on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub. Variety ciliata per Turner (1999)
a near white population in roadside drainage swale cutting grassy plain. Silty volcanic substrate
a near white population in roadside drainage swale cutting grassy plain. Silty volcanic substrate
a near white population in roadside drainage swale cutting grassy plain. Silty volcanic substrate
plants on broad grassy roadside right-of-way in coarse gravelly calcareous/caliche soils of undulating plain. This is likely the form given species rank as G. wright by some authorities
plants on broad grassy roadside right-of-way in coarse gravelly calcareous/caliche soils of undulating plain. This is likely the form given species rank as G. wright by some authorities
plants on broad grassy roadside right-of-way in coarse gravelly calcareous/caliche soils of undulating plain. This is likely the form given species rank as G. wright by some authorities
plants on highway right-of-way with calcareous/caliche soils of low grassy rolling limestone ridges along eastern foothills of Sacramento Mountains.
plants on highway right-of-way with calcareous/caliche soils of low grassy rolling limestone ridges along eastern foothills of Sacramento Mountains.
on calcareous/caliche soils of low grassy rolling limestone ridges along eastern foothills of Sacramento Mountains.
in degraded basin grassland on silty calcareous substrate of drainage swales along highway
in degraded basin grassland on silty calcareous substrate of drainage swales along highway
in degraded basin grassland on silty calcareous substrate of drainage swales along highway
in degraded basin grassland on silty calcareous substrate of drainage swales along highway
in degraded basin grassland on silty calcareous substrate of drainage swales along highway
on silty calcareous soils of relatively flat grassy plain cut by shallow brushy drainage of meandering creek.
on silty calcareous soils of relatively flat grassy plain cut by shallow brushy drainage of meandering creek.
on silty calcareous soils of relatively flat grassy plain cut by shallow brushy drainage of meandering creek.