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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Winged Insects
Wasps, Bees, And Ants
Cellular Organisms
Winged Insects
Wasps, Bees, And Ants
Yellowjackets And Hornets, Paper Wasps; Potter, Mason And Pollen Wasps And Allies
Rhytidoponera kirghizorum Dlussky 1981
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Rhytidoponera kirghizorum Dlussky 1981
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from ITIS Global in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Rhytidoponera kirghizorum
Dlussky 1981
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
Rhytidoponera kirghizorum
Species recognized by
Paleobiology Database
Rhytidoponera kirghizorum
Recognized by
Rhytidoponera kirghizorum Dlussky 1981
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
GBIF data coverage
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Rhytidoponera kirghizorum Dlussky 1981
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Rhytidoponera kirghizorum Dlussky 1981
(this page)
Rhytidoponera abdominalis Viehmeyer 1912
Rhytidoponera acanthoponeroides Viehmeyer 1924
Rhytidoponera aciculata (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera aenescens Emery 1900
Rhytidoponera anceps Emery 1898
Rhytidoponera aquila Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera araneoides (Le Guillou 1842)
Rhytidoponera arborea Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera aspera (Roger 1860)
Rhytidoponera atropurpurea Emery 1914
Rhytidoponera aurata (Roger 1861)
Rhytidoponera barnardi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera barretti Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera borealis Crawley 1918
Rhytidoponera carinata Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera celtinodis Wilson 1958
Rhytidoponera cerastes Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera chalybaea Emery 1901
Rhytidoponera chnoopyx Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera clarki Donisthorpe 1943
Rhytidoponera confusa Ward 1980
Rhytidoponera convexa (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera cornuta (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera crassinoda (Forel 1907)
Rhytidoponera cristata (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera croesus Emery 1901
Rhytidoponera depilis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera dubia Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera enigmatica Ward 1980
Rhytidoponera eremita Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera ferruginea Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera flavicornis Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera flavipes (Clark 1941)
Rhytidoponera flindersi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera foreli Crawley 1918
Rhytidoponera foveolata Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera fulgens (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera greavesi Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera gregoryi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera haeckeli (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera hanieli Forel 1913
Rhytidoponera hilli Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera impressa (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera incisa Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera inops Emery 1900
Rhytidoponera inornata Crawley 1922
Rhytidoponera insularis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera koumensis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera kurandensis Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera laciniosa Viehmeyer 1912
Rhytidoponera lamellinodis Santschi 1919
Rhytidoponera laticeps Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera levior Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera litoralis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera luteipes Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera maledicta Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera mayri (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera metallica (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera micans Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera mimica Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera mirabilis Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera nexa Stitz 1912
Rhytidoponera nitidiventris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera nodifera (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera nudata (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera numeensis (Andre 1889)
Rhytidoponera opaciventris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera peninsularis Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera pilosula Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera pulchella (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera punctata (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera punctigera Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera punctiventris (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera purpurea (Emery 1887)
Rhytidoponera reflexa Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera reticulata (Forel 1893)
Rhytidoponera rotundiceps Viehmeyer 1914
Rhytidoponera rufescens (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera rufithorax Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera rufiventris Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera rufonigra Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera scaberrima (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera scabra (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera scabrior Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera socra (Forel 1894)
Rhytidoponera spoliata (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera strigosa (Emery 1887)
Rhytidoponera subcyanea Emery 1897
Rhytidoponera tasmaniensis Emery 1898
Rhytidoponera taurus (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera tenuis (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera terrestris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera trachypyx Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera turneri (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera tyloxys Brown & Douglas 1958
Rhytidoponera versicolor Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera victoriae (Andre 1896)
Rhytidoponera violacea (Forel 1907)
Rhytidoponera wilsoni Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera yorkensis Forel 1915
4 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Rhytidoponera Mayr 1862
Rhytidoponera kirghizorum Dlussky 1981
(this page)
Rhytidoponera abdominalis Viehmeyer 1912
Rhytidoponera acanthoponeroides Viehmeyer 1924
Rhytidoponera aciculata (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera aenescens Emery 1900
Rhytidoponera anceps Emery 1898
Rhytidoponera aquila Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera araneoides (Le Guillou 1842)
Rhytidoponera arborea Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera aspera (Roger 1860)
Rhytidoponera atropurpurea Emery 1914
Rhytidoponera aurata (Roger 1861)
Rhytidoponera barnardi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera barretti Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera borealis Crawley 1918
Rhytidoponera carinata Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera celtinodis Wilson 1958
Rhytidoponera cerastes Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera chnoopyx Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera clarki Donisthorpe 1943
Rhytidoponera confusa Ward 1980
Rhytidoponera convexa (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera cornuta (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera crassinoda (Forel 1907)
Rhytidoponera cristata (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera croesus Emery 1901
Rhytidoponera depilis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera dubia Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera enigmatica Ward 1980
