Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Cracca leucantha (H.B.K.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 175. 1891
Tephrosia leucantha H.B.K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6: 460. 1823.
A perennial herb, with a branched caudex; stem 3-5 dm. high, angled, sulcate, shortvillous or sub-strigose; leaves about 1 dm. long; stipules subulate-filiform, acuminate, 8-12 mm. long; rachis short-villous; petioles 1-2 cm. long; leaflets 7-21, oblong, rounded and mucronate at the apex, obtuse at the base, appressed-pubescent on both sides, 2-3 cm. long, 5 mm. wide; racemes terminal, compact, single, or a second smaller in the uppermost axil, peduncled; bracts lanceolate, acuminate, about 1 cm. long, silky; pedicels 4-10 mm. long; calyx sericeous, the tube 3 mm. long, the lobes 4 mm. long, subulate; corolla whitish, 12-15 mm. long; banner orbicular, clawed, strigose without; wings oblong, with a rounded auricle on the upper side obtuse, adnate to the keel-petals at the base, short-clawed; keel-petals falcate, nearly semiorbicular with a rounded base and short claw; pod sericeous.
Tyre locality: Near Guanajuato.
Distribution: Guanajuato to Zacatecas.
- bibliographic citation
- Per Axel Rydberg. 1919. (ROSALES); FABACEAE; PSORALEAE. North American flora. vol 24(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Cracca roseana Rydberg, sp. nov
A herbaceous perennial, slightly shrubby at the base; stem 3-6 dm. high, canescentstrigose; leaves S— 15 cm. long; stipules subulate, 8-10 nun. long; petiole about 2 cm. long, as well as the rachis canescent-strigose; leaflets 15-21, linear-lanceolate or lance-oblong, 1.5-3 cm. long, pale, silky-strigose on both sides, acute and mucronate; racemes 5-15 cm. long, terminal and in the upper axils; bracts lanceolate, short-acuminate, 7-8 mm. long; calyx silky-strigose, the tube 2.5 mm. long, the lobes subulate, 4 mm. long; corolla apparently ochroleucous, 12-14 mm. long; banner obovate, densely strigose without; pod 5-6 cm. long, 6 mm. wide, hirsute-strigose, about 8-seeded.
Type collected at Hacienda Cierro, Queretaro, August 20, 1905, Rose, Painter & Rose 9642 (herb. N. Y. Bot. Card.).
Distribution: Durango and Queretaro.
- bibliographic citation
- Per Axel Rydberg. 1919. (ROSALES); FABACEAE; PSORALEAE. North American flora. vol 24(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY