2009.08.02 Austria, Upper Austria, district Freistadt (spruce monoculture forest, 800 m AMSL).Detail of flower (which obviously has reached already the end of its flowering cyclus).Common.German name: Gewhnliche Grn-Stndelwurz (-Stendelwurz).ID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora (2008 3rd)
2009.08.02 Austria, Upper Austria, district Freistadt (spruce monoculture forest, 800 m AMSL).Front; unfortunately, a shot of the head would have been necessary to identify species without doubt (it could be both V. germanica and V. vulgaris, or yet another one).Very common; here on flower of Epipactis helleborine ssp. helleborine.German name: Wespe
2009.08.02 Austria, Upper Austria, district Freistadt (spruce monoculture forest, 800 m AMSL).Detail of flower; the characteristics of sepals and especially petals are crucial for identification of species (and subspecies).Common.German name: Gewhnliche Grn-Stndelwurz (-Stendelwurz).ID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora (2008 3rd)