Female. Length 3 1/2 lines.-Head, thorax and abdomen of various metallic colours; the head usually green behind the eyes, in front ferruginous, with a purple tint more or less obvious between those colours; the antennae ferruginous; eyes ovate and prominent; the head deeply emarginate posteriorly; the head, thorax, and node of the abdomen rugose, being covered with large, deep, confluent punctures; the basal segment of the abdomen with transverse curved striae. Thorax: the colour usually greenish; wings subhyaline, the nervures testaceous; the legs ferruginous. Abdomen purple, the apex ferruginous.
Worker. This sex only differs in having the thorax more compressed and elongate, and in having the abdomen frequently of a green tint.
Hab. Australia (Adelaide).