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names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Frogs And Toads
True Frogs
Cellular Organisms
Jawed Fish
Lobe Finned Fishes
Terrestrial Vertebrates
Frogs And Toads
True Frogs
Amolops gerutu Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Amolops gerutu Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Amolops gerutu
Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World
Amolops gerutu
Onn, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Amolops gerutu Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
GBIF data coverage
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Amolops gerutu Onn, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
Species recognized by
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Amolops gerutu Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Ranidae Batsch 1796
Amolops Cope 1865
Amolops gerutu Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
(this page)
Amolops afghanus (Günther 1858)
Amolops akhaorum Stuart, Bain, Phimmachak & Spence 2010
Amolops albispinus Sung, Hu, Wang, Liu & Wang 2016
Amolops aniqiaoensis Dong, Rao & Lü ex Zhao, Rao, Lü & Dong 2005
Amolops archotaphus (Inger & Chan-ard 1997)
Amolops assamensis Sengupta, Hussain, Choudhury, Gogoi, Ahmed & Choudhury 2008
Amolops australis Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
Amolops bellulus Liu, Yang, Ferraris & Matsui 2000
Amolops caelumnoctis Rao & Wilkinson 2007
Amolops chakrataensis Ray 1992
Amolops chayuensis Sun, Luo, Sun & Zhang 2013
Amolops chunganensis (Pope 1929)
Amolops compotrix (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops cremnobatus Inger & Kottelat 1998
Amolops cucae (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops daiyunensis (Liu & Hu 1975)
Amolops daorum (Bain, Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov & Ho 2003)
Amolops formosus (Günther 1876)
Amolops gerbillus (Annandale 1912)
Amolops granulosus (Liu & Hu 1961)
Amolops hainanensis (Boulenger 1900)
Amolops himalayanus (Boulenger 1888)
Amolops hongkongensis (Pope & Romer 1951)
Amolops indoburmanensis Dever, Fuiten, Konu & Wilkinson 2012
Amolops iriodes (Bain & Nguyen 2004)
Amolops jaunsari Ray 1992
Amolops jinjiangensis Su, Yang & Li 1986
Amolops kaulbacki (Smith 1940)
Amolops kohimaensis Biju, Mahony & Kamei 2010
Amolops larutensis (Boulenger 1899)
Amolops lifanensis (Liu 1945)
Amolops loloensis (Liu 1950)
Amolops longimanus (Andersson 1939)
Amolops mantzorum (David 1872)
Amolops marmoratus (Blyth 1855)
Amolops medogensis Li & Rao ex Zhao, Rao, Lü & Dong 2005
Amolops mengdingensis Yu, Wu & Yang 2019
Amolops mengyangensis Wu & Tian 1995
Amolops minutus Orlov & Ho 2007
Amolops monticola (Anderson 1871)
Amolops nidorbellus Biju, Mahony & Kamei 2010
Amolops nyingchiensis Jiang, Wang, Xie, Jiang & Che 2016
Amolops panhai Matsui & Nabhitabhata 2006
Amolops ricketti (Boulenger 1899)
Amolops shuichengicus Lyu & Wang 2019
Amolops sinensis Lyu, Wang & Wang 2019
Amolops spinapectoralis Inger, Orlov & Darevsky 1999
