Image of Orthomus (Orthomus) longulus (Reiche & Saulcy 1855)
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Orthomus (Orthomus) longulus (Reiche & Saulcy 1855)


provided by Zookeys
ISRAEL: - Northern District: 1 ♂, “Palestine. …Galilee XII.1924 O. Theodor.” (BMNH); 1 spec., “Nazaret, 17.3.-3.4.87, Kfar …. L. Blumenthal leg.” (NMW); 3 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀, Megiddo, Ein Ha’emek, 230 m, Getreideacker, 08.V.1996, Schnitter & Staven leg. (DWBG); 1 ♂, 4 ♀♀, “Merom Golan, 12.VI.2000, V. Chikatunov leg.” (TAU); 2 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀, Upper Galilee, N. sea shore of Sea of Galilee, Ein Sheva (Tabkha), -192 m, 32°52.453'N, 035°32.726'E (stony and loamy pasture), 25.IV.2006, D.W.Wrase leg. (DWBG); 1 ♂, Lower Galilee, ca 4 km W Tamra, (route 70), 32°51.799'N, 035°10.292'E (loamy field edge), 25 m, 25.IV.2006 D.W.Wrase leg. (DWBG); 1 ♂, 6 ♀♀, Upper Galilee, Ha Khula Valley, Ma’agar Einan lake, 73 m, 33°05.137'N, 035°34.730'E (toe of dam, in moist loamy soil), 1./2.V.2006 D.W.Wrase leg. (DWBG, JSAG); 1 ♂, Bir el Maksur, 32°45.901'N, 035°13.883'E, 23.II.2005, W. Starke leg. (DWBG); 1 ♀, Nazareth, Kfar ?Hochbreeh, 17.III.-3.IV.1987, Blumenthal leg. (DWBG). - Haifa District: 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, Haifa [“Syrien Haifa Reitter”] (BMNH, MHNG, MIZ, NMW); 1 ♀, Mount Carmel, 23.XII.25 (MIZ); 4 ♀♀, Haifa, 15.XII.1941 / 8.I.1942 / 4.XII.1954 Bytinski-Salz (TAU); 1 ♀, Nahal Oren, Mount Carmel, 18.3.1996, Pavliček & Chikatunov leg. (TAU); 1 ♀, Haifa, Check Post, 8.II.2000, V. Chikatunov & T. Pavliček leg. (TAU); 1 ♂, Mount Carmel, Ya’ar ha- Ya’aramin ca. 500 m (under stones), 30.III.2008, D.W.Wrase leg. (DWBG).
Borislav Guéorguiev, David W. Wrase, Jan Farkač
bibliographic citation
Guéorguiev B, Wrase D, Farkač J (2014) Revision of the East Mediterranean Orthomus (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Pterostichini), with description of Parorthomus gen. n. socotranus sp. n. from Socotra Island and key to the Old World genera of subtribe Euchroina ZooKeys 427: 21–57
Borislav Guéorguiev
David W. Wrase
Jan Farkač
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