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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Jumping Spiders
Retrolateral tibial apophysis
Jumping Spiders
Myrmarachne acutidens Yamasaki & Edwards 2013
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Myrmarachne acutidens Yamasaki & Edwards 2013
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Spider Catalog in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Myrmarachne acutidens
Yamasaki & Edwards 2013
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Myrmarachne acutidens
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
wikipedia ES
Myrmarachne acutidens Yamasaki & Edwards 2013
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Myrmarachne acutidens Yamasaki & Edwards 2013
Recognized by
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Myrmarachne acutidens Yamasaki & Edwards 2013
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Retrolateral tibial apophysis (Rta)
Myrmarachne acutidens Yamasaki & Edwards 2013
(this page)
Myrmarachne acromegalis Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne albocincta (C. L. Koch 1846)
Myrmarachne albosetosa Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne amabilis Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne angusta (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne annandalei Simon 1901
Myrmarachne attenuata (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne aurea Ceccarelli 2010
Myrmarachne bakeri Banks 1930
Myrmarachne balinese Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold 2010
Myrmarachne bamakoi Berland & Millot 1941
Myrmarachne bicolor (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne bicurvata (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1869)
Myrmarachne bidentata Banks 1930
Myrmarachne biseratensis Badcock 1918
Myrmarachne calcuttaensis Biswas 1984
Myrmarachne concava Zhu, Zhang, Zhang & Chen 2005
Myrmarachne confusa Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne consobrina Denis 1955
Myrmarachne contracta (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne debilis (Thorell 1890)
Myrmarachne decorata Reimoser 1927
Myrmarachne dundoensis Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne edentata Berry, Beatty & Prószyński 1996
Myrmarachne eidmanni Roewer 1942
Myrmarachne elongata Szombathy 1915
Myrmarachne endoi Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne epigealis Yamasaki & Edwards 2013
Myrmarachne erythrocephala (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne eumenes (Simon 1900)
Myrmarachne foenisex Simon 1910
Myrmarachne formica (Doleschall 1859)
Myrmarachne formicaria (De Geer 1778)
Myrmarachne formosa (Thorell 1890)
Myrmarachne formosana (Matsumura 1911)
Myrmarachne galianoae Cutler 1981
Myrmarachne gisti Fox 1937
Myrmarachne hashimotoi Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne helensmithae Pekár 2017
Myrmarachne hesperia (Simon 1887)
Myrmarachne incerta Narayan 1915
Myrmarachne jacksoni Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold 2010
Myrmarachne jianfenglin Barrion, Barrion-Dupo & Heong 2013
Myrmarachne kiboschensis Lessert 1925
Myrmarachne kilifi Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne kochi Reimoser 1925
Myrmarachne kuwagata Yaginuma 1967
Myrmarachne laeta (Thorell 1887)
Myrmarachne lagarosoma Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne lambirensis Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne lawrencei Roewer 1965
Myrmarachne leptosoma Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne lesserti Lawrence 1938
Myrmarachne linguiensis Zhang & Song 1992
Myrmarachne longiventris (Simon 1903)
Myrmarachne ludhianaensis Sadana & Gupta 1998
Myrmarachne lugens (Thorell 1881)
Myrmarachne lugubris (Kulczyński 1895)
Myrmarachne lulengana Roewer 1965
Myrmarachne macleayana (Bradley 1876)
Myrmarachne macrognatha (Thorell 1894)
Myrmarachne marshalli Peckham & Peckham 1903
Myrmarachne mcgregori Banks 1930
Myrmarachne melanotarsa Wesolowska & Salm 2002
Myrmarachne militaris Szombathy 1913
Myrmarachne milledgei Pekár 2017
Myrmarachne moesta (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne morningside Benjamin 2015
Myrmarachne myrmicaeformis (Lucas 1871)
Myrmarachne nemorensis (Peckham & Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne nigella Simon 1901
Myrmarachne nigeriensis Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne nigra (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne nitidissima (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne opaca (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne palladia Denis 1958
Myrmarachne patellata Strand 1907
Myrmarachne pinakapalea Barrion & Litsinger 1995
Myrmarachne pinoysorum Barrion & Litsinger 1995
Myrmarachne pisarskii Berry, Beatty & Prószyński 1996
Myrmarachne platypalpa Bradoo 1980
Myrmarachne poonaensis Tikader 1973
Myrmarachne prava (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne prognatha (Thorell 1887)
Myrmarachne ransoni Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne richardsi Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne roeweri Reimoser 1934
Myrmarachne rufescens (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne rufisquei Berland & Millot 1941
Myrmarachne sabahna Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne salaputium Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne satarensis Narayan 1915
Myrmarachne seriatis Banks 1930
Myrmarachne striatipes (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne tamsuiensis Yamasaki 2013
Myrmarachne tintinnabulum Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne transversa (Mukerjee 1930)
Myrmarachne tristis (Simon 1882)
Myrmarachne vestita (Thorell 1895)
Myrmarachne zabkai Pekár 2017
82 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Myrmarachne acutidens Yamasaki & Edwards 2013
(this page)
Myrmarachne acromegalis Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne albocincta (C. L. Koch 1846)
Myrmarachne albosetosa Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne angusta (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne annandalei Simon 1901
Myrmarachne attenuata (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne attenuata (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1901)
Myrmarachne aurea Ceccarelli 2010
Myrmarachne bakeri Banks 1930
Myrmarachne balinese Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold 2010
Myrmarachne bicolor (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne bicurvata (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1869)
Myrmarachne bidentata Banks 1930
Myrmarachne biseratensis Badcock 1918
Myrmarachne calcuttaensis Biswas 1984
Myrmarachne caliraya Barrion & Litsinger 1995
Myrmarachne capito (Thorell 1890)
Myrmarachne chapmani Banks 1930
Myrmarachne collarti Roewer 1965
Myrmarachne concava Zhu, J. X. Zhang, Z. S. Zhang & Chen 2005
Myrmarachne constricta (Blackwall 1877)
Myrmarachne contracta (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne cornuta Badcock 1918
Myrmarachne corpuzrarosae Barrion 1981
Myrmarachne debilis (Thorell 1890)
Myrmarachne decorata Reimoser 1927
Myrmarachne dilatata (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne dirangicus Bastawade 2002
Myrmarachne edentata Berry, Beatty & Prószyński 1996
Myrmarachne edentula (G. W. Peckham & E. G. Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne edwardsi Berry, Beatty & Prószyński 1996
Myrmarachne eidmanni Roewer 1942
Myrmarachne elongata Szombathy 1915
Myrmarachne endoi Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne eumenes (Simon 1900)
Myrmarachne evidens Roewer 1965
Myrmarachne foreli Lessert 1925
Myrmarachne formica (Doleschall 1859)
Myrmarachne formosana (Matsumura 1911)
Myrmarachne formosana (Saito 1933)
Myrmarachne formosicola Strand 1910
Myrmarachne giltayi Roewer 1965
Myrmarachne gisti Fox 1937
Myrmarachne gurgulla Ceccarelli 2010
Myrmarachne hesperia (Simon 1887)
Myrmarachne hidaspis Caporiacco 1935
Myrmarachne ichneumon (Simon 1886)
Myrmarachne incerta Narayan 1915
Myrmarachne iridescens Banks 1930
Myrmarachne jacobsoni Reimoser 1925
Myrmarachne japonica (Karsch 1879)
Myrmarachne kiboschensis Lessert 1925
Myrmarachne kochi Reimoser 1925
Myrmarachne kuwagata Yaginuma 1967
Myrmarachne lambirensis Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne legon Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne leleupi Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne lesserti Lawrence 1938
Myrmarachne linguiensis Zhang & Song 1992
Myrmarachne luctuosa (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne ludhianaensis Sadana & Gupta 1998
Myrmarachne lulengana Roewer 1965
Myrmarachne lulengensis Roewer 1965
Myrmarachne macleayana (Bradley 1876)
Myrmarachne macrognatha (Thorell 1894)
Myrmarachne manducator (Westwood 1841)
Myrmarachne mcgregori Banks 1930
Myrmarachne melanocephala MacLeay 1839
Myrmarachne melanotarsa Wesołowska & Salm 2002
Myrmarachne mussungue Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne myrmicaeformis (Lucas 1871)
Myrmarachne nigeriensis Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne nigra (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne nitidissima (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne onceana Barrion & Litsinger 1995
Myrmarachne piercei Banks 1930
Myrmarachne pinakapalea Barrion & Litsinger 1995
Myrmarachne pinoysorum Barrion & Litsinger 1995
Myrmarachne pisarskii Berry, Beatty & Prószyński 1996
Myrmarachne providens (G. W. Peckham & E. G. Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne pumilio (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne pygmaea (Thorell 1894)
Myrmarachne rhopalota (Thorell 1895)
Myrmarachne richardsi Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne robusta (G. W. Peckham & E. G. Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne russellsmithi Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne sabahna Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne salaputium Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne satarensis Narayan 1915
Myrmarachne simonis (Herman 1879)
Myrmarachne smaragdina Ceccarelli 2010
Myrmarachne striatipes (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne tagalica Banks 1930
Myrmarachne thaii Żabka 1985
Myrmarachne tintinnabulum Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne tristis (Simon 1882)
Myrmarachne uelensis Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne vanessae Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne vehemens Fox 1937
Myrmarachne zabkai Pekár 2017
85 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Myrmarachne acutidens Yamasaki & Edwards 2013
(this page)
Myrmarachne acromegalis Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne albocincta (C. L. Koch 1846)
Myrmarachne albosetosa Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne amabilis Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne angusta (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne annandalei Simon 1901
Myrmarachne attenuata (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne aurea Ceccarelli 2010
Myrmarachne bakeri Banks 1930
Myrmarachne balinese Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold 2010
Myrmarachne bamakoi Berland & Millot 1941
Myrmarachne bicolor (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne bicurvata (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1869)
Myrmarachne bidentata Banks 1930
Myrmarachne biseratensis Badcock 1918
Myrmarachne calcuttaensis Biswas 1984
Myrmarachne concava Zhu, Zhang, Zhang & Chen 2005
Myrmarachne confusa Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne consobrina Denis 1955
Myrmarachne contracta (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne debilis (Thorell 1890)
Myrmarachne decorata Reimoser 1927
Myrmarachne dundoensis Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne edentata Berry, Beatty & Prószyński 1996
Myrmarachne eidmanni Roewer 1942
Myrmarachne elongata Szombathy 1915
Myrmarachne endoi Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne epigealis Yamasaki & Edwards 2013
Myrmarachne erythrocephala (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne eumenes (Simon 1900)
Myrmarachne foenisex Simon 1910
Myrmarachne formica (Doleschall 1859)
Myrmarachne formicaria (De Geer 1778)
Myrmarachne formosa (Thorell 1890)
Myrmarachne formosana (Matsumura 1911)
Myrmarachne galianoae Cutler 1981
Myrmarachne gisti Fox 1937
Myrmarachne hashimotoi Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne helensmithae Pekár 2017
Myrmarachne hesperia (Simon 1887)
Myrmarachne incerta Narayan 1915
Myrmarachne jacksoni Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold 2010
Myrmarachne jianfenglin Barrion, Barrion-Dupo & Heong 2013
Myrmarachne kiboschensis Lessert 1925
Myrmarachne kilifi Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne kochi Reimoser 1925
Myrmarachne kuwagata Yaginuma 1967
Myrmarachne laeta (Thorell 1887)
Myrmarachne lagarosoma Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne lambirensis Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne lawrencei Roewer 1965
