Beringraja binoculata (Syn.: Raja binoculata) ist der größte Vertreter der Echten Rochen (Rajidae) an der Pazifikküste Nordamerikas. Er kommt im nördlichen Pazifik von Cape Navarin südlich der russischen Tschuktschen-Halbinsel an der Beringstrasse bis auf die Höhe der Isla de Cedros vor der Küste Niederkaliforniens vor.
Beringraja binoculata wird für gewöhnlich 1,80 Meter, maximal 2,40 Meter lang und kann ein Maximalgewicht von 91 kg erreichen. Die Vorderkante der Körperscheibe verläuft leicht konkav nach innen, der Kopf ist zugespitzt. Seine beiden kleinen Rückenflossen liegen weit hinten auf dem Schwanz. Eine Schwanzflosse fehlt. Zu beiden Seiten des Schwanzes befindet sich je ein fleischiger Kiel. Die Bauchflossen sind nur leicht eingebuchtet. Einige Dornen befinden sich an den Augen, bei ausgewachsenen Tiere sind sie von Haut überzogen. Ein weiterer Dorn befindet sich auf der Körpermitte, eine Dornenreihe über den Bauchflossen, sie kann auch fehlen, und auf der Schwanzoberseite. Sonst ist die Körperoberseite ohne größere Dornen, ausgenommen der kleinen Dentikel ausgewachsener Exemplare. Die weißliche, manchmal mit dunklen Flecken versehene, Unterseite ist fast völlig glatt. Die Oberseite von Beringraja binoculata ist braun, grau, rotbraun oder olivfarben oft mit rosettenartigen weißen Flecken, dunkler Marmorierung und zwei auffälligen Augenfleck.
Beringraja binoculata lebt in Tiefen von drei bis 800 Metern auf sandigen und schluffigen Meeresböden. Er ernährt sich von Fischen und Krebstieren und gräbt sich oft vollständig in den Boden ein. Wie alle Echten Rochen ist er eierlegend (ovipar). Die Eier sind raue, längliche Hornkapseln, die 22,8 bis 30,5 cm lang und 11 bis 19,4 cm breit sind und an den Ecken mit steifen spitzen Hörnern versehen sind.
Beringraja binoculata (Syn.: Raja binoculata) ist der größte Vertreter der Echten Rochen (Rajidae) an der Pazifikküste Nordamerikas. Er kommt im nördlichen Pazifik von Cape Navarin südlich der russischen Tschuktschen-Halbinsel an der Beringstrasse bis auf die Höhe der Isla de Cedros vor der Küste Niederkaliforniens vor.
The big skate (Beringraja binoculata) is the largest species of skate (family Rajidae) in the waters off North America. They are found along the Pacific Coast from Alaska to Baja California, typically from the intertidal zone to a depth of 120 m (390 ft), and feed on benthic invertebrates and small fishes. They are unusual among skates in that their egg cases may contain up to seven eggs each. This species is one of the most commercially important skates off California and is sold for food.[2]
This species was described by Charles Frédéric Girard in 1855; its specific epithet binoculata is derived from the Latin bi meaning "two", and oculatus meaning "eyed", referring to the two prominent eyespots on its wings. Girard also described what would later be determined to be a junior synonym of B. binoculata, R. cooperi, based on notes made by James G. Cooper on a decaying big skate found ashore near the entrance of Shoalwater Bay, Washington.[3] In some older literature, this species is placed in the genus Dipturus.[4] In 2012, the big skate was moved from Raja to the new genus Beringraja together with the mottled skate (B. pulchra).[5]
The big skate is found in the north-eastern Pacific Ocean, from the eastern Bering Sea and the Aleutian Islands, as far south as Cedros Island off central Baja California. It is rare south of Point Conception, California. It occurs in coastal bays, estuaries, and over the continental shelf, usually on sandy or muddy bottoms, but occasionally on low strands of kelp. Though reported to a depth of 800 m (2,600 ft), it is usually found no deeper than 120 m (390 ft). It frequents progressively shallower water in the northern parts of its range.[2][3] This species is abundant off British Columbia, where it prefers a depth of 26–33 m (85–108 ft) and a temperature of 7.6–9.4 °C (45.7–48.9 °F).[6]
The maximum known length of a big skate is 2.4 m (7.9 ft), though this species usually does not exceed 1.8 m (5.9 ft) and 91 kg (201 lb). This species has a flattened, diamond-shaped pectoral fin disk slightly wider than it is long, with a long, moderately pointed snout. The eyes are small and placed just ahead of the large spiracles. The teeth are small with raised cusps, numbering 24-48 rows in the upper jaw and 22–45 in the lower. Two small dorsal fins are on the tail, the anal fin is absent, and the caudal fin is reduced to a simple fold. There is a weak notch in each pelvic fin.[2][3]
A juvenile has smooth skin, while an adult has small prickles on its dorsal surface and the underside of the snout, between the gill slits, and on the abdominal region. It has two or three thorns on the middle of the back, a row of 12-55 (usually 13–17) thorns along the midline of the tail, and an interdorsal thorn. Some older individuals have a thorn above each eye. The back is colored a mottled brown to reddish brown, olive-brown, or gray, with rosettes of small white spots or scattered dark blotches. Two large dark spots with pale borders occur, one on each wing. The ventral side is white, sometimes with dark spots or blotches.[2][3]
Big skates are usually seen buried in sediment with only their eyes showing. They feed on polychaete worms, molluscs, crustaceans, and small benthic fishes. Polychaetes and molluscs comprise a slightly greater percentage of the diet of younger individuals. A known predator of big skates is the broadnose sevengill shark (Notorhynchus cepedianus); the eyespots on the skates' wings are believed to serve as decoys to confuse predators. Juvenile northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) are known to consume the egg cases of the big skate. Known parasites of the big skate include the copepod Lepeophtheirus cuneifer.[2][3]
This species is oviparous, and is one of the few skate species that typically has more than one embryo within each egg capsule, commonly called "mermaid's purses" when they are found washed up on beaches. The egg capsule of a big skate is the largest of any skate, measuring 23–31 cm (9–12 in) long and 11–19 cm (4–7 in) wide. Each capsule is oblong in shape and has a highly arched dorsal surface, nearly flat ventral surface, and parallel lateral edges that become somewhat concave towards the center of the case. At the corners of the case, four blunt, broad horns are seen, with the posterior pair being slightly longer. A single egg capsule may contain one to seven (usually three or four) eggs.[3]
The female deposits her eggs in pairs on sandy or muddy flats; the breeding season is indiscrete, and egg-laying occurs year-round.[3] Females may use distinct spawning beds, as large numbers of egg cases have been found in certain localized areas.[6] The young emerge after 9 months and measure 18–23 cm (7–9 in). Female big skates mature at 1.3–1.4 m (4 ft 3 in – 4 ft 7 in) long and 12–13 years old, while males mature at 0.9–1.1 m (2 ft 11 in – 3 ft 7 in) long and 7–8 years old.[2] The growth rates of big skates in the Gulf of Alaska are comparable to those off California, but differ from those off British Columbia. The lifespans of big skates off Alaska are up to 15 years, while those off British Columbia are up to 26 years.[7][8]
Big skates are frequently caught by recreational anglers, who usually release or discard them. They adapt well to captivity and are often displayed in public aquaria. This species is one of the three most important skates fished off the coast of California, though compared to other commercial fisheries, it is of only minor importance. This species is usually taken as bycatch in bottom trawls; the pectoral fins are sold as "skate wings" and are eaten baked or fried, often being labeled as imitation scallops. In the 1990s, the market value of skate wings rose to US$0.40-$1.00 per pound, and catches of the big skate off California increased 10-fold as the trawl fishery began marketing its skate and ray bycatch.[2] In 2003, a targeted fishery for the big skate and the longnose skate (Raja rhina) commenced in the Gulf of Alaska.[7]
Fisheries encountering big skate are managed separately in three areas: Alaska, the Canadian province of British Columbia, and the west coast of the contiguous United States (Washington, Oregon, and California). Stock assessments for big skate have been conducted in all these areas, none of which found that overfishing was occurring.[9][10][11][12] The size of the stock and the estimates of sustainable catch were uncertain in all cases. Big skates are assessed as least concern by the World Conservation Union.[1]
The big skate (Beringraja binoculata) is the largest species of skate (family Rajidae) in the waters off North America. They are found along the Pacific Coast from Alaska to Baja California, typically from the intertidal zone to a depth of 120 m (390 ft), and feed on benthic invertebrates and small fishes. They are unusual among skates in that their egg cases may contain up to seven eggs each. This species is one of the most commercially important skates off California and is sold for food.
La raya bruja gigante. o simplemente raya gigante (Raja binoculata), es una especie de peces de la familia Rajidae en el orden de los Rajiformes.
El macho puede alcanzar los 244 cm de longitud total y 91 kg de peso.[2][3]
Es ovíparo
Come crustáceos y peces.
En los Estados Unidos es depredado por Notorynchus cepedianus.[2]
Es un pez de mar, de clima templado y demersal que vive entre 300–800 m de profundidad.[2][4]
Se encuentra en el océano Pacífico norte: desde el cabo Navarin hasta la Isla Cedros (Baja California, México).
Las aletas pectorales son consumidas por los humanos.
Es inofensivo para los humanos.[2]
La raya bruja gigante. o simplemente raya gigante (Raja binoculata), es una especie de peces de la familia Rajidae en el orden de los Rajiformes.
La raie géante à deux yeux (Raja binoculata) est une espèce de raie marine de la famille des rajidés. On la trouve le long de la côte Pacifique de l'Amérique du Nord, de l'Alaska jusqu'à la Basse-Californie, typiquement de la zone intertidale jusqu'à une profondeur de 800 m, et se nourrit d'invertébrés benthiques et de petits poissons. Cette espèce est l'une des raies les plus pêchés en Californie pour l'alimentation.
La longueur maximale connue est de 2,4 m pour 91 kg, bien que cette espèce ne dépasse généralement pas 1,8 m.
Raja binoculata é uma espécie de peixe da família Rajidae.
Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: Canadá e Estados Unidos.
Os seus habitats naturais são: mar aberto e mar costeiro.
Raja binoculata é uma espécie de peixe da família Rajidae.
Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: Canadá e Estados Unidos.