trailing, prostrate plant on road right of way crossing basin fill flats of mixed limestone and volcanic gravels over calcareous soil
trailing, prostrate plant on road right of way crossing basin fill flats of mixed limestone and volcanic gravels over calcareous soil
on limestone gravels of braided drainage cutting scrub flats
on silty/sandy soil accumulations in arroyo bottom with Lupinus, Chamasarache, Nama havardii, Nama hispidum.
on silty/sandy soil accumulations in arroyo bottom with Lupinus, Chamasarache, Nama havardii, Nama hispidum.
on silty/sandy soil accumulations in arroyo bottom with Lupinus, Chamasarache, Nama havardii, Nama hispidum.
on silty/sandy soil accumulations in arroyo bottom with Lupinus, Chamasarache, Nama havardii, Nama hispidum.
on silty/sandy soil accumulations in arroyo bottom with Lupinus, Chamasarache, Nama havardii, Nama hispidum.
in degraded basin grassland on silty calcareous substrate of drainage swales along highway