

provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

Odostomiopsis major, sp. nov. (Plate I., Figs. 9-10)

Shell ovate-conical, subperforate, very thin. Whorls four and a half, rounded, parted by deep sutures. Colour, white. Sculpture: on the second whorl half a dozen spiral punctate lines, the remainder smooth, save for microscopic incremental threads. Aperture roundly pyriform, outer lip thin, effuse anteriorly. Columella flattened, expanded over the axial perforation and then sharply bent. Length, 6; breadth, 4 mm.

Type labelled "Bay, July, 1908"; another specimen eighteen to twenty fathoms, and two more from sixty to eighty fathoms off Cape Royds. All alive.

The genus Odostomiopsis was proposed by Thiele † for the reception of two species from Kerguelen. To this genus should probably be referred Admete (?) limnææformis, Smith,‡ also from Kerguelen. The appearance of the species suggests to me that possibly it may be, like Stilifer, a parasite upon Echinoderms.”

† Thiele, in Martens Gast. d. deut, Tiefsee Exped., 1898-1899, p. 68 (1903) ; not Odostomopsis, Blanckenhorn, Beitr. z. Geol. Syriens, 1890.

‡ Smith, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clxviii., 1879, p. 172, Plate IX., Fig. 4.

(Hedley, 1911: 6)