Figure 25.Holotype of Kunzea toelkenii (P. J. de Lange 5322 & R. O. Gardner, AK 255350).
Figure 26.Distinguishing features of Kunzea toelkenii. A Flowering branchlet (ex cult. AK 284553) B Fruiting branchlet (ex cult. AK 284553) C Vegetative bud and branchlet indumentum (ex cult. AK 284553) D Adaxial leaf surface (ex cult. AK 284553) E Abaxial leaf surface (ex cult. AK 284553) F Leaf variation: (F1) Walker Road (AK 255350), (F2) Seacombes Canal (AK 287042) G Adaxial leaf apex (ex cult. AK 289816) H Leaf margin indumentum (ex cult. AK 284553) I Flower (top view) (ex cult. AK 284553) J Flower and hypanthium (side view) (ex cult. AK 284553) K Flower cross section showing anther, style and ovules (ex cult. AK 284553) L Style and stigma (ex cult. AK 284553) M Stamens (ex cult. AK 284553) N Dehisced fruit (ex cult. AK 284553). Scale bars: (A, B, F) 10 mm; (C–E, G, I–N) 1 mm; (H) 0.5 mm.
Figure 27.Scanning Electron Micrographs of Kunzea toelkenii (all AK 255350). A–C Branchlet indumentum. Scale bars: (A, B) 1 mm; (C) 100 μm.
Figure 28.Kunzea toelkenii at type locality, Walker Road (photos: P. J. de Lange). A Growth habit of Kunzea toelkenii within sand dunes at type locality, note extensive suckering growth at base of shrub B Side view of the same Kunzea toelkenii as (A) showed tortured growth and root suckers C Close up of distinctive branching pattern developed by mature Kunzea toelkenii at type locality D–E Bark of Kunzea toelkenii F Late season functionally male flowers of Kunzea toelkenii G–H Flowering branchlet of Kunzea toelkenii (an example with longer than usual stamens).
Figure 7.Distribution of Kunzea ericoides, Kunzea salterae, Kunzea sinclairii, Kunzea tenuicaulis, Kunzea toelkenii, Kunzea triregensis and Kunzea “Lottin Point”.
Cultivar 'Gloriosa'
Cultivar 'Gloriosa'
Cultivar 'Gloriosa'