Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 2005-06-09 Location: Ewanrigg Habitat: Open miombo woodland
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 2012-12-29 Location: C. 4 km east of Madziwa Mine Habitat: Miombo woodland at base of rocky hill
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 2010-06-08 Location: Nhambita; 450 m NE of Old cotton factory on road 218, just NE of Pungue river. Habitat:
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 2014-06-21 Location: Bue Maria, Gorongosa National Park
Habitat: Wooded rocky outcrop
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 1976-00-00 Location: Habitat:
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 1976-00-00 Location: Habitat:
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 1976-00-00 Location: Habitat:
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 1976-00-00 Location: Habitat:
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 0000-00-00 Location: Lusaka District. Habitat:
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 0000-00-00 Location: Lusaka District. Habitat:
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 0000-00-00 Location: Lusaka District. Habitat:
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 2004-05-29 Location: Campsite, Osborne Dam Recreational Park. Habitat: Open (park-like) woodland
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 0000-00-00 Location: Lusaka District. Habitat:
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 2004-10-17 Location: Maringambizi, Mtoroshanga Habitat: Open woodland
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 2007-12-01 Location: Along road to Gorongosa national Park near EN1 Habitat: Mixed miombo woodland
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 2007-12-01 Location: Along road to Gorongosa national Park near EN1 Habitat: Mixed miombo woodland
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 2007-12-01 Location: Along road to Gorongosa national Park near EN1 Habitat: Mixed miombo woodland
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 2007-05-16 Location: At control post Bela Vista, Gorongosa District Habitat: Disturbed roadside vegetation
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 2007-12-09 Location: Mussapa pequeno crossing, road to Chikukwa, lower Chimanimani Mts Habitat: Mixed miombo woodland
Species: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon Date: 2012-12-29 Location: C. 4 km east of Madziwa Mine Habitat: Miombo woodland at base of rocky hill