
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Balboana tarsalis (Cameron) new combination
Pseudagenia tarsalis Cameron, 1897, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6)19: 372 [Type: 2, Guatemala: Purula, Vera Paz (GCC) (location unknown; there are two females with identical data in the BMNH)]. — Cameron, 1899, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Hymen. II, Suppl., p. 403.
This species runs to nigrina Banks, described from southern Brazil, in Banks' key to the South American species (1946). It is, in fact, very similar to that species in size, color, and most structural features, but the middle and hind tibiae are nearly devoid of spines on the upper surface and the wing pattern is slightly different.
Description of topotypic female. — Length 12 mm.; fore wing 10 mm. Black; antennae light brown on the inner side of segments 3-5; tibial spurs straw-colored except infuscated basally; all tarsi dusky rufo-castaneous. Body clothed with pubescence which is generally silvery, but with golden reflections on parts of the dorsum; silvery pubescence of coxae, pleura, and posterior half of propodeum especially dense; propodeum with a few erect hairs on the lower sides; abdomen short-setose ventrally and apically. Hind wings clear hyaline; fore wings hyaline, slightly opaque and milky, banded with brown as follows: central part of anal cell, a broad band over the basal and transverse median veins and into the apical part of the anal cell (separated from the marking in the central part of the cell), a broad band over the basal two-thirds of the marginal cell and SMCs 2 and 3, not quite reaching the outer or lower wing margin, and a lightly indicated and narrow band along the outer wing margin. Labrum partially exserted, with a broadly V-shaped apical emargination. Clypeus narrower than lower front, measuring 2.7 X as wide as high, broadly truncate medially, slightly depressed and contracted on the extreme sides. Head 1.2 X as wide as high; MID .52 X TFD; UID .80 X LID, .82 X MID; ocelli not enlarged, POL and OOL subequal. Third antennal segment 5 X as long as its apical thickness, equal in length to UID; ninth antennal segment about twice as long as thick, less than half the length of the third. Pronotum broadly angulate behind. Propodeum shorter and more rounded than in auripennis, with strong rugae much as in that species. Midd!e and hind tibiae very weakly spinose, the hind tibiae with only some very thin, hair-like spines on the upper surface, the apex with only two or three thin spines. Fore wing with the marginal cell removed from the wing tip by .6 its own length; stigma large, nearly half as long as marginal cell; basal and transverse median veins interstitial; SMC2 small, rhomboidal, about 1.25 X as wide as high; SMC3 larger, 1.5 X as wide as high, 1.5 X as wide as SMC2, narrowed by slightly less than half above; distance from third intercubital vein to tip of marginal cell slightly less than distance from that vein to stigma (measured along radial vein). Abdomen moderately compressed apically.
Male. — Unknown.
Distribution. — Known only from the type locality. (Map 32.) Specimens examined. — 2 9 2. Guatemala: 2 ? 5 , data as cited for holotype [BMNH]. Variation. — The second female is very similar and standard measurements are virtually identical to those cited above. However, the antennae are somewhat different colored, segments 4-6 being wholly rufo-testaceous, segment three of this color toward the apex.
bibliographic citation
Evans, H.E. 1966. A Revision of the Mexican and Central American Spider Wasps of the Subfamily Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 20. Philadelphia, USA