Aiguaviva, Catalonia, Spain
Tribonema (tribe-owe-knee-ma) is a xanthophyte, a group of stramenopiles with chloroplasts. Xanthophytes may adopt a variety of body forms, and the normal form for this genus is the filament. Cell walls often built from H-shaped units, and these overlap in the middle of a cell. Stalked attached cells also occur, as is evident here. Plastids usually discoid, yellow green. Differential interference contrast.
Tribonema (tribe-owe-knee-ma) is a xanthophyte, a group of stramenopiles with chloroplasts. Xanthophytes may adopt a variety of body forms, and the normal form for this genus is the filament. Cell walls often built from H-shaped units, and these overlap in the middle of a cell. Stalked attached cells also occur, as is evident here. Plastids usually discoid, yellow green. Differential interference contrast.
Tribonema (tribe-owe-knee-ma) is a xanthophyte, a group of stramenopiles with chloroplasts. Xanthophytes may adopt a variety of body forms, and the normal form for this genus is the filament. Cell walls often built from H-shaped units, and these overlap in the middle of a cell. Stalked attached cells also occur, as is evident here. Plastids usually discoid, yellow green. Phase contrast
Tribonema (tribe-owe-knee-ma) is a xanthophyte, a group of stramenopiles with chloroplasts. Xanthophytes may adopt a variety of body forms, and the normal form for this genus is the filament. Cell walls often built from H-shaped units, and these overlap in the middle of a cell. Plastids usually discoid, yellow green. Differential interference contrast.
Tribonema (tribe-owe-knee-ma) is a xanthophyte, a group of stramenopiles with chloroplasts. Xanthophytes may adopt a variety of body forms, and the normal form for this genus is the filament. Plastids usually discoid, yellow green. Phase contrast.
Tribonema (tribe-owe-knee-ma) is a xanthophyte, a group of stramenopiles with chloroplasts. Xanthophytes may adopt a variety of body forms, and the normal form for this genus is the filament. Cell walls often built from H-shaped units, and these overlap in the middle of a cell. Stalked attached cells also occur, as is evident here. Plastids usually discoid, yellow green. Phase contrast.
Tribonema (tribe-owe-knee-ma) is a xanthophyte, a group of stramenopiles with chloroplasts. Xanthophytes may adopt a variety of body forms, and the normal form for this genus is the filament. Cell walls often built from H-shaped units, and these overlap in the middle of a cell, as is evident here. Plastids usually discoid, yellow green. Phase contrast
Tribonema (tribe-owe-knee-ma) is a xanthophyte, a group of stramenopiles with chloroplasts. Xanthophytes may adopt a variety of body forms, and the normal form for this genus is the filament. Cell walls often built from H-shaped units, and these overlap in the middle of a cell as can be seen here. Plastids usually discoid, yellow green. Differential interference contrast.
Tribonema (tribe-owe-knee-ma) is a xanthophyte, a group of stramenopiles with chloroplasts. Xanthophytes may adopt a variety of body forms, and the normal form for this genus is the filament. Plastids usually discoid, yellow green. Dark ground illumination.
Tribonema (try-bow-knee-ma) aequale, a xanthophyte alga which forms filaments. Plastids visible in this image. Differential interference microscopy.
data on this strain.
Sampling date 06/2018. Scale bars indicate 25 µm.Place name: Bog Kaltenhof near Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) Latitude: 54.42102744 Longitude: 10.07686615Microscope Zeiss Axioplan, camera Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. DOF image.© Wolfgang Bettighofer,images under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA).For permission to use of (high resolution) images please contact
postmaster@protisten.de.For further information about the image, please click here:
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