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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Mint Family
Cellular Organisms
Green Plants
Seed Plants
"An Order: Mints, Vervains, Snapdragons, Etc."
Mint Family
Stachys sprucei Briq.
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Stachys sprucei Briq.
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Checklist of Selected Plant Families in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Stachys sprucei
Species recognized by
wikipedia VI
Ecuador Species List
, and
wikipedia AZ
Stachys sprucei
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
GBIF classification
GBIF national node type records UK
GBIF national node type records France
, and
GBIF national node type records Brazil
Stachys sprucei
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Stachys sprucei Briq.
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Stachys sprucei Briquet
Recognized by
iDigBio type specimen records
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Stachys sprucei Briq.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Stachys sprucei Briq.
(this page)
Stachys aculeolata Hook. fil.
Stachys adulterina Hemsl.
Stachys aethiopica L.
Stachys ajugoides Benth.
Stachys albanica Markgr.
Stachys albotomentosa Ramamoorthy
Stachys anisochila Vis. & Pancic
Stachys annua (L.) L.
Stachys aristata Greenm.
Stachys arriagana B. L. Turner
Stachys asperata Hedge
Stachys bayburtensis R. Bhattacharjee & Hub.-Mor.
Stachys beckeana Dörfl. & Hayek
Stachys bergii G. A. Mulligan & D. B. Munro
Stachys bodeana Bunge
Stachys burchelliana Launert
Stachys canescens Bory & Chaub.
Stachys caroliniana J. B. Nelson & D. A. Rayner
Stachys collina Brandegee
Stachys cordifolia Prain
Stachys corsica Pers.
Stachys cretica L.
Stachys distans Benth.
Stachys diversifolia Boiss.
Stachys dregeana Benth.
Stachys fendleri Briq.
Stachys fontqueri Pau
Stachys forsythii Hedge
Stachys germanica L.
Stachys glandulibracteata Y. B. Harv.
Stachys globosa Epling
Stachys glutinosa L.
Stachys graciliflora C. Presl
Stachys graveolens Nábelek
Stachys hakkariensis Akçiçek & Firat
Stachys hamata Epling
Stachys harleyana A. Pool
Stachys herrerana Rzed. & Calderón
Stachys huber-morathii R. Bhattacharjee
Stachys humifusa Burch. ex Benth.
Stachys hydrophila Boiss.
Stachys hyssopoides Burch. ex Benth.
Stachys inclusa Epling
Stachys jijigaensis Sebsebe
Stachys keerlii Benth.
Stachys kermanshahensis Rech. fil.
Stachys komarovii Knorring
Stachys kouyangensis (Vaniot) Dunn
Stachys lamarckii Benth.
Stachys lamioides Benth.
Stachys lanigera (Bornm.) Rech. fil.
Stachys latidens Small
Stachys leucoglossa Griseb.
Stachys leucomalla Bornm. & Gauba
Stachys linearis Burch. ex Benth.
Stachys longiflora Boiss. & Balansa
Stachys macraei Benth.
Stachys manantlanensis B. L. Turner
Stachys maritima Gouan
Stachys matthewsii G. P. Fleming, J. B. Nelson & J. F. Towns.
Stachys menthoides Kotschy & Boiss.
Stachys milanii Petrov ex Magnier
Stachys mirabilis Rouy
Stachys mouretii Batt. & Pit.
Stachys munzurdagensis R. Bhattacharjee
Stachys nigricans Benth.
Stachys obscura Boiss. & Balansa
Stachys paneiana Mouterde
Stachys penanevada B. L. Turner
Stachys pittieri Briq.
Stachys pumila Banks & Sol.
Stachys ramosissima Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys reptans Hedge
Stachys reticulata Codd
Stachys rizeensis R. Bhattacharjee
Stachys rothrockii A. Gray
Stachys rudatisii Skan
Stachys rugosa Aiton
Stachys rupestris Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys saturejoides Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys sericantha P. H. Davis
Stachys sericea Cav.
Stachys setifera C. A. Mey.
Stachys sintenisii Gand.
Stachys spinosa L.
Stachys strictiflora C. Y. Wu
Stachys subnuda Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys sylvatica L.