Myrmarachne leptosoma Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne lesserti Lawrence 1938
Myrmarachne linguiensis Zhang & Song 1992
Myrmarachne longiventris (Simon 1903)
Myrmarachne ludhianaensis Sadana & Gupta 1998
Myrmarachne lugens (Thorell 1881)
Myrmarachne lugubris (Kulczyński 1895)
Myrmarachne lulengana Roewer 1965
Myrmarachne macleayana (Bradley 1876)
Myrmarachne macrognatha (Thorell 1894)
Myrmarachne marshalli Peckham & Peckham 1903
Myrmarachne mcgregori Banks 1930
Myrmarachne melanotarsa Wesolowska & Salm 2002
Myrmarachne militaris Szombathy 1913
Myrmarachne milledgei Pekár 2017
Myrmarachne moesta (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne morningside Benjamin 2015
Myrmarachne myrmicaeformis (Lucas 1871)
Myrmarachne nemorensis (Peckham & Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne nigella Simon 1901
Myrmarachne nigeriensis Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne nigra (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne nitidissima (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne opaca (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne palladia Denis 1958
Myrmarachne patellata Strand 1907
Myrmarachne pinakapalea Barrion & Litsinger 1995
Myrmarachne pinoysorum Barrion & Litsinger 1995
Myrmarachne pisarskii Berry, Beatty & Prószyński 1996
Myrmarachne platypalpa Bradoo 1980
Myrmarachne poonaensis Tikader 1973
Myrmarachne prava (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne prognatha (Thorell 1887)
Myrmarachne ransoni Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne richardsi Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne roeweri Reimoser 1934
Myrmarachne rufescens (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne rufisquei Berland & Millot 1941
Myrmarachne sabahna Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne salaputium Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne satarensis Narayan 1915
Myrmarachne seriatis Banks 1930
Myrmarachne striatipes (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne tamsuiensis Yamasaki 2013
Myrmarachne tintinnabulum Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne transversa (Mukerjee 1930)
Myrmarachne tristis (Simon 1882)
Myrmarachne vestita (Thorell 1895)
Myrmarachne zabkai Pekár 2017
82 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Myrmarachne acutidens Yamasaki & Edwards 2013
(this page)
Myrmarachne acromegalis Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne albocincta (C. L. Koch 1846)
Myrmarachne albosetosa Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne amabilis Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne angusta (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne annandalei Simon 1901
Myrmarachne attenuata (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne aurea Ceccarelli 2010
Myrmarachne bakeri Banks 1930
Myrmarachne balinese Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold 2010
Myrmarachne bamakoi Berland & Millot 1941
Myrmarachne bicolor (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne bicurvata (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1869)
Myrmarachne bidentata Banks 1930
Myrmarachne biseratensis Badcock 1918
Myrmarachne calcuttaensis Biswas 1984
Myrmarachne concava Zhu, Zhang, Zhang & Chen 2005
Myrmarachne confusa Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne consobrina Denis 1955
Myrmarachne contracta (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne debilis (Thorell 1890)
Myrmarachne decorata Reimoser 1927
Myrmarachne dundoensis Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne edentata Berry, Beatty & Prószyński 1996
Myrmarachne eidmanni Roewer 1942
Myrmarachne elongata Szombathy 1915
Myrmarachne endoi Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne epigealis Yamasaki & Edwards 2013
Myrmarachne erythrocephala (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne eumenes (Simon 1900)
Myrmarachne foenisex Simon 1910
Myrmarachne formica (Doleschall 1859)
Myrmarachne formicaria (De Geer 1778)
Myrmarachne formosa (Thorell 1890)
Myrmarachne formosana (Matsumura 1911)
Myrmarachne galianoae Cutler 1981
Myrmarachne gisti Fox 1937
Myrmarachne hashimotoi Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne helensmithae Pekár 2017
Myrmarachne hesperia (Simon 1887)
Myrmarachne incerta Narayan 1915
Myrmarachne jacksoni Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold 2010
