)
Ophiura verrucosa (Studer 1876)
Ophiura vindobonensis Küpper 1954
Ophiura violainae (Cherbonnier & Sibuet 1972)
Ophiura wetherelli (Forbes 1852)
Ophiura zebra Djakonov 1954
GBIF classification
Ophiura Lamarck 1801
Ophiura ljungmani (Lyman 1878)
(this page)
Ophiura lepida lepida
Ophiura lepida spinulosa Verrill 1884
Ophiura ljungmani ljungmani
Ophiura ljungmani spinulosa Verrill 1884
Ophioglypha paronai Checchia-Rispoli 1921
Ophiura acervata (Lyman 1869)
Ophiura achatae Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura aequalis (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura aequatoris Hertz 1927
Ophiura albata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura albida Forbes 1839
Ophiura ambigua (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura amphitrites (Bell 1888)
Ophiura anoidea H. L. Clark 1923
Ophiura arntzi Manso 2010
Ophiura astonensis Hess 1964
Ophiura atacta H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura bartonensis Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura bathybia H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura bognoriensis Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura brevispinosa H. L. Clark 1915
Ophiura caledonica (Koehler 1907)
Ophiura calyptolepis H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura carinifera (Koehler 1901)
Ophiura carnea Lütken 1858
Ophiura carpelloides Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura clemens (Koehler 1904)
Ophiura crassa Mortensen 1936
Ophiura cryptolepis H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura ctenophora (H. L. Clark 1909)
Ophiura davisi Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura euryplax (H. L. Clark 1939)
Ophiura falcifera (Lyman 1869)
Ophiura fallax Cherbonnier 1959
Ophiura figurata
Ophiura flagellata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura flexibilis (Koehler 1911)
Ophiura floscellata Hertz 1926
Ophiura fluctuans Koehler 1922
Ophiura fraterna (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura furiae Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura gagara Djakonov 1949
Ophiura graysonensis (Alexander 1931)
Ophiura grubei Heller 1863
Ophiura hendleri Blake & Aronson 1998
Ophiura imbecillis (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura imprudens (Koehler 1906)
Ophiura innoxia (Koehler 1906)
Ophiura jejuna (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura kinbergi Ljungman 1866
Ophiura kofoidi Mc Clendon 1909
Ophiura kunradeca Berry 1938
Ophiura lanceolata H. L. Clark 1939
Ophiura lenticularis (Koehler 1908)
Ophiura leptoctenia H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura lienosa (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura luetkenii (Lyman 1860)
Ophiura lutkeni (Lyman 1860)
Ophiura lymani (Ljungman 1871)
Ophiura maculata (Ludwig 1886)
Ophiura marylandica Berry 1934
Ophiura micracantha H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura migrans
Ophiura mimaria (Koehler 1908)
Ophiura mitescens Koehler 1922
Ophiura monostoecha H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura mundata (Koehler 1906)
Ophiura nana (Lütken & Mortensen 1899)
Ophiura nitida Mortensen 1933
Ophiura ooplax (H. L. Clark 1911)
Ophiura ophiura (Linnaeus 1758)
Ophiura ossiculata (Koehler 1908)
Ophiura palliata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura paucisquama Matsumoto 1917
Ophiura plana (Lütken & Mortensen 1899)
Ophiura platyacantha Mc Knight 2003
Ophiura podica (Koehler 1910)
Ophiura pteracantha Liao 1982
Ophiura quadrispina H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura robusta (Ayres 1852)
Ophiura rouchi (Koehler 1912)
Ophiura rugosa (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura sarsii Lütken 1855
Ophiura saurura (Verrill 1894)