Rhytidoponera eremita Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera ferruginea Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera flavipes (Clark 1941)
Rhytidoponera flindersi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera foreli Crawley 1918
Rhytidoponera foveolata Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera fulgens (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera fuliginosa Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera greavesi Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera gregoryi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera haeckeli (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera hanieli Forel 1913
Rhytidoponera hilli Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera impressa (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera incisa Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera inops Emery 1900
Rhytidoponera inornata Crawley 1922
Rhytidoponera insularis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera koumensis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera kurandensis Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera laciniosa Viehmeyer 1912
Rhytidoponera lamellinodis Santschi 1919
Rhytidoponera laticeps Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera levior Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera litoralis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera luteipes Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera maledicta Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera maniae (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera mayri (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera metallica (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera micans Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera mimica Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera mirabilis Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera nexa Stitz 1912
Rhytidoponera nitida Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera nitidiventris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera nodifera (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera nudata (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera numeensis (Andre 1889)
Rhytidoponera opaciventris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera peninsularis Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera pilosula Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera pulchella (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera punctata (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera punctigera Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera punctiventris (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera purpurea (Emery 1887)
Rhytidoponera reflexa Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera reticulata (Forel 1893)
Rhytidoponera rotundiceps Viehmeyer 1914
Rhytidoponera rufescens (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera rufithorax Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera rufiventris Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera rufonigra Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera scaberrima (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera scabra (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera scabrior Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera socra (Forel 1894)
Rhytidoponera spoliata (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera strigosa (Emery 1887)
Rhytidoponera subcyanea Emery 1897
Rhytidoponera tasmaniensis Emery 1898
Rhytidoponera taurus (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera tenuis (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera terrestris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera trachypyx Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera turneri (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera tyloxys Brown & Douglas 1958
Rhytidoponera versicolor Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera victoriae (Andre 1896)
Rhytidoponera wilsoni Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera yorkensis Forel 1915
4 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Rhytidoponera kirghizorum Dlussky 1981
(this page)
Rhytidoponera abdominalis Viehmeyer 1912
Rhytidoponera acanthoponeroides Viehmeyer 1924
Rhytidoponera aciculata (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera aenescens Emery 1900
Rhytidoponera anceps Emery 1898
Rhytidoponera aquila Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera araneoides (Le Guillou 1842)
Rhytidoponera arborea Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera aspera (Roger 1860)
Rhytidoponera atropurpurea Emery 1914
Rhytidoponera aurata (Roger 1861)
Rhytidoponera barnardi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera barretti Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera borealis Crawley 1918
Rhytidoponera carinata Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera celtinodis Wilson 1958
Rhytidoponera cerastes Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera chalybaea Emery 1901
Rhytidoponera chnoopyx Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera clarki Donisthorpe 1943
Rhytidoponera confusa Ward 1980
Rhytidoponera convexa (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera cornuta (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera crassinoda (Forel 1907)
Rhytidoponera cristata (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera croesus Emery 1901
Rhytidoponera depilis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera dubia Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera enigmatica Ward 1980
Rhytidoponera eremita Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera ferruginea Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera flavicornis Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera flavipes (Clark 1941)
Rhytidoponera flindersi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera foreli Crawley 1918
Rhytidoponera foveolata Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera fulgens (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera greavesi Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera gregoryi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera haeckeli (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera hanieli Forel 1913
Rhytidoponera hilli Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera impressa (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera incisa Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera inops Emery 1900
Rhytidoponera inornata Crawley 1922
Rhytidoponera insularis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera koumensis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera kurandensis Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera laciniosa Viehmeyer 1912
Rhytidoponera lamellinodis Santschi 1919
Rhytidoponera laticeps Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera levior Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera litoralis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera luteipes Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera maledicta Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera mayri (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera metallica (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera micans Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera mimica Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera mirabilis Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera nexa Stitz 1912
Rhytidoponera nitidiventris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera nodifera (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera nudata (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera numeensis (Andre 1889)
