Tsoukatosia is a genus of gastropods belonging to the family Clausiliidae.[1]
The species of this genus are found in Greece.[1]
Tsoukatosia is a genus of gastropods belonging to the family Clausiliidae.
The species of this genus are found in Greece.
Tsoukatosia arabatzis A.Reischütz & P.L.Reischütz, 2014 Tsoukatosia argolica A.Reischütz, P.L.Reischütz & Szekeres, 2016 Tsoukatosia brandtstetteri A.Reischütz, P.L.Reischütz & Szekeres, 2018 Tsoukatosia christinae A.Reischütz & P.L.Reischütz, 2003 Tsoukatosia evauemgei N.Reischütz, A.Reischütz & P.L.Reischütz, 2012 Tsoukatosia feheri A.Reischütz, P.L.Reischütz & Szekeres, 2018 Tsoukatosia liae E.Gittenberger, 2000 Tsoukatosia nicoleae A.Reischütz, P.L.Reischütz & Szekeres, 2016 Tsoukatosia pallgergelyi A.Reischütz, P.L.Reischütz & Szekeres, 2016 Tsoukatosia subaii Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2009