Dunaliellaceae is a family of algae in the order Chlamydomonadales.[2]
Figures in brackets are approx. how many species per genus.[1]
Uncertain genera, (with no listed species); Apiochloris Pascher, 1930, Chloronephris Pascher & Jahoda, 1928, Hyaliella Pascher, 1913, Hyalocardium H.Ettl, 1965, Medusochloris Pascher, 1917, Papenfussiomonas Desikachary, 1972, Platella Proshkina-Lavrenko, 1945, Silvamonas Skvortzov, 1967 and Ulochloris
Dunaliellaceae is a family of algae in the order Chlamydomonadales.