
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Spodoptera compta (Walker)
Figs. 107, 219-220, 316, 346, 378, 410, 442, 529
Laphygma compta Walker 1869: 31.
Spodoptera compta; Hampson 1909: 255; Draudt 1926: 256; Poole 1989: 922.
Diagnosis. — Could possibly be confused with S. evanida, but S. compta is lighter in ground color and posterior half of postmedian line is outlined in white (Figs. 219-220).
Description. Adult Male. — Head: Basal segment of labial palpus light brown speckled with rufous and white scales; median segment light brown speckled with rufous and white scales; apical segment light brown speckled with rufous and white scales. Frons with short scales cream; long scales cream; lateral spots at eye margin absent; vertex light brown. Antenna filiform; scape light brown; flagellum cream annulated brown, becoming completely cream toward apex.
Thorax: Patagium light brown. Tegula light brown. Mesothorax light brown. Underside of thorax cream. Prothoracic femur light brown and white; tibia with lateral scale tufts not extending beyond first tarsal segment, light brown and white, subapical spot fuscous (faint); tarsal segments 1-2 cream, 3-5 pale fuscous with cream apical rings. Mesothoracic femur light brown and cream; tibia light brown and cream, inner spur more than twice length of outer spur, spurs completely scaled; tarsal segments 1-3 rufous and cream, 4-5 pale fuscous and rufous with cream apical rings. Metathoracic femur rufous and cream; tibia rufous and cream; tarsal segments 1-5 pale fuscous and cream with cream apical rings.
Foreiving: Length, 12 mm (n=2); ground color rufous; basal line absent; longitudinal black dash at base absent; antemedial line absent; claviform spot absent; gray patch covering anal cell and half of cell CuA2 absent; oblique brown mark from fifth outer marginal spot to vein CuA2 absent; or-
bicular spot oval, light brown; reniform spot absent; all longitudinal veins faintly outlined in pale brown and a few white scales from discal cell to outer margin; postmedial line pale brown from Ml to anal vein outlined with white from M3 to anal vein; subterminal line absent; apex lacking a white patch; spots along outer margin absent; fringe rufous. Underside ground color white with cream on leading edge and along veins; reniform spot absent.
Hindwing: Ground color white; no other markings, immaculate; fringe white. Underside ground color white; costal cells C and Sc cream speckled with rufous scales; outer margin spots absent; no spot on underside.
Abdomen: Dorsum cream; venter cream (speckled with rufous scales); disto-lateral black spots on sternites absent; 8th tergite with spiculate patches absent on caudal margin.
Genitalia: Uncus evenly curved; slender, gradually narrowing toward pointed apex; setae absent or few. Scaphium elongate, well sclerotized. Tegumen with lateral swellings at basal twothirds. Costa convex (Figs. 316, 346). Costal process narrow, elongate; at base of costa on inner edge; perpendicular to costa of valve. Cucullus curved at costal apex, outer margin straight. Anellifer with lightly sclerotized plate bearing setae absent. Ampulla short, thumb-shaped lobe, apex round (Figs. 316, 346). Clasper proper with apex round, curved toward sacculus (Figs. 316, 346). Clavus absent. Sacculus broad to half its length, tapering distally; apex pointed. Valvula wider than valve; well differentiated from valve, apex free; apex truncate; indentation absent. Coremata reduced, closely appressed to sacculus; no distinct lobes. Juxta quadrate with lateral third distinct, ventral margin an inverted V-shape. Anellus with minute granules. Vinculum round. Aedoeagus straight; coecum smaller in diameter than shaft; patch of various sized robust spines on apex of membranous sheath surrounding aedoeagus.
Adult Female. — Essentially as described for male except:
Genitalia: Ventral plate of ostium bursa wider than high; distal margin with a single median projection; ventrolateral invaginated pocket of 8th sternite absent. Ductus bursae short (length less than twice width); unsclerotized. Appendix bursae membranous. Corpus bursae bulbous, length less than twice width; striate convolutions.
Signum in apical half of corpus bursae; moderately elongate, length between 0.66-1.1 mm; almost vertical.
Larva. — Unknown.
Type material. — Laphygma compta Walker. The holotype 8 [BMNH] is labeled: Type; Norris Coll., 73-41; Peru; compta; Noctuidae genitalia slide No. 3474 8. Type locality: Peru.
Material Examined. — Specimens were examined from the following country: Peru.
Distribution (Fig. 529). — Known from Peru.
bibliographic citation
Pogue, M.G. 2002. A world revision of the genus Spodoptera Guenée (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 20. Philadelphia, USA