Ophiura schmidtotti (Hertz 1927)
Ophiura scomba Paterson 1985
Ophiura scutellata (Lütken & Mortensen 1899)
Ophiura scutulata Lütken & Mortensen 1899
Ophiura spinicantha Mc Knight 2003
Ophiura squamosa Baker 1979
Ophiura stellata (Studer 1882)
Ophiura stenobrachia H. L. Clark 1917
Ophiura sternbergica Kutscher 1981
Ophiura straini Cornell, Lemone & Norland 1991
Ophiura tenera (Lyman 1883)
Ophiura texana (Clark 1893)
Ophiura travisana Berry 1941
Ophiura trimeni Bell 1905
Ophiura umitakamaruae Seno & Irimura 1968
Ophiura undulata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura verrucosa (Studer 1876)
Ophiura violainae (Cherbonnier & Sibuet 1972)
Ophiura wetherelli (Forbes 1852)
Ophiura zebra Djakonov 1954
18 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
iNaturalist Taxonomy with vernacular names
Ophiura ljungmani
(this page)
Ophiura acervata
Ophiura aequalis
Ophiura albata
Ophiura albida
Ophiura amphitrites
Ophiura atacta
Ophiura bathybia
Ophiura calyptolepis
Ophiura clemens
Ophiura crassa
Ophiura cryptolepis
Ophiura falcifera
Ophiura fallax
Ophiura flagellata
Ophiura flexibilis
Ophiura floscellata
Ophiura fluctuans
Ophiura fraterna
Ophiura gagara
Ophiura grubei
Ophiura imbecillis
Ophiura imprudens
Ophiura innoxia
Ophiura kinbergi
Ophiura kofoidi
Ophiura lanceolata
Ophiura lenticularis
Ophiura leptoctenia
Ophiura lienosa
Ophiura luetkenii
Ophiura maculata
Ophiura micracantha
Ophiura mimaria
Ophiura mitescens
Ophiura monostoecha
Ophiura nitida
Ophiura ooplax
Ophiura ophiura
Ophiura palliata
Ophiura paucisquama
Ophiura podica
Ophiura pteracantha
Ophiura quadrispina
Ophiura robusta
Ophiura rouchi
Ophiura sarsii
Ophiura saurura
Ophiura stenobrachia
Ophiura tenera
Ophiura umitakamaruae
Ophiura undulata
Ophiura verrucosa
Ophiura violainae
Ophiura zebra
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Echinodermata Bruguière 1791
Ophiuroidea Gray 1840
Ophiurida Müller & Troschel 1840
Chilophiurina Matsumoto 1915
Ophiuridae Lyman 1865
Ophiura Lamarck 1801
Ophiura ljungmani
(this page)
Ophiura acervata
Ophiura affinis
Ophiura albida
Ophiura atacta
Ophiura aurantiaca
Ophiura bathybia H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura carnea Lütken 1858
Ophiura cryptolepis H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura flagellata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura irrorata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura kofoidi Mcclendon 1909
Ophiura leptoctenia H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura lutkeni (Lyman 1860)
Ophiura maculata
Ophiura ophiura (Linnaeus 1758)
Ophiura quadrispina
Ophiura robusta
Ophiura sarsi Lütken 1855
Ophiura scutulata Lütken & Mortensen 1899
Ophiura signata
Ophiura texturata
cellular organisms
Ophiura ljungmani
(this page)
Ophiura aequalis
Ophiura albida
Ophiura ambigua
Ophiura clemens
Ophiura crassa
Ophiura ctenophora
Ophiura flagellata
Ophiura flexibilis
Ophiura fluctuans
Ophiura fraterna
Ophiura integra
Ophiura irrorata
Ophiura jejuna
Ophiura kinbergi
Ophiura lenticularis
Ophiura luetkenii
Ophiura lymani
Ophiura meridionalis
Ophiura micracantha
Ophiura mimaria
Ophiura ooplax
Ophiura ophiura
Ophiura ossiculata
Ophiura platyacantha
Ophiura robusta
Ophiura rouchi
Ophiura rugosa
Ophiura sarsii
Ophiura signata
Ophiura spinicantha
Ophiura stellata
Ophiura verrucosa
unclassified Ophiura
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Ophiura lepida
(this page)
Ophiura (Ophiura) scomba
Ophiura abyssicola
Ophiura acervata
Ophiura aequalis
Ophiura africana
Ophiura albata
Ophiura albida
Ophiura amitina
Ophiura amphitrites
Ophiura appressa
Ophiura atacta
Ophiura brachiactis
Ophiura brachiata
Ophiura brachyactis
Ophiura brevicauda
Ophiura brevispina
Ophiura brevispinosa
Ophiura brevispinum
Ophiura calyptolepis
Ophiura carinata
Ophiura chathamensis
Ophiura cinerea
Ophiura clemens
Ophiura crassa
Ophiura cryptolepis
Ophiura cylindrica
Ophiura echinata
Ophiura falcifera
Ophiura fisheri
Ophiura flaccida
Ophiura flagellata
Ophiura flexibilis
Ophiura floscellata
Ophiura fraterna
Ophiura gagara
Ophiura glyptodisca
Ophiura grubei
Ophiura hastata
Ophiura holmesii
Ophiura imbecillis
Ophiura incrassata
Ophiura indica
Ophiura innoxia
Ophiura involuta
Ophiura isocantha
Ophiura januarii
Ophiura kinbergi
Ophiura koehleri
Ophiura kofoidi
Ophiura koreni
Ophiura kurilensis
Ophiura lacazei
Ophiura lanceolata
Ophiura lapidaria
Ophiura lenticularis
Ophiura leptoctenia
Ophiura lienosa
Ophiura ljungmani
Ophiura loveni
Ophiura megapoma
Ophiura mimaria
Ophiura minuta
Ophiura monaria
Ophiura monostoecha
Ophiura nana
Ophiura neglecta
Ophiura nitida
Ophiura oediplax
Ophiura ooplax
Ophiura ophiura
Ophiura ossiculata
Ophiura palliata
Ophiura panamensis
Ophiura paucispina
Ophiura paucisquama
Ophiura penichra
Ophiura plana
Ophiura podica
Ophiura pomphophora
Ophiura ponderosa
Ophiura reticulata
Ophiura rondeletii
Ophiura rosularia
Ophiura rubicunda
Ophiura sarsi
Ophiura sarsii
Ophiura schmidt-otti
Ophiura scolopendrina
Ophiura scutellata
Ophiura skoogi
Ophiura stiphra
Ophiura tenera
Ophiura tenorii
Ophiura trimeni
Ophiura umitakamaruae
Ophiura undulata
Ophiura ursula
Ophiura verrucosa
Ophiura violainae
Ophiura zebra
28 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Ophiura ljungmani
(this page)
Ophiura (Ophiura) scomba
Ophiura abyssicola
Ophiura acervata
Ophiura aequalis
Ophiura africana
Ophiura albata
Ophiura albida
Ophiura amitina
Ophiura amphitrites
Ophiura appressa
Ophiura atacta
Ophiura brachiactis
Ophiura brachiata
Ophiura brachyactis
Ophiura brevicauda
Ophiura brevispina
Ophiura brevispinosa
Ophiura brevispinum
Ophiura calyptolepis
Ophiura carinata
Ophiura chathamensis
Ophiura cinerea
Ophiura clemens
Ophiura crassa
Ophiura cryptolepis
Ophiura cylindrica
Ophiura echinata
Ophiura falcifera
Ophiura fisheri
Ophiura flaccida
Ophiura flagellata
Ophiura flexibilis
Ophiura floscellata
Ophiura fraterna
Ophiura gagara
Ophiura glyptodisca
Ophiura grubei
Ophiura hastata
Ophiura holmesii
Ophiura imbecillis
Ophiura incrassata
Ophiura indica
Ophiura innoxia
Ophiura involuta
Ophiura isocantha
Ophiura januarii
Ophiura kinbergi
Ophiura koehleri
Ophiura kofoidi
Ophiura koreni
Ophiura kurilensis
Ophiura lacazei
Ophiura lanceolata
Ophiura lapidaria
Ophiura lenticularis
Ophiura lepida
Ophiura leptoctenia
Ophiura lienosa
Ophiura loveni
Ophiura megapoma
Ophiura mimaria
Ophiura minuta
Ophiura monaria
Ophiura monostoecha
Ophiura nana
Ophiura neglecta
Ophiura nitida
Ophiura oediplax
Ophiura ooplax
Ophiura ophiura
Ophiura ossiculata
Ophiura palliata
Ophiura panamensis
Ophiura paucispina
Ophiura paucisquama
Ophiura penichra
Ophiura plana
Ophiura podica
Ophiura pomphophora
Ophiura ponderosa
Ophiura reticulata
Ophiura rondeletii
Ophiura rosularia
Ophiura rubicunda
Ophiura sarsi
Ophiura sarsii
Ophiura schmidt-otti
Ophiura scolopendrina
Ophiura scutellata
Ophiura skoogi
Ophiura stiphra
Ophiura tenera
Ophiura tenorii
Ophiura trimeni
Ophiura umitakamaruae
Ophiura undulata
Ophiura ursula
Ophiura verrucosa
Ophiura violainae
Ophiura zebra
28 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
World Register of Marine Species
Ophiura ljungmani (Lyman 1878)
(this page)
Ophiura (Dictenophiura) anoidea H. L. Clark 1923
Ophiura (Dictenophiura) caledonica (Koehler 1907)
Ophiura (Dictenophiura) carnea carnea Lütken 1858
Ophiura (Dictenophiura) carnea Lütken 1858
Ophiura (Dictenophiura) carnea skoogi (Koehler 1923)
Ophiura (Dictenophiura) ctenophora H. L. Clark 1909
Ophiura (Dictenophiura) platyacantha McKnight 2003
Ophiura (Dictenophiura) squamosa Baker 1979
