Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Sphacelotheca panici-leucophaei (Bref.) Clinton
UsHlago Panici-leucophaei Bref. Unters. Gesammt. Myk. 12 : 114. 1895.
UsHlago insularis P. Henn. Hedwigia 35 : 51. 1896. (Type from Brazil, on Tricholaena insularis. )
Sori possibly involving the very young inflorescence but apparently chiefly in the
enveloping leaves, projecting from between the leaf-sheaths as conspicuous linear bodies
often 1.5 dm. in length, with the false whitish membrane flaking away, revealing the
shredded longitudinal filaments of plant-tissue and the brown-black spore-mass which soon
scatters ; sterile cells of membrane hj^aline, guttulate, separating on pressure into threads or
individual cells, subspherical to oblong, 6-14 ," in length ; spores reddish-brown, ovoid to
chiefly subspherical or spherical, often slightly angled, easily collapsing, smooth or very
minutely granular, chiefly 6-8 ii in length. On Poaceae : .
Trichachne insulare {Panicum leucophaeum) , Cuba ; Guatemala ; Jamaica ; Mexico ; Porto Rico.
Trichachne saccharaium {Panicum saccharaium) ^ Arizona. Type locality: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Panicum leucophaeum. {Trichachne insulare). Distribution : Arizona to Guatemala and Porto Rico ; also in South America.
- bibliographic citation
- George Perkins Clinton. 1906. USTILAGINALES; USTILAGINACEAE, TILLETIACEAE. North American flora. vol 7(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY