Glossocarya is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae, first described in 1843. It is native to Indochina, Sri Lanka, New Guinea, and Queensland.[1]
Glossocarya is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae, first described in 1843. It is native to Indochina, Sri Lanka, New Guinea, and Queensland.
Species Glossocarya calcicola Domin - Queensland Glossocarya coriacea Munir - Queensland Glossocarya crenata H.R.Fletcher - Thailand Glossocarya hemiderma (F.Muell. ex Benth.) Benth. ex B.D.Jacks. - Queensland, New Guinea Glossocarya longiflora H.R.Fletcher - Thailand Glossocarya mollis Wall. ex Griff - Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Paluan Rabana in Malaysia Glossocarya premnoides Ridl. - Thailand, Perlis in Malaysia Glossocarya puberula Moldenke - Cambodia Glossocarya scandens (L.f.) Trimen - Sri Lanka Glossocarya siamensis Craib - Thailand, Vietnam