Ophiura (Dictenophiura) stellata (Studer 1882)
Ophiura (Ophiura) mundata (Koehler 1906)
Ophiura (Ophiura) nana (Lütken & Mortensen 1899)
Ophiura (Ophiura) scutellata (Lütken & Mortensen 1899)
Ophiura (Ophiura) spinicantha McKnight 2003
Ophiura (Ophiura) trimeni Bell 1905
Ophiura acervata (Lyman 1869)
Ophiura achatae Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura aequalis (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura albata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura albida Forbes 1839
Ophiura amphitrites (Bell 1888)
Ophiura atacta H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura bartonensis Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura bathybia H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura bognoriensis Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura bridgerensis (Meek 1873)
Ophiura calyptolepis H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura carpelloides Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura costata Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura crassa Mortensen 1936
Ophiura cryptolepis claripeltata Djakonov 1954
Ophiura cryptolepis H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura davisi Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura falcifera (Lyman 1869)
Ophiura fallax Cherbonnier 1959
Ophiura flagellata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura flexibilis (Koehler 1911)
Ophiura floscellata Hertz 1927
Ophiura fluctuans Koehler 1922
Ophiura fraterna (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura furiae Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura gagara Djakonov 1949
Ophiura graysonensis (Alexander 1931)
Ophiura grubei Heller 1863
Ophiura hendleri Blake & Aronson 1998
Ophiura imbecillis (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura imprudens (Koehler 1906)
Ophiura indica (Brock 1888)
Ophiura innoxia (Koehler 1906)
Ophiura kofoidi McClendon 1909
Ophiura lanceolata H. L. Clark 1939
Ophiura lenticularis (Koehler 1907)
Ophiura leptoctenia H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura lienosa (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura luetkenii (Lyman 1860)
Ophiura maculata (Ludwig 1886)
Ophiura micracantha H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura mimaria (Koehler 1907)
Ophiura mitescens Koehler 1922
Ophiura monostoecha H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura nitida Mortensen 1933
Ophiura ooplax (H. L. Clark 1911)
Ophiura ophiura (Linnaeus 1758)
Ophiura palliata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura parviformis Küpper 1954
Ophiura paucilepis Stöhr, Jagt & Klompmaker 2011
Ophiura paucisquama Matsumoto 1917
Ophiura podica (Koehler 1910)
Ophiura pohangensis Ishida, Thuy, Nam, Martynov, Fujita & Kim 2022
Ophiura pteracantha Liao 1982
Ophiura quadrispina H. L. Clark 1911
Ophiura robusta (Ayres 1852)
Ophiura rouchi (Koehler 1912)
Ophiura sarsii Lütken 1855
Ophiura sarsii vadicola Djakonov 1954
Ophiura saurura (Verrill 1894)
Ophiura stenobrachia H. L. Clark 1917
Ophiura sternbergica Kutscher 1981
Ophiura straini Cornell, Lemone & Norland 1991
Ophiura subgen. Aspidura von Hagenow 1840
Ophiura subgen. Dictenophiura H. L. Clark 1923
Ophiura subgen. Ophioglypha Lyman 1860
Ophiura subgen. Ophiura Lamarck 1801
Ophiura tankardi Thuy, Nungesser & Numberger-Thuy 2022
Ophiura tenera (Lyman 1883)
Ophiura texana (Clark 1893)
Ophiura tinurtiensis Valette 1929
Ophiura travisana Berry 1941
Ophiura umitakamaruae Seno & Irimura 1968
Ophiura undulata (Lyman 1878)
Ophiura utahensis (Clark & Twitchell 1915)
Ophiura verrucosa (Studer 1876)
Ophiura vindobonensis Küpper 1954
Ophiura violainae (Cherbonnier & Sibuet 1972)
Ophiura wetherelli (Forbes 1852)
Ophiura zebra Djakonov 1954