Description: English: Anthracodromeus longipes (CM 81532), (A) photograph and (B) illustration of CM 81532. Anatomical abbreviations: ent = entepicondylar foramen, f = femur, fib = fibula, gs = gastralia, h = humerus, is = ischium, il = ilium, mc = metacarpal, mt = metatarsal, mu = manual ungual, ph = phalanx, pu = pedal ungual, rad = radius, sr = sacral ribs, ti-tibia, ul = ulna. Date: 2021. Source: Digit and Ungual Morphology Suggest Adaptations for Scansoriality in the Late Carboniferous Eureptile Anthracodromeus longipes Author: Arjan Mann, Thomas W. Dudgeon, Amy C. Henrici, David S Berman, Stephanie E. Pierce1.