disturbed riparian zone; for the first time I am noticing gland tipped hairs on calyx, or gland like globules of some kind. These are not mentioned in Jepson manual for family, genus, or species.
disturbed riparian zone; for the first time I am noticing gland tipped hairs on calyx, or gland like globules of some kind. These are not mentioned in Jepson manual for family, genus, or species.
Specimen from this location on file, collected by Steve Matson #374 on 15 August 1998
Specimen from this location on file, collected by Steve Matson #374 on 15 August 1998
Specimen from this location on file, collected by Steve Matson #374 on 15 August 1998
Slo.: vodna meta
Slo.: vodna meta
Slo.: vodna meta
Slo.: vodna meta
Slo.: vodna meta
Slo.: vodna meta
Slo.: vodna meta
abaxial leaf surface