Stachys taliensis C. Y. Wu
Stachys tamaulipana B. L. Turner
Stachys tenuifolia Willd.
Stachys tlaxiacana B. L. Turner
Stachys tournefortii Poir.
Stachys tundjeliensis Kit Tan & Sorger
Stachys turkestanica (Regel) Popov ex Knorring
Stachys turneri Rzed. & Calderón
Stachys uniflora A. Pool
Stachys venezuelana Briq.
Stachys viscosa Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys zoharyana Eig
268 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Lamiales Bromhead
Stachys L.
Stachys sprucei Briq.
(this page)
Stachys aleurites Boiss. & Heldr.
Stachys alpigena T. C. E. Fr.
Stachys alpina L.
Stachys amanica P. H. Davis
Stachys anamurensis Sümbül
Stachys angustifolia M. Bieb.
Stachys anisochila Vis. & Pancic
Stachys annua (L.) L.
Stachys antalyensis Ayasligil & P. H. Davis
Stachys aperta Epling
Stachys appalachiana D. B. Poind. & J. B. Nelson
Stachys arabica Hornem.
Stachys arachnoidea Codd
Stachys araucana Phil.
Stachys arenaria Vahl
Stachys arenariiformis Rouy
Stachys argillicola Sebsebe
Stachys aristata Greenm.
Stachys arrecta L. H. Bailey
Stachys arriagana B. L. Turner
Stachys arvensis (L.) L.
Stachys aspera Michx.
Stachys asperata Hedge
Stachys atherocalyx K. Koch
Stachys aucheri Benth.
Stachys aurea Benth.
Stachys babunensis Micevski
Stachys bakeri Briq.
Stachys balansae Boiss. & Kotschy
Stachys balensis Sebsebe
Stachys bayburtensis R. Bhattacharjee & Hub.-Mor.
Stachys baytopiorum Kit Tan & Yildiz
Stachys beckeana Dörfl. & Hayek
Stachys benthamiana Boiss.
Stachys bergii G. A. Mulligan & D. B. Munro
Stachys bigelovii A. Gray
Stachys bithynica Boiss.
Stachys bizensis Schweinf. ex Baker
Stachys bogotensis Kunth
Stachys bolusii Skan
Stachys bombycina Boiss.
Stachys boraginoides Schltdl. & Cham.
Stachys brachiata Bojer ex Benth.
Stachys brachyclada de Noé
Stachys chamissonis Benth.
Stachys chasmosericea Ayasligil & P. H. Davis
Stachys chinensis Bunge ex Benth.
Stachys choruhensis Kit Tan & Sorger
Stachys chrysantha Boiss. & Heldr.
Stachys circinata L'Hér.
Stachys citrina Boiss. & Heldr. ex Benth.
Stachys clingmanii Small
Stachys coccinea Ortega
Stachys collina Brandegee
Stachys comosa Codd
Stachys cordata Riddell
Stachys cordifolia Prain
Stachys corsica Pers.
Stachys costaricensis Briq.
Stachys cretica L.
Stachys cydni Kotschy ex Gemici & Leblebici
Stachys cymbalaria Briq.
Stachys darcyana A. Pool
Stachys debilis Kunth
Stachys didymantha Brenan
Stachys dinteri Launert
Stachys distans Benth.
Stachys diversifolia Boiss.
Stachys dregeana Benth.
Stachys drummondii Benth.
Stachys durandiana Coss.
Stachys duriaei de Noé
Stachys ehrenbergii Boiss.
Stachys elliptica Kunth
Stachys eplingii J. B. Nelson
Stachys erectiuscula Gürke
Stachys eriantha Benth.
Stachys euadenia P. H. Davis
Stachys euboica Rech. fil.
Stachys fendleri Briq.
Stachys filifolia Hedge
Stachys flexuosa Skan
Stachys floccosa Benth.
Stachys fominii Sosn. ex Grossh.
Stachys fontqueri Pau
Stachys forsythii Hedge
Stachys fragillima Bornm.
Stachys fruticulosa M. Bieb.
Stachys geobombycis C. Y. Wu
Stachys germanica L.