Amolops splendissimus Orlov & Ho 2007
Amolops torrentis (Smith 1923)
Amolops tuberodepressus Liu & Yang 2000
Amolops viridimaculatus (Jiang 1983)
Amolops vitreus (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops wenshanensis Yuan, Jin, Li, Stuart & Wu 2018
Amolops wuyiensis (Liu & Hu 1975)
Amolops xinduqiao Fei, Ye, Wang & Jiang 2017
Amolops yatseni Lyu, Wang & Wang 2019
Amolops yunkaiensis Lyu, Wang, Liu, Zeng & Wang 2018
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Ranidae Batsch 1796
Amolops Cope 1865
Amolops gerutu Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
(this page)
Amolops afghanus (Günther 1858)
Amolops akhaorum Stuart, Bain, Phimmachak & Spence 2010
Amolops albispinus Sung, Hu, Wang, Liu & Wang 2016
Amolops aniqiaoensis Dong, Rao & Lü ex Zhao, Rao, Lü & Dong 2005
Amolops archotaphus (Inger & Chan-ard 1997)
Amolops assamensis Sengupta, Hussain, Choudhury, Gogoi, Ahmed & Choudhury 2008
Amolops australis Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
Amolops bellulus Liu, Yang, Ferraris & Matsui 2000
Amolops caelumnoctis Rao & Wilkinson 2007
Amolops chakrataensis Ray 1992
Amolops chayuensis Sun, Luo, Sun & Zhang 2013
Amolops chunganensis (Pope 1929)
Amolops compotrix (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops cremnobatus Inger & Kottelat 1998
Amolops cucae (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops daiyunensis (Liu & Hu 1975)
Amolops daorum (Bain, Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov & Ho 2003)
Amolops formosus (Günther 1876)
Amolops gerbillus (Annandale 1912)
Amolops granulosus (Liu & Hu 1961)
Amolops hainanensis (Boulenger 1900)
Amolops himalayanus (Boulenger 1888)
Amolops hongkongensis (Pope & Romer 1951)
Amolops indoburmanensis Dever, Fuiten, Konu & Wilkinson 2012
Amolops iriodes (Bain & Nguyen 2004)
Amolops jaunsari Ray 1992
Amolops jinjiangensis Su, Yang & Li 1986
Amolops kaulbacki (Smith 1940)
Amolops kohimaensis Biju, Mahony & Kamei 2010
Amolops larutensis (Boulenger 1899)
Amolops lifanensis (Liu 1945)
Amolops loloensis (Liu 1950)
Amolops longimanus (Andersson 1939)
Amolops mantzorum (David 1872)
Amolops marmoratus (Blyth 1855)
Amolops medogensis Li & Rao ex Zhao, Rao, Lü & Dong 2005
Amolops mengdingensis Yu, Wu & Yang 2019
Amolops mengyangensis Wu & Tian 1995
Amolops minutus Orlov & Ho 2007
Amolops monticola (Anderson 1871)
Amolops nidorbellus Biju, Mahony & Kamei 2010
Amolops nyingchiensis Jiang, Wang, Xie, Jiang & Che 2016
Amolops panhai Matsui & Nabhitabhata 2006
Amolops ricketti (Boulenger 1899)
Amolops shuichengicus Lyu & Wang 2019
Amolops sinensis Lyu, Wang & Wang 2019
Amolops spinapectoralis Inger, Orlov & Darevsky 1999
Amolops splendissimus Orlov & Ho 2007
Amolops torrentis (Smith 1923)
Amolops tuberodepressus Liu & Yang 2000
Amolops viridimaculatus (Jiang 1983)
Amolops vitreus (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops wenshanensis Yuan, Jin, Li, Stuart & Wu 2018
Amolops wuyiensis (Liu & Hu 1975)
Amolops xinduqiao Fei, Ye, Wang & Jiang 2017
Amolops yatseni Lyu, Wang & Wang 2019
Amolops yunkaiensis Lyu, Wang, Liu, Zeng & Wang 2018
