Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Amphilochus likelike
DIAGNOSIS.—Body without dorsal cusps; lateral cephalic lobe rounded; eye very large, ommatidia of circumference large, those in core much smaller than in other Hawaiian species and more numerous; antenna 1 almost as long as antenna 2 (including distal aesthetascs); stout lobe of article 5 on gnathopod 1 extending about halfway along article 6 and slender lobe on gnathopod 2 extending fully along article 6; anterodistal corner of article 6 on gnathopod 2 softly rounded, article 4 of gnathopod 2 with no stout posterior spines, dactyls of gnathopods not pectinate besides major tooth, each article 2 of gnathopods 1–2 with stout posterodistal spine; coxa 1 short, softly quadrate, bearing 2 weak distal serrations, coxae 2–3 with slight distal serrations; mandibular molar of medium size, conical and weakly triturative; outer plate of maxilliped distomedially excavate, weakly and scarcely pectinate, distolateral end with large sabre-shaped spine; dactyls of pereopods 1–5 simple; pleonal epimeron 1 with slight posteroventral tooth, epimeron 2 with slightly extended and sharp corner, epimeron 3 with rounded quadrate corner; telson exceeding 50 percent length of peduncle of uropod 3, apically rounded but coniform.
Urosome like Gitanopsis pele, new species, but inner ramus of uropod 2 reaching three-fourths distance between distal ends of peduncle of uropods 1 and 3.
COLOR IN 2-DAY FORMALDEHYDE.—Body albinid but eye red; eye in alcohol clear with slight rust stain in central core.
HOLOTYPE.—Bishop Museum collections, catalog number 7249, female, 1.6 mm.
TYPE-LOCALITY.—JLB Hawaii 6, off Barbers Point, Oahu, 30 m, coralline footballs, 29 January, 1967.
MATERIAL.—JLB Hawaii 5 (2), 6 (5), 11 (4).
RELATIONSHIP.—Resembles Amphilochus kailua, new species, most of any Hawaiian species because the gnathopodal dactyls lack supernumerary pectinations but differs from that species in the simple dactyls of pereopods 1–5. The individuals of A. likelike so far collected, though adult, are smaller than 1.7 mm and the undeveloped outer plate of the maxilliped may be a reflection of this small size.
Amphilochus likelike is like G. vilordes in many respects, as is A. menehune, new species, but A. likelike has the stout spine on article 2 of gnathopods 1–2 which A. menehune does not have and which G. vilordes has only on gnathopod 2; A. likelike differs from G. vilordes in the shorter article 5 lobe on gnathopod 1 and the more conical mandibular molar. Amphilochus menehune differs from A. likelike in the presence of stout spine(s) on the posterior margin of article 4 on gnathopod 2.
Among Hawaiian species of the genus, the fine pectinations on the gnathopodal palms are especially small in A. likelike.
The absence of spines on article 4 of gnathopod 2 distinguishes this species from its close relative, Amphilochus neapolitanus Delia Valle (J. L. Barnard, 1962c).
The name is pronounced in English transliteration: leek-ee-leek-ee.
DISTRIBUTION.—Hawaiian Islands.
- bibliographic citation
- Barnard, J. L. 1970. "Sublittoral Gammaridea (Amphipoda) of the Hawaiian Islands." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-286.