provided by Phytokeys
Slender, climbing or trailing, perennial vine 3 m long or more, minutely antrorsely appressed-puberulent throughout (except on ovary) with unicellular, curved trichomes, 0.05–0.13 mm long, 0.02 mm wide. Flowering stems 1.1–2.8 mm in diameter, somewhat compressed and two-edged, red (4/12) when young, with the base somewhat woody and cork-covered. Stipules 2.5–7.9 mm long, 0.5–1.4 mm wide, asymmetrically narrowly ovate-falcate, slightly attenuate, longitudinally striate-nerved, often red (5R 4/12) at flowering nodes; petioles 1.1–7.6 cm long, inserted 0.4–22.0 mm from the basal margins of the peltate blades, often red (4/12) at flowering nodes, commonly bearing in the proximal third, 0.12–0.33(-0.55) of the distance from the base toward the apex of the petiole, 2, round or elliptic, opposite to subopposite, sessile or shortly stipitate, saucer-shaped nectaries with flat rims, 0.9–2.5 mm wide (on the widest axis), 0.3–1.5 mm high. Laminas 3.7–14.1 cm long, 1.6–19.6 cm wide, coriaceous, occasionally variegated, conspicuously peltate, deeply 3-lobed 0.60–0.82 of the distance to the leaf base, lateral lobes 1.6–10.6 cm long, 1.0–5.8 cm wide, oblong to obovate, acute to rounded, central lobes 1.9–14.1 cm long, 1.0–6.5 cm wide, obovate, acute to rounded, narrowed at base, angle between the lateral lobes 117–180°, ratio of lateral to central lobe length 0.60–1.34, margins entire, thickened, often red (4/12), primary veins 3, diverging and branching above base, laminar nectaries present or absent (rare), (0-)4(-7), submarginal, associated with the minor veins of the abaxial surface, 0.3–1.1 mm in diameter, elliptic, sessile; tendril 0.3–1.1 mm wide, present at flowering node, absent in inflorescence. Flowers borne in leaf axils or terminal inflorescences; inflorescences 11.6–19.2 cm long, associated reduced laminas 7.3–11.3 mm long, 0.8–1.9 mm wide. Pedicels 7.5–25.0 mm long, 0.6–1.3 mm wide, paired in the leaf axils, often red (5R 4/12); bract(s) absent; spur(s) absent. Tubular flowers 5.1–8.6 mm in diameter with stipe 4.5–11.4 mm long, 0.9–1.5 mm wide, greenish yellow (5GY 8/6); hypanthium 5.1–8.6 mm in diameter; sepals 20.5–30.1 mm long, basally connate 5.8–15.4 mm, 1.3–3.9 mm wide, linear to narrowly ovate, acute to rounded, abaxially and adaxially greenish yellow (5GY 8/6), free portions of sepals reflexed at anthesis; coronal filaments in 1 series, adnate to the calyx tube until they become free, 36–50, 2.2–4.0 mm long, basally connate 1.2–2.5 mm, 0.1–0.4 mm wide, linear to narrowly ovate, erect, greenish yellow, ratio of coronal (portion not adnate to sepal) to sepal (free portion) length 0.09–0.35; rarely a trace second coronal row of colorless filaments may be present just outside the operculum; operculum 3.0–4.6 mm long, plicate, greenish yellow, the margin with narrow minutely fimbrillate teeth; nectary 0.3–3.1 mm high, 1.1–2.0 mm wide, sulcate; limen erect, 0.8–1.7 mm high, 0.1–0.5 mm wide, greenish yellow, crenulate-lobed, very close to the base of the androgynophore, limen floor 0.6–2.1 mm in diameter, greenish yellow; androgynophore 17.4–26.1 mm long, 0.6–1.1 mm wide, greenish yellow; free portions of the staminal filaments 2.6–5.3 mm long, 0.3–0.7 mm wide, linear, greenish yellow; anthers 4.0–5.9 mm long, 0.6–2.4 mm wide, pollen presented laterally; styles 3.1–6.2 mm long including stigmas, 0.2–0.5 mm wide, greenish yellow; stigmas 0.9–1.7 mm in diameter; ovary 2.2–5.3 mm long, 1.1–3.5 mm wide, ellipsoid to fusiform, greenish yellow, glabrous. Berry 15.5–24.0 mm long, 12.9–19.0 mm in diameter, fusiform to ovoid, very dark purple. Seeds 39–53, 4.0–5.0 mm long, 2.4–3.6 mm wide, 1.4–2.0 mm thick, flattened, obovate in outline, acute at both ends, reticulate-foveate with each side marked with 15–18 foveae, sometimes pale brown in color at maturity. Germination epigeal.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Kristen Porter-Utley
- bibliographic citation
- Porter-Utley K (2014) A revision of Passiflora L. subgenus Decaloba (DC.) Rchb. supersection Cieca (Medik.) J. M. MacDougal & Feuillet (Passifloraceae) PhytoKeys (43): 1–224
- author
- Kristen Porter-Utley
provided by Phytokeys
Mexico, in the Pacific lowlands and foothills of southern Michoacán, Guerrero and Oaxaca. Disturbed tropical deciduous or semideciduous low and medium forests (selva baja caducifolia and selva mediana subcaducifolia); growing on shrubs, small trees, boulders and rocks (sometimes limestone) on very limited to moderately developed soils; sea-level to ca. 610 m.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Kristen Porter-Utley
- bibliographic citation
- Porter-Utley K (2014) A revision of Passiflora L. subgenus Decaloba (DC.) Rchb. supersection Cieca (Medik.) J. M. MacDougal & Feuillet (Passifloraceae) PhytoKeys (43): 1–224
- author
- Kristen Porter-Utley