Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Siphocampylus caudatus McVaugh, nom. nov
Lobelia Ekmanii Urban, Ark. liot. 20A-: 6^ . 1936. Not Siphacampyltts Ekmanii Urban, 1925.
Stem shrubby, 1.5 m. high (according to Ekman), coarse, the branches up to 0.8 cm. in diameter just below the inflorescence, the thin brown bark smoothish, sparsely pubescent; cauline leaves numerous (often more than 20 in the space of 10 cm. just below the inflorescence), spreading, thickish (stiff in dried specimens), densely short-pubescent on both sides, subenlire in outline, the margins very finely serrulate with 15-20 callose teeth per cm., the blades 2-3 cm. wide by 10-20 cm. long, usually 5-6 times as long as wide, elliptic or elliptic-oblong, the tip gradually long -acuminate, the base acute, cuncate; inflorescence a terminal raceme 14-20 cm. long, unbranched, not secund, loosely 10-20-flowered, the flowers in the a.xils of but little reduced leaves; pedicels loosely spreading, strongly upcurved in the distal third of their length, so that the flowers in anthesis are more or less erect; pedicels more than 1 mm. in diameter, 55-65 (90) mm. long in fruit, den.sely pubescent or tomcntose, each with a pair of finely callosctoothed bracteoles aljout the middle or above, pubescent, about I mm. wide by 5-6 mm. long; flower-bracts similar to the foliage leaves, but usually relatively shorter and broader, 1.5-2.5 cm. wide by 6-10 (13) cm. long; corolla 36-60 mm. long, purple-brown (according to Ekman), strongly pubescent without, the lobes smooth and glabrous within, the lube lined with long whitish matted hairs, entire for 10-11 mm. above base, gradually contracted aliove the base and reaching its minimum diameter of 3 mm. alx)Ut 4-8 mm. above base, the lobes longattenuate with caudate tips, the two upper ones (next the long anthers) 30-42 mm. long, 4-5 mm. wide at l)ase, the three lower ones 15-20 mm. long, about 2.5 mm. wide at base (3 lobes fiued at base for 15-17 mm., thus forming a "lower lip" and making the tips of all S lobes
- bibliographic citation
- Rogers McVaugh. 1943. CAMPANULALES; CAMPANULACEAE; LOBELIOIDEAE. North American flora. vol 32A(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY