Image of Toledonia perplexa Dall 1902
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Toledonia perplexa Dall 1902


provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates


Shell small, whitish, smooth, except for faint incremental lines; suture distinct, whorls plump and rounded, the last comprising nearly the whole shell; nucleus smooth, polished, plump, dextral, of a single whorl; subsequent whorls three, smooth, inflated, slightly shouldered, with a distinct but not channeled suture; last whorl much the largest, surface slightly marked by incremental lines, not polished; periostra­cum, if any, lost; aperture ample, outer lip thin, simple, rounded in front and passing insensibly into the slightly oblique but not twisted pillar, with a thin callus on the body and over the imperforate umbili­cal region; plait thin, prominent, but not sharp, situated near the base of the pillar and apparently continued into the coil of the shell; alt. of shell 3.2; of aperture 2.2; max. diam. of shell 2.3 mm.

Dredged in the Straits of Magellan, east of Punta Arenas, by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross at station 2778, in 61 fathoms; bottom temperature 48° F. U.S.N.M., 109022.

The most striking features of this puzzling shell are its Succinea-­like form and its untruncate straight pillar with a single prominent plait.”

(Dall, 1902: 513)