Image of Richardson's Alumroot
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Richardson's Alumroot

Heuchera richardsonii R. Br.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Heuchera richardsonii R. Br. in Frankl. Journey 766. 1823
•Acaulescent ; flowering branches 3-4 dm. high, scapiform, sparingly short-hirsute and glandular-puberulent above ; petioles glabrous or sparingly pubescent, 5-10 cm. long ; leafblades rounded-cordate, 3-6 cm. broad, with rounded lobes and broadly ovate mucronate teeth, sparingly hispidulous or in age glabrous, ciliate on the margin ; hypanthium deeply campanulate with turbinate base, very oblique, together with the sepals over 1 cm. long ; petals spatulate, purplish, slightly exceeding the oblong or slightly spatulate obtuse sepals;
stamens not exserted.
Type locality : On the rocky banks of rivers from latitude 54° to 64° north. Distribution : Subarctic America south to Manitoba, Black Hills of South Dakota and British Columbia.
bibliographic citation
John Kunkel SmaII, Per Axel Rydber, Nathaniel Lord Britton, Percy Wilson, Henry Hurd Rusby. 1905. ROSALES, PODOSTEMONACEAE, CRASSULACEAE, PENTHORACEAE and PARNASSIACEAE. North American flora. vol 22(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora