
Coenonympha orientalis

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Coenonympha orientalis is a small butterfly found in the Palearctic that belongs to the browns family. It is found in the Balkans (Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia).[2]


Coenonympha orientalis has previously been regarded as a subspecies of Coenonympha gardetta or of Coenonympha leander. Molecular data indicate differentiation of C. orientalis from both C. gardetta and C. leander. For more information

See also


  1. ^ REBEL, H. (1904): Studien über die Lepidopterenfauna der Balkanländer. II. Teil. Bosnien und Herzegowina. — Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 19: 97-377 + Taf. IV-V.
  2. ^ IUCN Redlist Coenonympha orientalis
  • Jakšić, P. (2011) : Butterfly species (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea) new to the Serbian fauna. - Biologica Nyssana 2 (1): 45-49 [PDF on tesla.pmf.ni.ac.rs] .
  • Корб, С.К. & Л.В. Большаков (2011) : К познанию систематики палеарктических сатирид рода Coenonympha Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera: Satyridae). — Eversmannia. Энтомологические исследования в России и соседних регионах, 27-28 : 1-21. [ Korb, SK & LV Bolshakov (2011) : To the knowledge of systematic of рalaearctic satyrids from the genus Coenonympha Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera: Satyridae). — Eversmannia, 27-28 : 1-21.] [download PDF on researchgate.net]
  • Kudrna O, Harpke A, Lux K, Pennerstorfer J, Schweiger O, Settele J & M Wiemers (2011) : Distribution atlas of butterflies in Europe. – 576 p.; Halle ad Saale (Society for Butterfly Protection eV)
  • Rebel, H. (1904) : Studies on the lepidopteran fauna of the Balkan countries. Part II. Bosnia and Herzegovina. — Annals of the Natural History Museum in Vienna 19 : 97-377 + plates IV-V.
  • First description: Rebel, H. (1910) : Fr. Berge's butterfly book according to the current state of lepidopterology. Ninth edition. ii-vi, A 1-A 114, 1-509, 51 pl. Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung).
  • Tshikolovets, VV (2011) : Butterflies of Europe & the Mediterranean area. - 544 p.: Pardubice, Czech Republic (Tshikolovets Puplications).

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Coenonympha orientalis: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Coenonympha orientalis is a small butterfly found in the Palearctic that belongs to the browns family. It is found in the Balkans (Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia).

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