
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Harmothoe waahli (Kinberg, 1856)

Antinoe waahli Kinberg, 1856:385; 1858:19, pl. 6: fig. 28, pl. 10: fig. 55.—Haswell, 1883:289.

Polynoe mytilicola Haswell, 1883:289 [foot-note, provisional name].

Harmothoe waahli.—Augener, 1913:112, pl. 2: fig. 9 [part]; 1922:11, fig. 3 [examination of holotype].

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—AUSTRALIA: South Pacific Ocean, Port Jackson, Sydney, 22 m, Eugenie Expedition, holotype of Antinoe waahli (NRS 405). Freemantle Bay, Warnbro Sound, SW Australia, 12.5–14.5 m, Hamburg Southwestern Australian Expedition sta 53, Michaelsen and Hartmeyer, collectors, 29 Sep 1905, 1 specimen (ZMH 10058, identified by Augener, 1913).

MEASUREMENTS.—Type Material: Holotype in very poor shape, consisting of anterior fragment of 18 segments, pharynx having been removed (figured by Kinberg), eyes now faded, and posterior fragment of 15 segments (23–37), with 5 segments missing; few elytra remain. According to Kinberg (1858), length 24 mm, width 6 mm with setae, segments 37.

DESCRIPTION.—Elytra 15 pairs on usual segments, covering dorsum (Kinberg, 1858, pl. 6: fig. 28A). Elytra large, oval, without border papillae, with rounded microtubercles confined to anterior and anteromedial areas; mottled brownish pigmentation on posteromedial areas and transverse band across region of elytrophore to lateral side (Figure 18B–D; Kinberg, 1858, pl. 6: fig. 28H).

Prostomium bilobed, with distinct cephalic peaks; ceratophore of median antenna large, oval, in anterior notch, style papillate with filamentous tip; lateral antennae with small ceratophores inserted ventrally, with styles short, subulate, papillate; palps stout, tapered; anterior pair of eyes anteroventral, not visible dorsally, posterior pair near posterior border of prostomium; tentaculophores lateral to prostomium, each with single seta on inner side and pair of papillate dorsal and ventral tentacular cirri, with subterminal enlargements and filamentous tips, tentacular cirri slightly shorter than palps (Figure 18A; Kinberg, 1858, pl. 6: fig. 28B).

Segment 2 with transverse dorsal ciliated bands, first pair of large elytrophores, biramous parapodia, and long ventral buccal cirri, similar to tentacular cirri (Figure 18A).

Parapodia biramous, notopodia short, rounded, with projecting acicular lobe on lower side; neuropodia with subconical presetal acicular lobe with supraacicular digitiform process and shorter rounded postsetal lobe; notosetae numerous, forming radiating bundle; neurosetae numerous, forming fan-shape bundle (Figure 18E,F). Notosetae slightly stouter than neurosetae, short to long, with numerous spinous rows and short tapered tips (Figure 18G; Kinberg, 1858, pl. 6: fig. 28GS). Upper neurosetae with longer spinous regions, with or without slight indication of secondary tooth; middle neurosetae with distinct bifid tips; lower neurosetae with shorter spinous regions, with or without secondary tooth; neurosetae mostly with secondary tooth or indication of one (Figure 18H; Kinberg, 1858, pl. 6: fig. 28Gu). Dorsal cirri with long cylindrical cirrophores on posterior sides of notopodia, with papillate styles extending to tips of neurosetae or beyond; dorsal tubercles nodular (Figure 18F; Kinberg, 1858, pl. 6: fig. 28F). Ventral cirri short, tapering. Pharynx with 9 pairs of border papillae and 2 pairs of hooked jaws (Kinberg, 1858, pl. 10: fig. 55).

DISTRIBUTION.—South Pacific Ocean, Australia; in 12–27 meters (Haswell, 1883).
bibliographic citation
Pettibone, Marian H. 1993. "Revision of some species referred to Antinoe, Antinoella, Antinoana, Bylgides, and Harmothoe (Polychaeta: Polynoidae: Harmothoinae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-41. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.545