Length: 7.9-16.4mm. Body smooth, except pereonite 2, which has a single ventral spine between the bases of gnathopod 2 and a small spine at the base of each gnathopod 2. Antenna 1 longer than cephalon plus pereonites 2 and 3; antenna 2 shorter than two basal articles of antenna 1, flagellum with short setae. Gnathopod 1 with slightly serrate margin to dactylus and propodus. Gnathopod 2 propodus with proximal grasping spine just proximal to it. Basis attached posteriorly on pereonite 2, shorter than half pereonite 2 and having antero-lateral projection. Gills elliptical. Pereopods 5, 6 and 7 increasing in length posteriorly; propodus with proximal grasping spines and few spines on the concave palm. Female differs in antenna 1 flagellum longer than peduncle articles 1 plus 2; antenna 2 shorter than peduncle of antenna 1.
California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia.
Caprellid, "Ghost" or "Skeleton" shrimps, so called for their skeletal appearance. Amphipod crustaceans, easily distinguished by the elongate stick-like body form and reduction of the abdominal appendages. Head is generally fused with pereonite 1. Pereopods on first 2 segments (pereonites) are most flexible and called gnathopods; gnathopods 2 being the largest, used in defense, feeding and substrate attachment. In many species pereopods 3 and 4 may also be reduced or absent. Gills on pereonites 3 + 4, rarely on pereonite 2. Pereopods 5 - 7 much smaller than 1 + 2, used for clinging to the substratum. In females, brood plates (öostegites) develop on pereonites 3 + 4. Much remains to be learnt about their biology, ecology and in many cases changing distributions.
Sub littoral to deeper waters, may extend into shallower water
Some discussion on differentiation of this species from C. equilibra Mayer. However, reinstated by Laubitz (1970) on basis of structure of Gnathopod 2 and on pereonite 5 in C. mendax (shorter in C. equilibra). See Laubitz 1970 for a table comparing these species.
National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC: (NMNH) 25962; Santa Barbara CA; May 1863; JG Cooper
Caprella mendax is a species of skeleton shrimp in the genus Caprella.[1]
Caprella mendax is a species of skeleton shrimp in the genus Caprella.