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Amolops gerutu Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
(this page)
Amolops afghanus (Günther 1858)
Amolops akhaorum Stuart, Bain, Phimmachak & Spence 2010
Amolops albispinus Sung, Hu, Wang, Liu & Wang 2016
Amolops aniqiaoensis Dong, Rao & Lü ex Zhao, Rao, Lü & Dong 2005
Amolops archotaphus (Inger & Chan-ard 1997)
Amolops assamensis Sengupta, Hussain, Choudhury, Gogoi, Ahmed & Choudhury 2008
Amolops australis Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
Amolops bellulus Liu, Yang, Ferraris & Matsui 2000
Amolops caelumnoctis Rao & Wilkinson 2007
Amolops chakrataensis Ray 1992
Amolops chayuensis Sun, Luo, Sun & Zhang 2013
Amolops chunganensis (Pope 1929)
Amolops compotrix (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops cremnobatus Inger & Kottelat 1998
Amolops cucae (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops daiyunensis (Liu & Hu 1975)
Amolops daorum (Bain, Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov & Ho 2003)
Amolops formosus (Günther 1876)
Amolops gerbillus (Annandale 1912)
Amolops granulosus (Liu & Hu 1961)
Amolops hainanensis (Boulenger 1900)
Amolops himalayanus (Boulenger 1888)
Amolops hongkongensis (Pope & Romer 1951)
Amolops indoburmanensis Dever, Fuiten, Konu & Wilkinson 2012
Amolops iriodes (Bain & Nguyen 2004)
Amolops jaunsari Ray 1992
Amolops jinjiangensis Su, Yang & Li 1986
Amolops kaulbacki (Smith 1940)
Amolops kohimaensis Biju, Mahony & Kamei 2010
Amolops larutensis (Boulenger 1899)
Amolops lifanensis (Liu 1945)
Amolops loloensis (Liu 1950)
Amolops longimanus (Andersson 1939)
Amolops mantzorum (David 1872)
Amolops marmoratus (Blyth 1855)
Amolops medogensis Li & Rao ex Zhao, Rao, Lü & Dong 2005
Amolops mengdingensis Yu, Wu & Yang 2019
Amolops mengyangensis Wu & Tian 1995
Amolops minutus Orlov & Ho 2007
Amolops monticola (Anderson 1871)
Amolops nidorbellus Biju, Mahony & Kamei 2010
Amolops nyingchiensis Jiang, Wang, Xie, Jiang & Che 2016
Amolops panhai Matsui & Nabhitabhata 2006
Amolops ricketti (Boulenger 1899)
Amolops shuichengicus Lyu & Wang 2019
Amolops sinensis Lyu, Wang & Wang 2019
Amolops spinapectoralis Inger, Orlov & Darevsky 1999
Amolops splendissimus Orlov & Ho 2007
Amolops torrentis (Smith 1923)
Amolops tuberodepressus Liu & Yang 2000
Amolops viridimaculatus (Jiang 1983)
Amolops vitreus (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops wenshanensis Yuan, Jin, Li, Stuart & Wu 2018
Amolops wuyiensis (Liu & Hu 1975)
Amolops xinduqiao Fei, Ye, Wang & Jiang 2017
Amolops yatseni Lyu, Wang & Wang 2019
Amolops yunkaiensis Lyu, Wang, Liu, Zeng & Wang 2018
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Ranidae Batsch 1796
Amolops Cope 1865
Amolops gerutu Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
(this page)
Amolops afghanus (Günther 1858)
Amolops akhaorum Stuart, Bain, Phimmachak & Spence 2010
Amolops albispinus Sung, Hu, Wang, Liu & Wang 2016
Amolops aniqiaoensis Dong, Rao & Lü 2005
Amolops archotaphus (Inger & Chan-ard 1997)
Amolops assamensis Sengupta, Hussain, Choudhury, Gogoi, Ahmed & Choudhury 2008
Amolops australis Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
Amolops bellulus Liu, Yang, Ferraris & Matsui 2000
Amolops caelumnoctis Rao & Wilkinson 2007
Amolops chakrataensis Ray 1992
Amolops chayuensis Sun, Luo, Sun & Zhang 2013
Amolops chunganensis (Pope 1929)
Amolops compotrix (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops cremnobatus Inger & Kottelat 1998
Amolops cucae (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops daiyunensis (Liu & Hu 1975)
Amolops daorum (Bain, Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov & Ho 2003)
Amolops formosus (Günther 1876)
Amolops gerbillus (Annandale 1912)
Amolops granulosus (Liu & Hu 1961)
Amolops hainanensis (Boulenger 1900)
Amolops himalayanus (Boulenger 1888)
Amolops hongkongensis (Pope & Romer 1951)
Amolops indoburmanensis Dever, Fuiten, Konu & Wilkinson 2012
Amolops iriodes (Bain & Nguyen 2004)
Amolops jaunsari Ray 1992
Amolops jinjiangensis Su, Yang & Li 1986
Amolops kaulbacki (Smith 1940)
Amolops kohimaensis Biju, Mahony & Kamei 2010
Amolops larutensis (Boulenger 1899)
Amolops liangshanensis (Wu & Zhao 1984)
Amolops lifanensis (Liu 1945)
Amolops loloensis (Liu 1950)
Amolops longimanus (Andersson 1939)
Amolops mantzorum (David 1872)
Amolops marmoratus (Blyth 1855)
Amolops medogensis Li & Rao 2005
Amolops mengyangensis Wu & Tian 1995
Amolops minutus Orlov & Ho 2007
Amolops monticola (Anderson 1871)
Amolops nidorbellus Biju, Mahony & Kamei 2010
Amolops nyingchiensis Jiang, Wang, Xie, Jiang & Che 2016
Amolops panhai Matsui & Nabhitabhata 2006
Amolops ricketti (Boulenger 1899)
Amolops spinapectoralis Inger, Orlov & Darevsky 1999
Amolops splendissimus Orlov & Ho 2007
Amolops torrentis (Smith 1923)
Amolops tuberodepressus Liu & Yang 2000
Amolops viridimaculatus (Jiang 1983)
Amolops vitreus (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops wenshanensis Yuan, Jin, Li, Stuart & Wu 2018
Amolops wuyiensis (Liu & Hu 1975)
Amolops xinduqiao Fei, Ye, Wang & Jiang 2017
Amolops yunkaiensis Lyu, Wang, Liu, Zeng & Wang 2018
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Amolops gerutu Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
(this page)
Amolops afghanus (Günther 1858)
Amolops akhaorum Stuart, Bain, Phimmachak & Spence 2010
Amolops albispinus Sung, Hu, Wang, Liu & Wang 2016
Amolops aniqiaoensis Dong, Rao & Lü in Zhao, Rao, Lü & Dong 2005
Amolops archotaphus (Inger & Chan-ard 1997)
Amolops assamensis Sengupta, Hussain, Choudhury, Gogoi, Ahmed & Choudhury 2008
Amolops australis Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
Amolops bellulus Liu, Yang, Ferraris & Matsui 2000
Amolops caelumnoctis Rao & Wilkinson 2007
Amolops chakrataensis Ray 1992
Amolops chayuensis Sun, Luo, Sun & Zhang 2013
Amolops chunganensis (Pope 1929)
Amolops compotrix (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops cremnobatus Inger & Kottelat 1998
Amolops cucae (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops daiyunensis (Liu & Hu 1975)
Amolops daorum (Bain, Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov & Ho 2003)
Amolops formosus (Günther 1876)
Amolops gerbillus (Annandale 1912)
Amolops granulosus (Liu & Hu 1961)
Amolops hainanensis (Boulenger 1900)
Amolops himalayanus (Boulenger 1888)
Amolops hongkongensis (Pope & Romer 1951)
Amolops indoburmanensis Dever, Fuiten, Konu & Wilkinson 2012
Amolops iriodes (Bain & Nguyen 2004)
Amolops jaunsari Ray 1992
Amolops jinjiangensis Su, Yang & Li 1986
Amolops kaulbacki (Smith 1940)
Amolops kohimaensis Biju, Mahony & Kamei 2010
Amolops larutensis (Boulenger 1899)
Amolops lifanensis (Liu 1945)
Amolops loloensis (Liu 1950)
Amolops longimanus (Andersson 1939)
Amolops mantzorum (David 1872)
Amolops marmoratus (Blyth 1855)
Amolops medogensis Li & Rao in Zhao, Rao, Lü & Dong 2005
Amolops mengdingensis Yu, Wu & Yang 2019
Amolops mengyangensis Wu & Tian 1995
Amolops minutus Orlov & Ho 2007
Amolops monticola (Anderson 1871)
Amolops nidorbellus Biju, Mahony & Kamei 2010
Amolops nyingchiensis Jiang, Wang, Xie, Jiang & Che 2016
Amolops panhai Matsui & Nabhitabhata 2006
Amolops ricketti (Boulenger 1899)
Amolops shuichengicus Lyu & Wang 2019
Amolops sinensis Lyu, Wang & Wang 2019
Amolops spinapectoralis Inger, Orlov & Darevsky 1999
Amolops splendissimus Orlov & Ho 2007
Amolops torrentis (Smith 1923)
Amolops tuberodepressus Liu & Yang 2000
Amolops viridimaculatus (Jiang 1983)
Amolops vitreus (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops wenshanensis Yuan, Jin, Li, Stuart & Wu 2018
Amolops wuyiensis (Liu & Hu 1975)
Amolops xinduqiao Fei, Ye, Wang & Jiang 2017
Amolops yatseni Lyu, Wang & Wang 2019
Amolops yunkaiensis Lyu, Wang, Liu, Zeng & Wang 2018
Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World
Ranidae Batsch, 1796
Amolops Cope, 1865
Amolops gerutu Chan, Abraham, Grismer, and Grismer, 2018
(this page)
Amolops afghanus (Günther, 1858)
Amolops akhaorum Stuart, Bain, Phimmachak, and Spence, 2010
Amolops albispinus Sung, Hu, Wang, Liu, and Wang, 2016
Amolops aniqiaoensis Dong, Rao, and Lü, 2005
Amolops archotaphus (Inger and Chan-ard, 1997)
Amolops assamensis Sengupta, Hussain, Choudhury, Gogoi, Ahmed, and Choudhury, 2008
Amolops australis Chan, Abraham, Grismer, and Grismer, 2018
Amolops bellulus Liu, Yang, Ferraris, and Matsui, 2000
Amolops caelumnoctis Rao and Wilkinson, 2007
Amolops chakrataensis Ray, 1992
Amolops chayuensis Sun, Luo, Sun, and Zhang, 2013
Amolops chunganensis (Pope, 1929)
Amolops compotrix (Bain, Stuart, and Orlov, 2006)
Amolops cremnobatus Inger and Kottelat, 1998
Amolops cucae (Bain, Stuart, and Orlov, 2006)
Amolops daiyunensis (Liu and Hu, 1975)
Amolops daorum (Bain, Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov, and Ho, 2003)
Amolops formosus (Günther, 1876)
Amolops gerbillus (Annandale, 1912)
Amolops granulosus (Liu and Hu, 1961)
Amolops hainanensis (Boulenger, 1900)
Amolops himalayanus (Boulenger, 1888)
Amolops hongkongensis (Pope and Romer, 1951)
Amolops indoburmanensis Dever, Fuiten, Konu, and Wilkinson, 2012
Amolops iriodes (Bain and Nguyen, 2004)
Amolops jaunsari Ray, 1992
Amolops jinjiangensis Su, Yang, and Li, 1986
Amolops kaulbacki (Smith, 1940)
Amolops kohimaensis Biju, Mahony, and Kamei, 2010
Amolops larutensis (Boulenger, 1899)
Amolops lifanensis (Liu, 1945)
Amolops loloensis (Liu, 1950)
Amolops longimanus (Andersson, 1939)
Amolops mantzorum (David, 1872)
Amolops marmoratus (Blyth, 1855)
Amolops medogensis Li and Rao, 2005
Amolops mengdingensis Yu, Wu, and Yang, 2019
Amolops mengyangensis Wu and Tian, 1995
Amolops minutus Orlov and Ho, 2007
Amolops monticola (Anderson, 1871)
Amolops nidorbellus Biju, Mahony, and Kamei, 2010
Amolops nyingchiensis Jiang, Wang, Xie, Jiang, and Che, 2016
Amolops ottorum Pham, Sung, Pham, Le, Ziegler, and Nguyen, 2019
Amolops panhai Matsui and Nabhitabhata, 2006
Amolops ricketti (Boulenger, 1899)
Amolops shuichengicus Lyu and Wang, 2019
Amolops sinensis Lyu, Wang, and Wang, 2019
Amolops spinapectoralis Inger, Orlov, and Darevsky, 1999
Amolops splendissimus Orlov and Ho, 2007
Amolops torrentis (Smith, 1923)
Amolops tuberodepressus Liu and Yang, 2000
Amolops viridimaculatus (Jiang, 1983)
Amolops vitreus (Bain, Stuart, and Orlov, 2006)
Amolops wenshanensis Yuan, Jin, Li, Stuart, and Wu, 2018
Amolops wuyiensis (Liu and Hu, 1975)
Amolops xinduqiao Fei, Ye, Wang, and Jiang, 2017
Amolops yatseni Lyu, Wang, and Wang, 2019
Amolops yunkaiensis Lyu, Wang, Liu, Zeng, and Wang, 2018
GBIF classification
Amolops Cope 1865
Amolops gerutu Onn, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
(this page)
Amolops afghana
Amolops akhaorum
Amolops albispinus Sung, Wang & Wang
Amolops aniqiaoensis Dong, Rao & Lü 2005
Amolops archotaphus (Inger & Chan-ard 1997)
Amolops assamensis Sengupta, Hussain, Choudhury, Gogoi, Ahmed & Choudhury 2008
Amolops australis Onn, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
Amolops bellulus Liu, Yang, Ferraris & Matsui 2000
Amolops caelumnoctis Rao & Wilkinson 2007
Amolops chakrataensis Ray 1992
Amolops chayuensis
Amolops chunganensis (Pope 1929)
Amolops compotrix (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops cremnobatus Inger & Kottelat 1998
Amolops cucae (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops daiyunensis (Liu & Hu 1975)
Amolops formosus (Günther 1876)
Amolops gerbillus (Annandale 1912)
Amolops granulosus (Liu & Hu 1961)
Amolops hainanensis (Boulenger 1900)
Amolops himalayanus (Boulenger 1888)
Amolops hongkongensis (Pope & Romer 1951)
Amolops indoburmanensis
Amolops iriodes (Bain & Nguyen 2004)
Amolops jaunsari Ray 1992
Amolops jinjiangensis
Amolops kangtingensis (Liu 1950)
Amolops kaulbacki (Smith 1940)
Amolops kinabaluensis
Amolops larutensis (Boulenger 1899)
Amolops liangshanensis (Wu & Zhao 1984)
Amolops lifanensis (Liu 1945)
Amolops loloensis (Liu 1950)
Amolops longimanus (Andersson 1939)
Amolops macrorhynchus
Amolops mantzorum (David 1872)
Amolops marmoratus (Blyth 1855)
Amolops medogensis Li & Rao 2005
Amolops mengdingensis Yu, Wu & Yang 2019
Amolops mengyangensis Wu & Tian 1995
Amolops minutus
Amolops monticola (Anderson 1871)
Amolops nyingchiensis
Amolops panhai Matsui & Nabhitabhata 2006
Amolops phaeomerus
Amolops poecilus
Amolops ricketti (Boulenger 1899)
Amolops shuichengicus
Amolops spinapectoralis Inger, Orlov & Darevsky 1999
Amolops splendissimus
Amolops torrentis (Smith 1923)
Amolops tuberodepressus Liu & Yang 2000
Amolops viridimaculatus (Jiang 1983)
Amolops vitreus (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops wenshanensis
Amolops wuyiensis (Liu & Hu 1975)
Amolops yunkaiensis Lyu, Wu, Wang, Sung, Liu, Zeng, Wang, Li & Wang 2018
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Ranidae Batsch 1796
Amolops Cope 1865
Amolops gerutu Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
(this page)
Amolops afghanus (Günther 1858)
Amolops akhaorum Stuart, Bain, Phimmachak & Spence 2010
Amolops albispinus Sung, Hu, Wang, Liu & Wang 2016
Amolops aniqiaoensis Dong, Rao & Lü ex Zhao, Rao, Lü & Dong 2005
Amolops archotaphus (Inger & Chan-ard 1997)
Amolops assamensis Sengupta, Hussain, Choudhury, Gogoi, Ahmed & Choudhury 2008
Amolops australis Chan, Abraham, Grismer & Grismer 2018
Amolops bellulus Liu, Yang, Ferraris & Matsui 2000
Amolops caelumnoctis Rao & Wilkinson 2007
Amolops chakrataensis Ray 1992
Amolops chayuensis Sun, Luo, Sun & Zhang 2013
Amolops chunganensis (Pope 1929)
Amolops compotrix (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops cremnobatus Inger & Kottelat 1998
Amolops cucae (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops daiyunensis (Liu & Hu 1975)
Amolops daorum (Bain, Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov & Ho 2003)
Amolops formosus (Günther 1876)
Amolops gerbillus (Annandale 1912)
Amolops granulosus (Liu & Hu 1961)
Amolops hainanensis (Boulenger 1900)
Amolops himalayanus (Boulenger 1888)
Amolops hongkongensis (Pope & Romer 1951)
Amolops indoburmanensis Dever, Fuiten, Konu & Wilkinson 2012
Amolops iriodes (Bain & Nguyen 2004)
Amolops jaunsari Ray 1992
Amolops jinjiangensis Su, Yang & Li 1986
Amolops kaulbacki (Smith 1940)
Amolops kohimaensis Biju, Mahony & Kamei 2010
Amolops larutensis (Boulenger 1899)
Amolops lifanensis (Liu 1945)
Amolops loloensis (Liu 1950)
Amolops longimanus (Andersson 1939)
Amolops mantzorum (David 1872)
Amolops marmoratus (Blyth 1855)
Amolops medogensis Li & Rao ex Zhao, Rao, Lü & Dong 2005
Amolops mengdingensis Yu, Wu & Yang 2019
Amolops mengyangensis Wu & Tian 1995
Amolops minutus Orlov & Ho 2007
Amolops monticola (Anderson 1871)
Amolops nidorbellus Biju, Mahony & Kamei 2010
Amolops nyingchiensis Jiang, Wang, Xie, Jiang & Che 2016
Amolops panhai Matsui & Nabhitabhata 2006
Amolops ricketti (Boulenger 1899)
Amolops shuichengicus Lyu & Wang 2019
Amolops sinensis Lyu, Wang & Wang 2019
Amolops spinapectoralis Inger, Orlov & Darevsky 1999
Amolops splendissimus Orlov & Ho 2007
Amolops torrentis (Smith 1923)
Amolops tuberodepressus Liu & Yang 2000
Amolops viridimaculatus (Jiang 1983)
Amolops vitreus (Bain, Stuart & Orlov 2006)
Amolops wenshanensis Yuan, Jin, Li, Stuart & Wu 2018
Amolops wuyiensis (Liu & Hu 1975)
Amolops xinduqiao Fei, Ye, Wang & Jiang 2017
Amolops yatseni Lyu, Wang & Wang 2019
Amolops yunkaiensis Lyu, Wang, Liu, Zeng & Wang 2018