Randall, J.E.   cc-by-nc

Carcharhinus obscurus (Dusky Shark) is a species of modern sharks in the family requiem sharks. They are listed as endangered by IUCN. They are solitary carnivores. Individuals can grow to 420 cm. Reproduction is viviparous and iteroparous. They rely on carcharhiniform to move around.

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  • URI: https://eol.org/schema/terms/carcharhiniform
  • Definition: Body/caudal fin propulsion, retaining eel-like body movements and exploiting interactions between the sidewash from an anterior median fin with the next posterior fin, increasing its effective angle of attack
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EOL has data for 41 attributes, including:

Known occurrences, collected specimens and observations of Dusky Shark. View this species on GBIF