Myrmarachne jianfenglin Barrion, Barrion-Dupo & Heong 2013
Myrmarachne kiboschensis Lessert 1925
Myrmarachne kilifi Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne kochi Reimoser 1925
Myrmarachne kuwagata Yaginuma 1967
Myrmarachne laeta (Thorell 1887)
Myrmarachne lagarosoma Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne lambirensis Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne lawrencei Roewer 1965
Myrmarachne leptosoma Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne lesserti Lawrence 1938
Myrmarachne linguiensis Zhang & Song 1992
Myrmarachne longiventris (Simon 1903)
Myrmarachne ludhianaensis Sadana & Gupta 1998
Myrmarachne lugens (Thorell 1881)
Myrmarachne lugubris (Kulczyński 1895)
Myrmarachne lulengana Roewer 1965
Myrmarachne macleayana (Bradley 1876)
Myrmarachne macrognatha (Thorell 1894)
Myrmarachne marshalli Peckham & Peckham 1903
Myrmarachne mcgregori Banks 1930
Myrmarachne melanotarsa Wesolowska & Salm 2002
Myrmarachne militaris Szombathy 1913
Myrmarachne milledgei Pekár 2017
Myrmarachne moesta (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne morningside Benjamin 2015
Myrmarachne myrmicaeformis (Lucas 1871)
Myrmarachne nemorensis (Peckham & Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne nigella Simon 1901
Myrmarachne nigeriensis Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne nigra (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne nitidissima (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne opaca (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne palladia Denis 1958
Myrmarachne patellata Strand 1907
Myrmarachne pinakapalea Barrion & Litsinger 1995
Myrmarachne pinoysorum Barrion & Litsinger 1995
Myrmarachne pisarskii Berry, Beatty & Prószyński 1996
Myrmarachne platypalpa Bradoo 1980
Myrmarachne poonaensis Tikader 1973
Myrmarachne prava (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne prognatha (Thorell 1887)
Myrmarachne ransoni Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne richardsi Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne roeweri Reimoser 1934
Myrmarachne rufescens (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne rufisquei Berland & Millot 1941
Myrmarachne sabahna Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne salaputium Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne satarensis Narayan 1915
Myrmarachne seriatis Banks 1930
Myrmarachne striatipes (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne tamsuiensis Yamasaki 2013
Myrmarachne tintinnabulum Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne transversa (Mukerjee 1930)
Myrmarachne tristis (Simon 1882)
Myrmarachne vestita (Thorell 1895)
Myrmarachne zabkai Pekár 2017
82 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Myrmarachne Mac Leay 1893
Myrmarachne acutidens Yamasaki & Edwards 2013
(this page)
Myrmarachne albocincta (C. L. Koch 1846)
Myrmarachne albosetosa Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne alticeps (Thorell 1890)
Myrmarachne amabilis Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne angusta (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne annandalei Simon 1901
Myrmarachne assimilis Banks 1930
Myrmarachne balinese Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold 2010
Myrmarachne bicurvata (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1869)
Myrmarachne bidentata Banks 1930
Myrmarachne biseratensis Badcock 1918
Myrmarachne brevis Xiao 2002
Myrmarachne calcuttaensis Biswas 1984
Myrmarachne caliraya Barrion & Litsinger 1995
Myrmarachne capito (Thorell 1890)
Myrmarachne chapmani Banks 1930
Myrmarachne contracta (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne cornuta Badcock 1918
Myrmarachne corpuzrarosae Barrion 1981
Myrmarachne cowani (Peckham & Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne dirangicus Bastawade 2002
Myrmarachne dundoensis Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne edentata Berry, Beatty & Prószyński 1996
Myrmarachne edentula (Peckham & Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne edwardsi Berry, Beatty & Prószyński 1996
Myrmarachne eidmanni Roewer 1942
Myrmarachne elongata Szombathy 1915
Myrmarachne evidens Roewer 1965
Myrmarachne foenisex Simon 1910
Myrmarachne foreli Lessert 1925
Myrmarachne formica (Doleschall 1859)
Myrmarachne formicaria (De Geer 1778)