Stachys gilliesii Benth.
Stachys glandulibracteata Y. B. Harv.
Stachys glandulifera Post
Stachys glandulosissima Floden
Stachys globosa Epling
Stachys glutinosa L.
Stachys gossweileri G. Taylor
Stachys × bodeana Bunge
Stachys × cryptadenia Rech. fil.
Stachys × digenea Legué
270 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Stachys sprucei Briq.
(this page)
Stachys aculeolata Hook. fil.
Stachys adulterina Hemsl.
Stachys aethiopica L.
Stachys ajugoides Benth.
Stachys albanica Markgr.
Stachys albotomentosa Ramamoorthy
Stachys anisochila Vis. & Pancic
Stachys annua (L.) L.
Stachys aristata Greenm.
Stachys arriagana B. L. Turner
Stachys asperata Hedge
Stachys bayburtensis R. Bhattacharjee & Hub.-Mor.
Stachys beckeana Dörfl. & Hayek
Stachys bergii G. A. Mulligan & D. B. Munro
Stachys bodeana Bunge
Stachys burchelliana Launert
Stachys canescens Bory & Chaub.
Stachys caroliniana J. B. Nelson & D. A. Rayner
Stachys collina Brandegee
Stachys cordifolia Prain
Stachys corsica Pers.
Stachys cretica L.
Stachys distans Benth.
Stachys diversifolia Boiss.
Stachys dregeana Benth.
Stachys fendleri Briq.
Stachys fontqueri Pau
Stachys forsythii Hedge
Stachys germanica L.
Stachys glandulibracteata Y. B. Harv.
Stachys globosa Epling
Stachys glutinosa L.
Stachys graciliflora C. Presl
Stachys graveolens Nábelek
Stachys hakkariensis Akçiçek & Firat
Stachys hamata Epling
Stachys harleyana A. Pool
Stachys herrerana Rzed. & Calderón
Stachys huber-morathii R. Bhattacharjee
Stachys humifusa Burch. ex Benth.
Stachys hydrophila Boiss.
Stachys hyssopoides Burch. ex Benth.
Stachys inclusa Epling
Stachys jijigaensis Sebsebe
Stachys keerlii Benth.
Stachys kermanshahensis Rech. fil.
Stachys komarovii Knorring
Stachys kouyangensis (Vaniot) Dunn
Stachys lamarckii Benth.
Stachys lamioides Benth.
Stachys lanigera (Bornm.) Rech. fil.
Stachys latidens Small
Stachys leucoglossa Griseb.
Stachys leucomalla Bornm. & Gauba
Stachys linearis Burch. ex Benth.
Stachys longiflora Boiss. & Balansa
Stachys macraei Benth.
Stachys manantlanensis B. L. Turner
Stachys maritima Gouan
Stachys matthewsii G. P. Fleming, J. B. Nelson & J. F. Towns.
Stachys menthoides Kotschy & Boiss.
Stachys milanii Petrov ex Magnier
Stachys mirabilis Rouy
Stachys mouretii Batt. & Pit.
Stachys munzurdagensis R. Bhattacharjee
Stachys nigricans Benth.
Stachys obscura Boiss. & Balansa
Stachys paneiana Mouterde
Stachys penanevada B. L. Turner
Stachys pittieri Briq.
Stachys pumila Banks & Sol.
Stachys ramosissima Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys reptans Hedge
Stachys reticulata Codd
Stachys rizeensis R. Bhattacharjee
Stachys rothrockii A. Gray
Stachys rudatisii Skan
Stachys rugosa Aiton
Stachys rupestris Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys saturejoides Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys sericantha P. H. Davis
Stachys sericea Cav.
Stachys setifera C. A. Mey.
Stachys sintenisii Gand.
Stachys spinosa L.
Stachys strictiflora C. Y. Wu
Stachys subnuda Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys sylvatica L.
Stachys taliensis C. Y. Wu
Stachys tamaulipana B. L. Turner
Stachys tenuifolia Willd.
Stachys tlaxiacana B. L. Turner
Stachys tournefortii Poir.