Rhytidoponera opaciventris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera peninsularis Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera pilosula Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera pulchella (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera punctata (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera punctigera Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera punctiventris (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera purpurea (Emery 1887)
Rhytidoponera reflexa Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera reticulata (Forel 1893)
Rhytidoponera rotundiceps Viehmeyer 1914
Rhytidoponera rufescens (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera rufithorax Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera rufiventris Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera rufonigra Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera scaberrima (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera scabra (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera scabrior Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera socra (Forel 1894)
Rhytidoponera spoliata (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera strigosa (Emery 1887)
Rhytidoponera subcyanea Emery 1897
Rhytidoponera tasmaniensis Emery 1898
Rhytidoponera taurus (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera tenuis (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera terrestris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera trachypyx Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera turneri (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera tyloxys Brown & Douglas 1958
Rhytidoponera versicolor Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera victoriae (Andre 1896)
Rhytidoponera violacea (Forel 1907)
Rhytidoponera wilsoni Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera yorkensis Forel 1915
4 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Rhytidoponera kirghizorum Dlussky 1981
(this page)
Rhytidoponera abdominalis Viehmeyer 1912
Rhytidoponera acanthoponeroides Viehmeyer 1924
Rhytidoponera aciculata (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera aenescens Emery 1900
Rhytidoponera anceps Emery 1898
Rhytidoponera aquila Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera araneoides (Le Guillou 1842)
Rhytidoponera arborea Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera aspera (Roger 1860)
Rhytidoponera atropurpurea Emery 1914
Rhytidoponera aurata (Roger 1861)
Rhytidoponera barnardi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera barretti Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera borealis Crawley 1918
Rhytidoponera carinata Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera celtinodis Wilson 1958
Rhytidoponera cerastes Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera chalybaea Emery 1901
Rhytidoponera chnoopyx Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera clarki Donisthorpe 1943
Rhytidoponera confusa Ward 1980
Rhytidoponera convexa (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera cornuta (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera crassinoda (Forel 1907)
Rhytidoponera cristata (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera croesus Emery 1901
Rhytidoponera depilis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera dubia Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera enigmatica Ward 1980
Rhytidoponera eremita Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera ferruginea Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera flavicornis Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera flavipes (Clark 1941)
Rhytidoponera flindersi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera foreli Crawley 1918
Rhytidoponera foveolata Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera fulgens (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera greavesi Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera gregoryi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera haeckeli (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera hanieli Forel 1913
Rhytidoponera hilli Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera impressa (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera incisa Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera inops Emery 1900
Rhytidoponera inornata Crawley 1922
Rhytidoponera insularis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera koumensis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera kurandensis Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera laciniosa Viehmeyer 1912
Rhytidoponera lamellinodis Santschi 1919
Rhytidoponera laticeps Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera levior Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera litoralis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera luteipes Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera maledicta Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera mayri (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera metallica (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera micans Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera mimica Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera mirabilis Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera nexa Stitz 1912
Rhytidoponera nitidiventris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera nodifera (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera nudata (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera numeensis (Andre 1889)
Rhytidoponera opaciventris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera peninsularis Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera pilosula Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera pulchella (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera punctata (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera punctigera Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera punctiventris (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera purpurea (Emery 1887)
Rhytidoponera reflexa Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera reticulata (Forel 1893)
Rhytidoponera rotundiceps Viehmeyer 1914
Rhytidoponera rufescens (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera rufithorax Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera rufiventris Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera rufonigra Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera scaberrima (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera scabra (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera scabrior Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera socra (Forel 1894)
Rhytidoponera spoliata (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera strigosa (Emery 1887)
Rhytidoponera subcyanea Emery 1897
Rhytidoponera tasmaniensis Emery 1898
Rhytidoponera taurus (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera tenuis (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera terrestris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera trachypyx Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera turneri (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera tyloxys Brown & Douglas 1958
Rhytidoponera versicolor Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera victoriae (Andre 1896)
Rhytidoponera violacea (Forel 1907)
Rhytidoponera wilsoni Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera yorkensis Forel 1915
4 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Rhytidoponera kirghizorum Dlussky 1981
(this page)
Rhytidoponera abdominalis Viehmeyer 1912
Rhytidoponera acanthoponeroides Viehmeyer 1924
Rhytidoponera aciculata (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera aenescens Emery 1900
Rhytidoponera anceps Emery 1898
Rhytidoponera aquila Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera araneoides (Le Guillou 1842)
Rhytidoponera arborea Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera aspera (Roger 1860)
Rhytidoponera atropurpurea Emery 1914
Rhytidoponera aurata (Roger 1861)
Rhytidoponera barnardi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera barretti Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera borealis Crawley 1918
Rhytidoponera carinata Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera celtinodis Wilson 1958
Rhytidoponera cerastes Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera chalybaea Emery 1901
Rhytidoponera chnoopyx Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera clarki Donisthorpe 1943
Rhytidoponera confusa Ward 1980
Rhytidoponera convexa (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera cornuta (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera crassinoda (Forel 1907)
Rhytidoponera cristata (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera croesus Emery 1901
Rhytidoponera depilis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera dubia Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera enigmatica Ward 1980
Rhytidoponera eremita Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera ferruginea Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera flavicornis Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera flavipes (Clark 1941)
Rhytidoponera flindersi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera foreli Crawley 1918
Rhytidoponera foveolata Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera fulgens (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera greavesi Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera gregoryi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera haeckeli (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera hanieli Forel 1913
Rhytidoponera hilli Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera impressa (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera incisa Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera inops Emery 1900
Rhytidoponera inornata Crawley 1922
Rhytidoponera insularis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera koumensis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera kurandensis Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera laciniosa Viehmeyer 1912
Rhytidoponera lamellinodis Santschi 1919
Rhytidoponera laticeps Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera levior Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera litoralis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera luteipes Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera maledicta Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera mayri (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera metallica (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera micans Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera mimica Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera mirabilis Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera nexa Stitz 1912
Rhytidoponera nitidiventris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera nodifera (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera nudata (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera numeensis (Andre 1889)
Rhytidoponera opaciventris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera peninsularis Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera pilosula Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera pulchella (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera punctata (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera punctigera Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera punctiventris (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera purpurea (Emery 1887)
Rhytidoponera reflexa Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera reticulata (Forel 1893)
Rhytidoponera rotundiceps Viehmeyer 1914
Rhytidoponera rufescens (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera rufithorax Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera rufiventris Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera rufonigra Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera scaberrima (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera scabra (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera scabrior Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera socra (Forel 1894)
Rhytidoponera spoliata (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera strigosa (Emery 1887)
Rhytidoponera subcyanea Emery 1897
Rhytidoponera tasmaniensis Emery 1898
Rhytidoponera taurus (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera tenuis (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera terrestris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera trachypyx Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera turneri (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera tyloxys Brown & Douglas 1958
Rhytidoponera versicolor Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera victoriae (Andre 1896)
Rhytidoponera violacea (Forel 1907)
Rhytidoponera wilsoni Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera yorkensis Forel 1915
4 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Rhytidoponera Mayr 1862
Rhytidoponera kirghizorum Dlussky 1981
(this page)
Rhytidoponera abdominalis Viehmeyer 1912
Rhytidoponera acanthoponeroides Viehmeyer 1924
Rhytidoponera acquila Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera aenescens Emery 1900
Rhytidoponera anceps Emery 1898
Rhytidoponera aquila Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera araneoides (Le Guillou 1842)
Rhytidoponera arborea Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera aspera (Roger 1860)
Rhytidoponera atropurpurea Emery 1914
Rhytidoponera aurata (Roger 1861)
Rhytidoponera barnardi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera barretti Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera borealis Crawley 1918
Rhytidoponera caeciliae Viehmeyer
Rhytidoponera carinata Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera celtinodis Wilson 1958
Rhytidoponera cerastes Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera chalybaea Emery 1901
Rhytidoponera chnoopyx Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera clarki Donisthorpe 1943
Rhytidoponera confusa Ward 1980
Rhytidoponera convexa (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera cornuta (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera crassinoda (Forel 1907)
Rhytidoponera croesus Emery 1901
Rhytidoponera depilis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera dubia Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera enigmatica Ward 1980
Rhytidoponera eremita Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera ferruginea Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera flavicornis Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera flindersi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera foreli Crawley 1918
Rhytidoponera foveolata Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera fulgens (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera fuliginosa Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera greavesi Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera gregoryi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera haeckeli (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera hanieli Forel 1913
Rhytidoponera hilli Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera impressa (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera incisa Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera inops Emery 1900
Rhytidoponera inornata Crawley 1922
Rhytidoponera insularis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera koumensis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera kurandensis Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera laciniosa Viehmeyer 1912
Rhytidoponera lamellinodis Santschi 1919
