Image of Fontidessus christineae Miller & Montano
Unresolved name

Fontidessus christineae Miller & Montano


provided by Zookeys
Measurements. TL = 1.1–1.2 mm, GW = 0.7 mm, PW = 0.6 mm, HW = 0.4 mm, EW = 0.3 mm, TL/GW = 1.7, HW/EW = 1.5–1.6. Body (Fig. 6) broadly oval; lateral outline nearly continuous between pronotum and elytron; lateral margins of pronotum gently curved; lateral margins of elytron evenly and gently curved. Coloration. Head dark red-brown, lighter anteriorly, pronotum dark red-brown along anterior and posterior margins with indistinct yellow-red transverse region across anterior half, darker yellow brown medially (Fig. 6); elytron dark red-brown (Fig. 6). Ventral surfaces of thorax and abdomen dark brown to dark red-brown except prosternum, prosternal process, propleuron and pronotal epipleuron red-brown; appendages yellow to yellow-brown. Sculpture and structure. Head with very fine, inconspicuous, irregular punctation, surface between punctures shiny with distinct microsculpture in the form of small cells; eyes medium in size (Fig. 6, HW/EW = 1.5–1.6). Pronotal surface similar to that of head; with posterior angles obtuse; lateral bead narrow, of even width throughout; pronotal striae finely incised, extending nearly 1/2 distance across pronotum (Fig. 6). Elytron with anterolateral angle obtuse, not extended anteriorly (Fig. 6); surface similar to pronotum but with fine microsculpture cells more distinct. Prosternal process moderately broad, lateral margins slightly angulate, apex of process narrowly rounded (Fig. 14); metacoxae impunctate, but with distinct microreticulation; metacoxal process with lateral lobe minute. Pro- and mesotarsi broader in male than female. Metatrochanter very large relative to metafemur (Fig. 21). Male genitalia. Median lobe in dorsal aspect deeply emarginate medially, each arm moderately slender, lateral margin sinuate, medial margin evenly curved, apex expanded and directed medially, with large, hyaline, rounded lobes laterally (Fig. 28A); in lateral aspect very broad, medially curved ventrad, apex tapered to sub-truncate apex (Fig. 28C); with broad, rounded dorsal sclerite (Fig. 28B). Lateral lobe in lateral aspect with basal segment broad, dorsally acute along margin, apical segment slender, apically slightly expanded to narrowly rounded apex, with fine setae along ventral margin (Figs 28D).
Kelly B. Miller, Elizabeth T. Montano
bibliographic citation
Miller K, Montano E (2014) Review of the genus Fontidessus Miller & Spangler, 2008 (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Hydroporinae, Bidessini) with description of four new species ZooKeys 426: 65–85
Kelly B. Miller
Elizabeth T. Montano
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
Fontidessus christineae is known only from one area, on Mount Kasikasima in Suriname (Fig. 32) in a “small seepage” and in the “main seepage area” (Fig. 36). The localities are at 400 and 515 meters
Kelly B. Miller, Elizabeth T. Montano
bibliographic citation
Miller K, Montano E (2014) Review of the genus Fontidessus Miller & Spangler, 2008 (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Hydroporinae, Bidessini) with description of four new species ZooKeys 426: 65–85
Kelly B. Miller
Elizabeth T. Montano
visit source
partner site