This individual was the first B. pumicola plant to be seen in the wild in California since 1941, and was found by Mellen Colberg, Eric White and others on July 13 2009. A second, much smaller plant can be seen emerging near the top right in this image.
New population, 9179 ft., 2 plants, west aspect, Shastina, Mt. Shasta, above normal precipitation 2009/2010 winter with May snowpack 140%. First plant with Penstemon davidsonii, second in rock.
Associated species on Mt. Shasta include Senecio canus, Penstemmon davidsonii, Pinus albicaulis. 4 plants in 2 new areas found this year. Only 5 plants observed so far in 2010 on Mt. Shasta.
This is one of only 7 plants found in the only known location in California. The location is near 9000 ft. in rocky terrain and in a very windy area. These California plants in 2009 were all relatively small compared with many of the plants in the Oregon populations.
This is one of only 7 plants found in the only known location in California in 2009. The location is near 9000 ft. in rocky terrain and in a very windy area. This plant was the largest of the 7 found and was 4.5 cm in height.