Stachys tundjeliensis Kit Tan & Sorger
Stachys turkestanica (Regel) Popov ex Knorring
Stachys turneri Rzed. & Calderón
Stachys uniflora A. Pool
Stachys venezuelana Briq.
Stachys viscosa Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys zoharyana Eig
268 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Stachys sprucei Briq.
(this page)
Stachys aculeolata Hook. fil.
Stachys adulterina Hemsl.
Stachys aethiopica L.
Stachys ajugoides Benth.
Stachys albanica Markgr.
Stachys albotomentosa Ramamoorthy
Stachys anisochila Vis. & Pancic
Stachys annua (L.) L.
Stachys aristata Greenm.
Stachys arriagana B. L. Turner
Stachys asperata Hedge
Stachys bayburtensis R. Bhattacharjee & Hub.-Mor.
Stachys beckeana Dorfl. & Hayek
Stachys bergii G. A. Mulligan & D. B. Munro
Stachys bodeana Bunge
Stachys burchelliana Launert
Stachys canescens Bory & Chaub.
Stachys caroliniana J. B. Nelson & D. A. Rayner
Stachys collina Brandegee
Stachys cordifolia Prain
Stachys corsica Pers.
Stachys cretica L.
Stachys distans Benth.
Stachys diversifolia Boiss.
Stachys dregeana Benth.
Stachys fendleri Briq.
Stachys fontqueri Pau
Stachys forsythii Hedge
Stachys germanica L.
Stachys glandulibracteata Y. B. Harv.
Stachys globosa Epling
Stachys glutinosa L.
Stachys graciliflora C. Presl
Stachys graveolens Nábelek
Stachys hakkariensis Akçiçek & Firat
Stachys hamata Epling
Stachys harleyana A. Pool
Stachys herrerana Rzed. & Calderón
Stachys huber-morathii R. Bhattacharjee
Stachys humifusa Burch. ex Benth.
Stachys hydrophila Boiss.
Stachys hyssopoides Burch. ex Benth.
Stachys inclusa Epling
Stachys jijigaensis Sebsebe
Stachys keerlii Benth.
Stachys kermanshahensis Rech. fil.
Stachys komarovii Knorring
Stachys kouyangensis (Vaniot) Dunn
Stachys lamarckii Benth.
Stachys lamioides Benth.
Stachys lanigera (Bornm.) Rech. fil.
Stachys latidens Small
Stachys leucoglossa Griseb.
Stachys leucomalla Bornm. & Gauba
Stachys linearis Burch. ex Benth.
Stachys longiflora Boiss. & Balansa
Stachys macraei Benth.
Stachys manantlanensis B. L. Turner
Stachys maritima Gouan
Stachys matthewsii G. P. Fleming, J. B. Nelson & J. F. Towns.
Stachys menthoides Kotschy & Boiss.
Stachys milanii Petrov ex Magnier
Stachys mirabilis Rouy
Stachys mouretii Batt. & Pit.
Stachys munzurdagensis R. Bhattacharjee
Stachys nigricans Benth.
Stachys obscura Boiss. & Balansa
Stachys paneiana Mouterde
Stachys penanevada B. L. Turner
Stachys pittieri Briq.
Stachys pumila Banks & Sol.
Stachys ramosissima Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys reptans Hedge
Stachys reticulata Codd
Stachys rizeensis R. Bhattacharjee
Stachys rothrockii A. Gray
Stachys rudatisii Skan
Stachys rugosa Aiton
Stachys rupestris Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys saturejoides Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys sericantha P. H. Davis
Stachys sericea Cav.
Stachys setifera C. A. Mey.
Stachys sintenisii Gand.
Stachys spinosa L.
Stachys strictiflora C. Y. Wu
Stachys subnuda Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys sylvatica L.
Stachys taliensis C. Y. Wu
Stachys tamaulipana B. L. Turner
Stachys tenuifolia Willd.
Stachys tlaxiacana B. L. Turner
Stachys tournefortii Poir.
Stachys tundjeliensis Kit Tan & Sorger
Stachys turkestanica (Regel) Popov ex Knorring
Stachys turneri Rzed. & Calderón
Stachys uniflora A. Pool
Stachys venezuelana Briq.
Stachys viscosa Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys zoharyana Eig
268 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Stachys sprucei Briq.
(this page)
Stachys aculeolata Hook. fil.
Stachys adulterina Hemsl.
Stachys aethiopica L.
Stachys ajugoides Benth.
Stachys albanica Markgr.
Stachys albotomentosa Ramamoorthy
Stachys anisochila Vis. & Pancic
Stachys annua (L.) L.
Stachys aristata Greenm.
Stachys arriagana B. L. Turner
Stachys asperata Hedge
Stachys bayburtensis R. Bhattacharjee & Hub.-Mor.
Stachys beckeana Dörfl. & Hayek
Stachys bergii G. A. Mulligan & D. B. Munro
Stachys bodeana Bunge
Stachys burchelliana Launert
Stachys canescens Bory & Chaub.
Stachys caroliniana J. B. Nelson & D. A. Rayner
Stachys collina Brandegee
Stachys cordifolia Prain
Stachys corsica Pers.
Stachys cretica L.
Stachys distans Benth.
Stachys diversifolia Boiss.
Stachys dregeana Benth.
Stachys fendleri Briq.
Stachys fontqueri Pau
Stachys forsythii Hedge
Stachys germanica L.
Stachys glandulibracteata Y. B. Harv.
Stachys globosa Epling
Stachys glutinosa L.
Stachys graciliflora C. Presl
Stachys graveolens Nábelek
Stachys hakkariensis Akçiçek & Firat
Stachys hamata Epling
Stachys harleyana A. Pool
Stachys herrerana Rzed. & Calderón
Stachys huber-morathii R. Bhattacharjee
Stachys humifusa Burch. ex Benth.
Stachys hydrophila Boiss.
Stachys hyssopoides Burch. ex Benth.
Stachys inclusa Epling
Stachys jijigaensis Sebsebe
Stachys keerlii Benth.
Stachys kermanshahensis Rech. fil.
Stachys komarovii Knorring
Stachys kouyangensis (Vaniot) Dunn
Stachys lamarckii Benth.
Stachys lamioides Benth.
Stachys lanigera (Bornm.) Rech. fil.
Stachys latidens Small
Stachys leucoglossa Griseb.
Stachys leucomalla Bornm. & Gauba
Stachys linearis Burch. ex Benth.
Stachys longiflora Boiss. & Balansa
Stachys macraei Benth.
Stachys manantlanensis B. L. Turner
Stachys maritima Gouan
Stachys matthewsii G. P. Fleming, J. B. Nelson & J. F. Towns.
Stachys menthoides Kotschy & Boiss.
Stachys milanii Petrov ex Magnier
Stachys mirabilis Rouy
Stachys mouretii Batt. & Pit.
Stachys munzurdagensis R. Bhattacharjee
Stachys nigricans Benth.
Stachys obscura Boiss. & Balansa
Stachys paneiana Mouterde
Stachys penanevada B. L. Turner
Stachys pittieri Briq.
Stachys pumila Banks & Sol.
Stachys ramosissima Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys reptans Hedge
Stachys reticulata Codd
Stachys rizeensis R. Bhattacharjee
Stachys rothrockii A. Gray
Stachys rudatisii Skan
Stachys rugosa Aiton
Stachys rupestris Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys saturejoides Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys sericantha P. H. Davis
Stachys sericea Cav.
Stachys setifera C. A. Mey.
Stachys sintenisii Gand.
Stachys spinosa L.
Stachys strictiflora C. Y. Wu
Stachys subnuda Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys sylvatica L.
Stachys taliensis C. Y. Wu
Stachys tamaulipana B. L. Turner
Stachys tenuifolia Willd.
Stachys tlaxiacana B. L. Turner
Stachys tournefortii Poir.
Stachys tundjeliensis Kit Tan & Sorger
Stachys turkestanica (Regel) Popov ex Knorring
Stachys turneri Rzed. & Calderón
Stachys uniflora A. Pool
Stachys venezuelana Briq.
Stachys viscosa Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.
Stachys zoharyana Eig
268 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Stachys L.
Stachys sprucei Briq.
(this page)
Stachys affinis Bunge
Stachys ajugoides Benth.
Stachys albens A. Gray
Stachys annua L.
Stachys arvensis L.
Stachys aspera Michx.
Stachys bergii G. A. Mulligan & D. B. Munro
Stachys bigelovii A. Gray
Stachys bullata Benth.
Stachys byzantina K. Koch
Stachys chamissonis Benth.
Stachys clingmanii Small
Stachys coccinea Ortega
Stachys cordata Riddell
Stachys cretica L.
Stachys drummondii Benth.
Stachys eplingii J. B. Nelson
Stachys eremicola Epling
Stachys eriantha Benth.
Stachys euadenia P. H. Davis
Stachys euboica Rech. fil.
Stachys fendleri Briq.
Stachys filifolia Hedge
Stachys flavescens Benth.
Stachys flexuosa Skan
Stachys floccosa Benth.
Stachys floridana Shuttlew. ex Benth.
Stachys fontqueri Pau
Stachys forsythii Hedge
Stachys fragillima Bornm.
Stachys geobombycis C. Y. Wu
Stachys germanica L.
Stachys gilliesii Benth.
Stachys glandulibracteata Y. B. Harv.
Stachys glandulosa Hutch. & E. A. Bruce
Stachys globosa Epling
Stachys glutinosa L.
Stachys gossweileri G. Taylor
Stachys goulimyi Rech. fil.
Stachys graciliflora C. Presl
Stachys graeca Boiss. & Heldr.
Stachys grandidentata Lindl.
Stachys grandifolia E. Mey.
Stachys graveolens Nábělek
Stachys hamata Epling
Stachys harleyana A. Pool
Stachys hebens Epling
Stachys herrerae Epling
Stachys herrerana Rzed. & Calderón
Stachys hians Briq.
Stachys hintoniorum B. L. Turner
Stachys hispida Pursh
Stachys huber-morathii R. Bhattacharjee
Stachys huetii Boiss.
Stachys huillensis Hiern
Stachys humbertii Hedge
Stachys humifusa Burch. ex Benth.
Stachys hydrophila Boiss.
Stachys hyssopifolia Michx.
Stachys hyssopoides Burch. ex Benth.
Stachys inanis Hausskn. & Bornm.
Stachys inclusa Epling
Stachys ionica Halácsy
Stachys iraqensis R. Bhattacharjee
Stachys iva Griseb.
Stachys jaimehintonii B. L. Turner
Stachys jijigaensis Sebsebe
Stachys keerlii Benth.
Stachys kermanshahensis Rech. fil.
Stachys komarovii Knorr.
Stachys kotschyi Boiss. & Hohen.
Stachys kulalensis Sebsebe
Stachys kuntzei Gürke
Stachys lamarckii Benth.
Stachys langmaniae Rzed. & G. Calderón de Rzedowski
Stachys lanigera (Bornm.) Rech. fil.
Stachys laxa Boiss. & Buhse
Stachys leucoglossa Griseb.
Stachys leucomalla Bornm. & Gauba
Stachys libanotica Benth.
Stachys linearis Burch. ex Benth.
Stachys longiflora Boiss. & Balansa
Stachys longispicata Boiss. & Kotschy
Stachys lyallii Benth.
Stachys macraei Benth.
Stachys macrotricha Rech. fil. & Goulimy
Stachys mexicana Benth.
Stachys ocymastrum Briq.
Stachys palustris L.
Stachys palustris × Stachys sylvatica
Stachys palustris × Stachys sylvatica
Stachys pilosa Nutt.
Stachys pycnantha Benth.
Stachys recta L.
Stachys rigida Nutt. ex Benth.
Stachys rothrockii A. Gray
Stachys stebbinsii G. A. Mulligan & D. B. Munro
Stachys stricta Greene
Stachys sylvatica L.
Stachys tenuifolia Willd.
295 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Stachys sprucei Briq.
(this page)
Achyrospermum micranthum Perkins
Acrotome mozambiquensis G. Taylor
Aegiphila herzogii Moldenke
Aegiphila steinbachii Moldenke
Aeollanthus holstii Gürke
Aeollanthus stuhlmannii Gürke
Callicarpa selleana Urb. & Ekman
Clerodendrum eucalycinum Oliv.
Clerodendrum involucratum Vatke
Clerodendrum kauderni Moldenke
Clerodendrum quadriloculare (Blanco) Merr.
Clerodendrum sylvae Adain
Gmelina asiatica L.
Gmelina basifilum de Kok
Gmelina chinensis Benth.
Gmelina dalrympleana (F. Muell.) H. J. Lam
Gmelina elliptica Sm.
Gmelina hollrungii de Kok
Gmelina lecomtei Dop
Gmelina ledermannii H. J. Lam
Gmelina lepidota Scheff.
Gmelina palawensis H. J. Lam
Gmelina papuana Bakh.
Gmelina peltata de Kok
Gmelina philippensis Cham.
Gmelina racemosa (Lour.) Merr.
Gmelina salomonensis Bakh.
Gmelina schlechteri H. J. Lam
Gmelina sessilis C. T. White & W. D. Francis ex Lane-Poole
Gmelina smithii Moldenke
Gmelina tholicola Mabb.
Gmelina uniflora Stapf
Hyptis grisea Harley
Hyptis kempffiana Harley
Hyptis tuberosa Harley
Hyptis woodii Harley
Karomia humbertii (Moldenke) R. Fern.
Karomia macrocalyx (Baker) R. Fern.
Karomia madagascariensis (Moldenke) R. Fern.
Karomia microphylla (Moldenke) R. Fern.
Karomia mira (Moldenke) R. Fern.
Lavandula maroccana Murb.
Madlabium magenteum Hedge
Plectranthus cucullatus A. J. Paton
Premna aureolepidota Moldenke
Premna bequaertii Moldenke
Premna decaryi Moldenke
Premna humbertii Moldenke
Premna lepidella Moldenke
Premna longiacuminata Moldenke
Premna longipetiolata Moldenke
Premna madagascariensis Moldenke
Premna perplexans Moldenke
Pseudocarpidium wrightii Millsp.
Pycnostachys goetzenii Gürke
Rotheca bukobensis (Gürke) Verdc.
Rotheca myricoides subsp. ussukumae (Verdc.) Verdc.
Salvia taraxacifolia Coss. & Balansa
Teijsmanniodendron bintuluense Moldenke
Teijsmanniodendron bullatum Rusea
Teijsmanniodendron coriaceum (C. B. Clarke) Kosterm.
Teijsmanniodendron glabrum Merr.
Teijsmanniodendron havilandii (Ridl.) Rusea
Teijsmanniodendron hollrungii (Warb.) Kosterm.
Teijsmanniodendron holophyllum (Baker) Kosterm.
Teijsmanniodendron latiffii Rusea
Teijsmanniodendron obscurinerve Rusea
Teijsmanniodendron pteropodum (Miq.) Bakh.
Teijsmanniodendron punctatum Rusea
Thymus saturejoides Coss.
Vitex aurea Moldenke
Vitex befotakensis Moldenke
Vitex beraviensis Vatke
Vitex betsiliensis Humbert
Vitex bojeri Schau
Vitex cauliflora Moldenke
Vitex cestroides Baker
Vitex chrysomallum Steud.
Vitex coursii Moldenke
Vitex elakelakensis Moldenke
Vitex flava Ridl.
Vitex grandidiana W. Piep.
Vitex hirsutissima Baker
Vitex hispidissima (Seem.) Callm. & Phillipson
Vitex humbertii Moldenke
Vitex lanigera Schauer
Vitex lastellei Moldenke
Vitex lowryi Callm., Phillipson & G. E. Schatz
Vitex madagascariensis Moldenke
Vitex masoalensis G. E. Schatz
Vitex oscitans Moldenke
Vitex perrieri Danguy
Vitex phillyreifolia Baker
Vitex rubra Moldenke
Vitex rubroaurantiaca De Wild.
Vitex stellata Moldenke
Vitex teloravina Baker
Vitex trichantha Baker
Vitex uniflora Baker
Vitex vondrozensis Moldenke
626 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.