Mesosetum is a genus of Neotropical plants in the grass family, native to North and South America including the West Indies.[2][3]
Mesosetum is a genus of Neotropical plants in the grass family, native to North and South America including the West Indies.
Species Mesosetum agropyroides Mez Mesosetum alatum Filg. Mesosetum annuum Swallen Mesosetum ansatum (Trin.) Kuhlm. Mesosetum arenarium Swallen Mesosetum bifarium (Hack.) Chase Mesosetum blakei Swallen Mesosetum cayennense Steud. Mesosetum chaseae Luces Mesosetum chlorostachyum (Döll) Chase Mesosetum comatum Swallen Mesosetum compressum Swallen Mesosetum elytrochaetum (Hack.) Swallen Mesosetum exaratum (Trin.) Chase Mesosetum ferrugineum (Trin.) Chase Mesosetum filifolium F.T.Hubb. Mesosetum gibbosum Renvoize & Filg. Mesosetum loliiforme (Steud.) Hitchc. Mesosetum longiaristatum Filg. Mesosetum pappophorum (Nees) Kuhlm. Mesosetum penicillatum Mez Mesosetum pittieri Hitchc. Mesosetum rottboellioides (Kunth) Hitchc. Mesosetum sclerochloa (Trin.) Hitchc. Mesosetum stoloniferum Swallen Mesosetum wrightii Hitchc.