
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Glenanthe salina

Glenanthe litorea of authors [misidentification in part].—Cresson, 1942:107 [review].—Sturtevant and Wheeler, 1954:249–250 [review].—Wirth, 1965:737 [Nearctic catalog].

DIAGNOSIS.—Wing unpatterned; antenna blackish brown to black; flagellomere 1 yellowish orange anteroventrally; palpus almost completely yellowish; postpronotum, notopleuron, and alar area lacking a gray stripe; fore basitarsomere of male unadorned; and abdomen dull, densely microtomentose.

DESCRIPTION.—Small shore flies, length 1.3 to 1.9 mm; generally dull colored, silvery to grayish tan, becoming grayer ventrally and laterally, microtomentose.

Head: Frons tan to golden tan, lateral margin silvery gray. Face silvery gray, carina sometimes slightly tinged with tan. Antenna mostly blackish brown; flagellomere 1 mostly blackish. Palpus grayish yellow to yellow.

Thorax: Mesonotum yellowish or grayish light brown; pleural areas whitish gray to gray, lacking a pleural stripe. Wing unpatterned; costal vein ratio 0.18; M vein ratio 0.4. Legs with femora and tibiae gray, densely microtomentose; tarsi pale, basal 1–3 tarsomeres yellowish orange to yellow, apical 1–3 tarsomeres brown; fore basitarsomere unadorned.

Abdomen: Dorsum mostly gray, anterior tergites with some faint tan coloration, densely microtomentose. Male terminalia (Figures 27, 28): Epandrium comparatively short, with distinct, rounded notch dorsally; surstylus (Figures 27, 28) short, about 1.5 times length of epandrium in lateral view, ventral margin pointed, bearing moderately long setulae; aedeagus (Figures 27, 28) comparatively short, length about twice length of epandrium in lateral view; aedeagal apodeme more or less triangular, anterodorsal angle with lateral flange.

TYPE MATERIAL.—The holotype male is labeled “Howard Co. M[iss]o[uri]. Boonslick Salt Spg.[,] 17 May 1969[,] W. W. Wirth.” The allotype female and 17 other paratypes (7, 10 USNM) bear the same label data as the holotype. Other paratypes are as follows: NEBRASKA. Lincoln (salt lake), 19 Jun 1969, W.W. Wirth (13 USNM). The holotype is double mounted, is in good condition, and is deposited in the USNM.

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—CANADA. Manitoba: The Pas, 31 Jul 1937, D.G. Denning (1 ANSP). Nova Scotia: Englishtown, 6 Jun 1936, T.N. Freeman (1; CNC). Prince Edward Island: Dalvay House National Park, 17 Aug 1940, G.S. Walley (1; CNC).

UNITED STATES. Alabama: Mobile Co., Coden, A.H. Sturtevant, 15 Oct 1924 (1; USNM). Alaska: Anchorage, 16 Jun 1921, J.M. Aldrich (4, 5; ANSP, USNM). California: Imperial Co., Palo Verde, W.W. Wirth (2, 10; USNM). Kansas: Stafford Co. (salt marsh), 29–30 Jun 1934, C.W. Sabrosky (1, 2; ANSP). Massachusetts: Barnstable Co., North Falmouth, 22 Jul 1922, A.H. Sturtevant (1, 2 USNM); Woods Hole, 22 Jul–1 Aug 1922, 1923, A.H. Sturtevant (1, 2; USNM). Missouri: Boonsboro, 25 Apr-23 May 1954, D.L. Lindsley (4, 2; USNM). New York: Long Island, Cold Spring Harbor, 27 May 1923, A.H. Sturtevant (1; USNM); Towd Point (salt marsh), 24 May 1963, W.W. Wirth (2; USNM); South Beach, 25 Jun, A.L. Melander (1; USNM). Ohio: Lorain Co., Amherst, Beaver Creek, 18 Aug 1978, B. Steinly (5, 2; USNM). South Dakota: Lawrence Co., Spearfish (4.8 km S), 20 Jun 1968, W.N. Mathis (1; USNM). Texas: Gonzales Co., Gonzales, Guadelupe River, 22 Apr 1956, W.W. Wirth (1; USNM). Travis Co., Austin, 22 Sep–14 Oct 1951, M.R. Wheeler (1, 6; UTA). Austin (40 km NW), 22 Sep 1951, M.R. Wheeler (1; UTA). Utah: Salt Lake Co., causeway to Antelope Island, 21 Aug 1982, R.S. and V.L. Zack (1; WSU).

DISTRIBUTION (Figure 29).—Nearctic. Canada (MB, NS, PE). United States (AK, AL, CA, KS, MA, MO, NB, NY, OH, SD, TX, UT).

ETYMOLOGY.—The species epithet, salina, is of Latin derivation and alludes to the saline habitats where this species frequently occurs.

NATURAL HISTORY.—This species has been collected from maritime and inland salt marshes.
bibliographic citation
Mathis, Wayne Neilsen. 1995. "Studies of Gymnomyzinae (Diptera: Ephydridae), VI: A Revision of the Genus Glenathe Haliday from the New World." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-26. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.567