Conzattia is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae. It belongs to the subfamily Caesalpinioideae.
The genus is native to Mexico, and includes trees and shrubs native to tropical and subtropical seasonally-dry forests, woodlands, and scrublands.[1]
Conzattia multiflora is used for construction timber, fuel, and medicine across its native range. It is often found growing near ancient temples, which may be an indication of its use by indigenous peoples.[1]
Three species are recognized:[1]
Conzattia is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae. It belongs to the subfamily Caesalpinioideae.
The genus is native to Mexico, and includes trees and shrubs native to tropical and subtropical seasonally-dry forests, woodlands, and scrublands.
Conzattia multiflora is used for construction timber, fuel, and medicine across its native range. It is often found growing near ancient temples, which may be an indication of its use by indigenous peoples.
Conzattia es un género de plantas con flores perteneciente a la familia Fabaceae. Comprende 4 especies descritas y de estas, solo 3 aceptadas.[1]
El género fue descrito por Joseph Nelson Rose y publicado en Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 12(9): 407. 1909.[2]
A continuación se brinda un listado de las especies del género Conzattia aceptadas hasta julio de 2014, ordenadas alfabéticamente. Para cada una se indica el nombre binomial seguido del autor, abreviado según las convenciones y usos.
Conzattia es un género de plantas con flores perteneciente a la familia Fabaceae. Comprende 4 especies descritas y de estas, solo 3 aceptadas.
Conzattia est un genre de plantes dicotylédones de la famille des Fabaceae, sous-famille des Caesalpinioideae, originaire du Mexique, qui comprend trois espèces acceptées.
Le nom générique, « Conzattia », est un hommage à Cassiano Conzatti (1862–1951) botaniste mexicain d'origine italienne, collecteur de plantes au Mexique et au Chili[2].
Selon The Plant List (17 novembre 2018)[3] :
Conzattia est un genre de plantes dicotylédones de la famille des Fabaceae, sous-famille des Caesalpinioideae, originaire du Mexique, qui comprend trois espèces acceptées.
Conzattia é um género botânico pertencente à família Fabaceae[1].
Conzattia é um género botânico pertencente à família Fabaceae.
«Conzattia — World Flora Online». Consultado em 19 de agosto de 2020Conzattia là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu.[1]
Conzattia là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu.