provided by eFloras
The circumscription of Tanacetum bipinnatum adopted here includes not only T. huronense (see E. Hultén 1941–1950, vol. 10, 1968) but T. camphoratum and T. douglasii as well (see D. W. Kyhos and P. H. Raven 1982; C. J. Mickelson and H. H. Iltis 1966). Subspecies bipinnatum has been distinguished from subsp. huronense by having heads borne singly or 2–4 together versus (1–)3–12(–20+) in corymbiform arrays, phyllary margins dark brown versus pale brown, and laminae of ray corollas mostly 3–7 mm versus 1–3 mm. Relatively low plants, 10–20(–40 cm) from dune habitats along the southern shore of Lake Athabasca, Saskatchewan, with mostly 1–4, lanate cauline leaves and 1(–2) heads per flowering stem have been called T. huronense var. floccosum.
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- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
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- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
Perennials, 5–30(–80) cm. Stems (sometimes purple-tinged) 1–2+, ± decumbent to ascending or erect, branched. Leaves basal (soon withering) and cauline; petiolate (bases often clasping) or sessile; blades ± ovate or elliptic to obovate or spatulate, mostly 7–25+ × 3–5(–10+) cm, 2–3-pinnately lobed (primary lobes mostly 6–24+ pairs, narrowly oblong to linear-elliptic or linear, lobules oblong or ovate to ± lanceolate, sometimes curled), ultimate margins entire or ± dentate, faces usually ± villous or arachno-villous to lanate, sometimes glabrescent or glabrate, usually gland-dotted (in pits). Heads (2–)5–12(–20+) in corymbiform arrays or borne singly. Involucres 8–22+ mm diam. Receptacles flat to hemispheric. Ray florets 8–21+ (pistillate, fertile; corollas pale yellow to yellow, laminae mostly 1–7+ mm, usually 3-lobed) or 0 (heads quasi-radiant or -radiate or ± disciform, peripheral pistillate florets 15–30+; corollas pale yellow, ± zygomorphic, lobes 3–5, abaxial more pronounced). Disc corollas (2–)3(–4) mm. Cypselae 2–3(–4) mm, weakly 5-ribbed or -angled, gland-dotted; pappi coroniform, 0.1–0.5+ mm (entire or erose to lacerate). 2n = 54.
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- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
Chrysanthemum bipinnatum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 890. 1753; C. bipinnatum subsp. huronense (Nuttall) Hultén; Tanacetum bipinnatum subsp. huronense (Nuttall) Breitung; T. camphoratum Lessing; T. douglasii de Candolle; T. huronense Nuttall; T. huronense var. bifarium Fernald; T. huronense var. floccosum Raup; T. huronense var. johannense Fernald; T. huronense var. terrae-novae Fernald
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- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Tanacetum bipinnatum (L.) Schultz-Bip. Tanac. 48. 1844
Chrysanthemum bipinnatum L. Sp. PI. 890. 1753.
Matricaria bipinnata Desr. in Lam. Encyc. 3: 736. 1791.
Pyrethrum bipinnatum Willd. Sp. PI. 3: 2160. 1804.
Tanacetum paucijlorum Richards, in Frankl. Journey ed. 2. App. 30. 1823. Not T. pauciflorum
Fisch. 1812. Artemisia kotzebuensis Besser, Nouv. M4m. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 3: 80. 1834. Tanacetum kcAzebuen^e hvsHCT, UuW.Soc. Nat. Mosc. 9: 107. 1836.
Tanacetum boreale Nntt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 7: 401. 1841. Not T. boreale Fisch. 1822. Pyrethrum velutinum Fisch.; Herder, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 38: 419. 1865.
A stout perennial, with a creeping rootstock; stem 2-3 dm. high, striate, round-angled, more or less hirsute with flat crisp hairs; leaves 5-15 cm. long, oval or elliptic in outline, twice pinnatifid, more or less villous; primary divisions oblong in outline, acute, 2-4 cm. long; rachis narrowly winged; secondary segments lance-oblong, with lanceolate teeth; heads 1 or 2, rarely 3 or 4; involucre depressed-hemispheric, about 6 mm. high, 12-15 mm. broad; bracts 20-25, in 2 series, hirsute, with brown scarious lacerate margins, the outer lanceolate and obtuse, the imier oblong and roimded at the apex; ray-flowers 15-20, in a single series, pistillate; corollas 6-7 mm. long, yellow; ligules broadly obovate, obtusely 3-lobed, 2.5-4 mm. long, about 3 mm. wide; disk-flowers numerous; corollas 4 mm. long; achenes 3 mm. long, somewhat angled; pappus a 3-5-lobed erose crown.
Type uocALiTi': Siberia.
Distribution: Alaska. Yukon, and Mackenzie; also eastern Siberia.
- bibliographic citation
- Per Axel Rydberg. 1916. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; TAGETEAE, ANTHEMIDEAE. North American flora. vol 34(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY