“Toledonia elata Thiele, 1912 (Figs 471, 472)
Toledonia elata Thiele, 1912: 249, pl. 14, fig. 22; Powell, 1957: 137; Powell, 1958: 206; Powell, 1960: 161; Marcus, 1976: 29, fig. 38.
MATERIAL EXAMINED: NZOI Stn A456; Eltanin Stn 1996.
DISTRIBUTION: Described from off Kerguelen Island where it has been recorded down to 150 m, T. elata has been recorded from two stations on the antarctic continent, at 54ºE (220 m) and at 140ºE (6-50 m) and now from the Ross Sea (238-351 m).
REMARKS: Two specimens from the Ross Sea (one a juvenile) are tentatively identified as T. elata. They have narrowly elongate shells with a pointed, smooth protoconch and a polished shell surface, a fairly simple straight columella. They cannot be identified as any of the other described forms of Toledonia and seem best referred to elata. Measurements of elata are given in Table 21.
Excerpt from Table 21. Measurements and shell proportions of species of Toledonia.
H (mm)
D (mm)
D/H ratio
T. elata
Eltanin Stn 1996
NZOI Stn A456
(Dell, 1990: 256-257)