Here's an uncharacteristic Yellowthroat song - in this sample he got distracted midway through his song and went off on a tangent! At the end of this one you'll also hear the "Chack!" note which they often repeat over and over in the morning while feeding.
The sound you most commonly hear from the Yellowthroat, though, is not the distinctive song, but their persistent "chacking" while they forage in the reeds, eating spiders and insects.
Category hierarchy: Management | Environmental EducationDescription: Bird Banding - Elizabeth Sellers points out identification characteristics in the plumage of a male common yellowthroat to John P. Mosesso during a capture-recapture study at a Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) program bird banding station.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS Elan IICapture details: Film: Fuji Provia 100FOriginal date: 20060601Locality: Latitude: 3.743160000000000e+001; Longitude: -7.865689999999999e+001