Description: English: Westringia amabilis near the Sherwood Creek Road, about 9 km from the Pacific Highway, Corindi, New South Wales. Date: 25 September 2021, 07:46:06. Source: Own work. Author: Geoff Derrin.
Description: English: Westringia amabilis near the Sherwood Creek Road, about 9 km from the Pacific Highway, Corindi, New South Wales. Date: 25 September 2021, 08:42:18. Source: Own work. Author: Geoff Derrin.
NCRIS, Australian Government, Canberra - Modificado y subido por Philmarin
Wikimedia Commons
Description: Español: Distribución de Westringia amabilis, endemismo del Este de Australia y, muy puntualmente, del otro extremo de la isla. Date: 17 January 2016, 12:49:58 (upload date). Source: Atlas of Living Australia [1]. Author: NCRIS, Australian Government, Canberra - Modificado y subido por Philmarin.