Figure 1.A Top of head B side of head C palmar view of left hand, and D plantar view of left foot of holotype of Oreophryne cameroni sp. n. (BPBM 34677). Scale bar = 5 mm.
Figure 2.Portraits in life of A paratype of Oreophryne cameroni sp. n. (BPBM 34678) from Keki Lodge, Adelbert Mts., 850 m elevation B paratype of Oreophryne cameroni sp. n. (BPBM 22689) from Torricelli Mts., 550 m elevation C paratype of Oreophryne parkopanorum sp. n. (BPBM 22788) from near summit of Mt. Sapau, Torricelli Mts., 1100–1300 m elevation; and D holotype of Oreophryne parkopanorum sp. n. (BPBM 22789) from near summit of Mt. Sapau, Torricelli Mts., 1100–1300 m elevation E holotype of Oreophryne gagneorum sp. n. (BPBM 20542) from Rossel Island, 720 m elevation; and (F) paratype of Oreophryne gagneorum sp. n. (BPBM 20544) from Rossel Island, 720 m elevation.
Figure 3.A Waveform B power spectrum, and C spectrogram of 8-note call of the holotype of Oreophryne cameroni sp. n. (BPBM 34677) recorded at Keki Lodge, Adelbert Mts., 1 October 2009, air temperature 23.0 °C.
Figure 4.Map of eastern New Guinea showing type locality for Oreophryne cameroni sp. n. (filled circle), additional localities for Oreophryne cameroni sp. n. (open circles), type locality for Oreophryne parkopanorum sp. n. (star), and type locality for Oreophryne gagneorum sp. n. (triangle). The square shows the type locality for Oreophryne kampen i, the only previous member of the genus with a cartilaginous connection between the scapula and procoracoid known to occur in Papua New Guinea outside the Central Highlands.