Daphnopsis americana (Thymelaeaceae) based on Acevedo 13400 from Puerto Rico. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Photograph of Daphnopsis americana.
Photograph of Wikstroemia pulcherrima. Cultivated.
Photograph of Wikstroemia pulcherrima.
Photograph of Wikstroemia pulcherrima.
Photograph of Wikstroemia pulcherrima.
Photograph of Wikstroemia pulcherrima. Cultivated.
Photograph of Wikstroemia pulcherrima.
Photograph of Wikstroemia coriacea.
Lophostoma calophylloides (Thymelaeaceae) based on M.B. da Silva 150, from Amazonas, Brazil; photo by P. Acevedo.
Photograph of Daphnopsis philippiana.
Photograph of Wikstroemia johnplewsii.
Photograph of Wikstroemia johnplewsii.
Photograph of Wikstroemia johnplewsii.
Close-up/Fertile image, KVN667-F, Bartholdi Park , GGI Gardens Project
Habit image, KVN667-H, Bartholdi Park , GGI Gardens Project
Daphnopsis americana subsp. caribaea (Thymelaeaceae) based on Acevedo 4101 from U.S. Virgin Islands. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Photograph of Wikstroemia furcata.
Photograph of Wikstroemia furcata.
Photograph of Wikstroemia uva-ursi var. uva-ursi. Cultivated 'Ewa Beach, Bob and Christa's yard, O'ahu.
Photograph of Wikstroemia uva-ursi var. uva-ursi. Cultivated 'Ewa Beach, Bob and Christa's yard, O'ahu.
Photograph of Wikstroemia uva-ursi var. uva-ursi. Cultivated 'Ewa Beach, Bob and Christa's yard, O'ahu.
Photograph of Wikstroemia uva-ursi var. uva-ursi. Cultivated 'Ewa Beach, Bob and Christa's yard, O'ahu.