Rhytidoponera laticeps Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera levior Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera litoralis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera luteipes Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera maledicta Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera maniae (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera mayri (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera metallica (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera micans Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera mimica Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera mirabilis Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera nexa Stitz 1912
Rhytidoponera nitida Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera nitidiventris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera nodifera (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera nudata (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera numeensis (Andre 1889)
Rhytidoponera opaciventris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera peninsularis Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera pilosula Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera punctata (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera punctigera Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera punctiventris (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera reflexa Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera reticulata (Forel 1893)
Rhytidoponera rotundiceps Viehmeyer 1914
Rhytidoponera rufescens (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera rufithorax Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera rufiventris Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera rufonigra Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera scaberrima (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera scabra (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera scabrior Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera socra (Forel 1894)
Rhytidoponera spoliata (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera subcyanea Emery 1897
Rhytidoponera tasmaniensis Emery 1898
Rhytidoponera taurus (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera tenuis (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera terrestris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera trachypyx Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera tyloxys Brown & Douglas 1958
Rhytidoponera versicolor Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera victoriae (Andre 1896)
Rhytidoponera violacea (Forel 1907)
Rhytidoponera viridis (Clark 1941)
Rhytidoponera waipiata Kaulfuss & Dlussky 2016
Rhytidoponera wilsoni Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera yorkensis Forel 1915
2 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Rhytidoponera Mayr 1862
Rhytidoponera kirghizorum Dlussky 1981
(this page)
Rhytidoponera abdominalis Viehmeyer 1912
Rhytidoponera acanthoponeroides Viehmeyer 1924
Rhytidoponera aciculata (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera aenescens Emery 1900
Rhytidoponera anceps Emery 1898
Rhytidoponera aquila Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera araneoides (Le Guillou 1842)
Rhytidoponera arborea Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera aspera (Roger 1860)
Rhytidoponera atropurpurea Emery 1914
Rhytidoponera aurata (Roger 1861)
Rhytidoponera barnardi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera barretti Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera borealis Crawley 1918
Rhytidoponera carinata Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera celtinodis Wilson 1958
Rhytidoponera cerastes Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera chalybaea Emery 1901
Rhytidoponera chnoopyx Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera clarki Donisthorpe 1943
Rhytidoponera confusa Ward 1980
Rhytidoponera convexa (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera cornuta (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera crassinoda (Forel 1907)
Rhytidoponera cristata (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera croesus Emery 1901
Rhytidoponera depilis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera dubia Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera enigmatica Ward 1980
Rhytidoponera eremita Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera ferruginea Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera flavicornis Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera flavipes (Clark 1941)
Rhytidoponera flindersi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera foreli Crawley 1918
Rhytidoponera foveolata Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera fulgens (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera fuliginosa Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera greavesi Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera gregoryi Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera haeckeli (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera hanieli Forel 1913
Rhytidoponera hilli Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera impressa (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera incisa Crawley 1915
Rhytidoponera inops Emery 1900
Rhytidoponera inornata Crawley 1922
Rhytidoponera insularis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera koumensis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera kurandensis Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera laciniosa Viehmeyer 1912
Rhytidoponera lamellinodis Santschi 1919
Rhytidoponera laticeps Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera levior Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera litoralis Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera luteipes Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera maledicta Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera maniae (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera mayri (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera metallica (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera micans Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera mimica Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera mirabilis Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera nexa Stitz 1912
Rhytidoponera nitida Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera nitidiventris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera nodifera (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera nudata (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera numeensis (Andre 1889)
Rhytidoponera opaciventris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera peninsularis Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera pilosula Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera pulchella (Emery 1883)
Rhytidoponera punctata (Smith 1858)
Rhytidoponera punctigera Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera punctiventris (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera purpurea (Emery 1887)
Rhytidoponera reflexa Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera reticulata (Forel 1893)
Rhytidoponera rotundiceps Viehmeyer 1914
Rhytidoponera rufescens (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera rufithorax Clark 1941
Rhytidoponera rufiventris Forel 1915
Rhytidoponera rufonigra Clark 1936
Rhytidoponera scaberrima (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera scabra (Mayr 1876)
Rhytidoponera scabrior Crawley 1925
Rhytidoponera socra (Forel 1894)
Rhytidoponera spoliata (Emery 1895)
Rhytidoponera strigosa (Emery 1887)
Rhytidoponera subcyanea Emery 1897
Rhytidoponera tasmaniensis Emery 1898
Rhytidoponera taurus (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera tenuis (Forel 1900)
Rhytidoponera terrestris Ward 1984
Rhytidoponera trachypyx Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera turneri (Forel 1910)
Rhytidoponera tyloxys Brown & Douglas 1958
Rhytidoponera versicolor Brown 1958
Rhytidoponera victoriae (Andre 1896)
4 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.