Myrmarachne formosa (Thorell 1890)
Myrmarachne formosana (Matsumura 1911)
Myrmarachne galianoae Cutler 1981
Myrmarachne gisti Fox 1937
Myrmarachne glavisi Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold 2010
Myrmarachne hashimotoi Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne hesperia (Simon 1887)
Myrmarachne hidaspis Caporiacco 1935
Myrmarachne himalayensis Narayan 1915
Myrmarachne hoffmanni Strand 1913
Myrmarachne iridescens Banks 1930
Myrmarachne jacksoni Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold 2010
Myrmarachne jacobsoni Reimoser 1925
Myrmarachne japonica (Karsch 1879)
Myrmarachne kiboschensis Lessert 1925
Myrmarachne kilifi Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne kitale Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne kochi Reimoser 1925
Myrmarachne kuwagata Yaginuma 1967
Myrmarachne laeta (Thorell 1887)
Myrmarachne lagarosoma Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne laticorseleta Yamasaki & Huang 2012
Myrmarachne leleupi Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne leptognatha (Thorell 1890)
Myrmarachne leptosoma Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne linguiensis Zhang & Song 1992
Myrmarachne luachimo Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne luctuosa (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne lupata (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne macleayana (Bradley 1876)
Myrmarachne macrognatha (Thorell 1894)
Myrmarachne majungae Strand 1907
Myrmarachne mcgregori Banks 1930
Myrmarachne megachelae Ganesh Kumar & Mohanasundaram 1998
Myrmarachne mussungue Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne myrmicaeformis (Lucas 1871)
Myrmarachne naro Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne natalica Lessert 1925
Myrmarachne nemorensis (Peckham & Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne nigella Simon 1901
Myrmarachne nigeriensis Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne nigra (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne nitidissima (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne palladia Denis 1958
Myrmarachne patellata Strand 1907
Myrmarachne paviei (Simon 1886)
Myrmarachne pisarskii Berry, Beatty & Prószyński 1996
Myrmarachne poonaensis Tikader 1973
Myrmarachne prava (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne prognatha (Thorell 1887)
Myrmarachne providens (Peckham & Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne richardsi Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne robusta (Peckham & Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne roeweri Reimoser 1934
Myrmarachne rufescens (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne rufisquei Berland & Millot 1941
Myrmarachne russellsmithi Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne satarensis Narayan 1915
Myrmarachne schenkeli
Myrmarachne seriatis Banks 1930
Myrmarachne spissa (Peckham & Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne striatipes (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne tagalica Banks 1930
Myrmarachne tayabasana Chamberlin 1925
Myrmarachne thaii Zabka 1985
Myrmarachne tintinnabulum Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne transversa (Mukerjee 1930)
Myrmarachne tristis (Simon 1882)
87 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Salticidae Blackwall 1841
Myrmarachne MacLeay 1839
Myrmarachne acutidens Yamasaki & Edwards 2013
(this page)
Myrmarachne acromegalis Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne albocincta (C. L. Koch 1846)
Myrmarachne albosetosa Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne alticeps (Thorell 1890)
Myrmarachne amabilis Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne angusta (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne annandalei Simon 1901
Myrmarachne assimilis Banks 1930
Myrmarachne attenuata (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne attenuata (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1901)
Myrmarachne augusta (Peckham & Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne aurea Ceccarelli 2010
Myrmarachne bakeri Banks 1930
Myrmarachne balinese Prószynski & Deeleman-Reinhold 2010
Myrmarachne bamakoi Berland & Millot 1941
Myrmarachne bicolor (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne bicurvata (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1869)
Myrmarachne bidentata Banks 1930
Myrmarachne biseratensis Badcock 1918
Myrmarachne brevis Xiao 2002
Myrmarachne calcuttaensis Biswas 1984
Myrmarachne caliraya Barrion & Litsinger 1995
Myrmarachne capito (Thorell 1890)
Myrmarachne chapmani Banks 1930
Myrmarachne circulus Xiao & Wang 2004
Myrmarachne clavigera (Thorell 1877)
Myrmarachne collarti Roewer 1965
Myrmarachne concava Zhu, Zhang, Zhang & Chen 2005
Myrmarachne confusa Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne consobrina Denis 1955
Myrmarachne constricta (Blackwall 1877)
Myrmarachne contracta (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne cornuta Badcock 1918
Myrmarachne corpuzrarosae Barrion 1981
Myrmarachne cowani (Peckham & Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne crassembolus Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne cyrtodens Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne debilis (Thorell 1890)
Myrmarachne decorata Reimoser 1927
Myrmarachne dilatata (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne dirangicus Bastawade 2002
Myrmarachne dubia (Peckham & Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne dundoensis Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne edentata Berry, Beatty & Prószynski 1996
Myrmarachne edentula (Peckham & Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne edwardsi Berry, Beatty & Prószynski 1996
Myrmarachne eidmanni Roewer 1942
Myrmarachne elongata Szombathy 1915
Myrmarachne endoi Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne epigealis Yamasaki & Edwards 2013
Myrmarachne erythrocephala (L. Koch 1879)
Myrmarachne eumenes (Simon 1900)
Myrmarachne evidens Roewer 1965
Myrmarachne foenisex Simon 1910
Myrmarachne foreli Lessert 1925
Myrmarachne formica (Doleschall 1859)
Myrmarachne formicaria (De Geer 1778)
Myrmarachne formosa (Thorell 1890)
Myrmarachne formosana (Matsumura 1911)
Myrmarachne formosana (Saito 1933)
Myrmarachne formosicola Strand 1910
Myrmarachne galianoae Cutler 1981
Myrmarachne giltayi Roewer 1965
Myrmarachne gisti Fox 1937
Myrmarachne glavisi Prószynski & Deeleman-Reinhold 2010
Myrmarachne gurgulla Ceccarelli 2010
Myrmarachne hashimotoi Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne helensmithae Pekár 2017
Myrmarachne hesperia (Simon 1887)
Myrmarachne hidaspis Caporiacco 1935
Myrmarachne himalayensis Narayan 1915
Myrmarachne hoffmanni Strand 1913
Myrmarachne ichneumon (Simon 1886)
Myrmarachne incerta Narayan 1915
Myrmarachne inermichelis Bösenberg & Strand 1906
Myrmarachne inflatipalpis Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne iridescens Banks 1930
Myrmarachne isolata Clark & Benoit 1977
Myrmarachne jacksoni Prószynski & Deeleman-Reinhold 2010
Myrmarachne jacobsoni Reimoser 1925
Myrmarachne japonica (Karsch 1879)
Myrmarachne jianfenglin Barrion, Barrion-Dupo & Heong 2013
Myrmarachne kiboschensis Lessert 1925
Myrmarachne kilifi Wanless 1978
Myrmarachne lagarosoma Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne lambirensis Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne leptosoma Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne macaulayi Pekár 2017
Myrmarachne milledgei Pekár 2017
Myrmarachne morningside Benjamin 2015
Myrmarachne prava (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne providens (Peckham & Peckham 1892)
Myrmarachne pumilio (Karsch 1880)
Myrmarachne ramosa Badcock 1918
Myrmarachne sabahna Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013
Myrmarachne salaputium Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne smaragdina Ceccarelli 2010
Myrmarachne tamsuiensis Yamasaki 2013
Myrmarachne tintinnabulum Yamasaki 2018
Myrmarachne zabkai Pekár 2017
84 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Myrmarachne acutidens
(this page)
Myrmarachne assimilis
Myrmarachne attenuata
Myrmarachne aurea
Myrmarachne austriaca
Myrmarachne bicuspidata
Myrmarachne borneensis
Myrmarachne calcuttaensis
Myrmarachne caliraya
Myrmarachne capito
Myrmarachne chapmani
Myrmarachne circulus
Myrmarachne collarti
Myrmarachne consobrina
Myrmarachne constricta
Myrmarachne cuneata
Myrmarachne cuprea
Myrmarachne daitarensis
Myrmarachne debilis
Myrmarachne decorata
Myrmarachne edentula
Myrmarachne edwardsi
Myrmarachne elongata
Myrmarachne epigealis
Myrmarachne erythrocephala
Myrmarachne eumenes
Myrmarachne foreli
Myrmarachne formica
Myrmarachne formosicola
Myrmarachne galianoae
Myrmarachne giltayi
Myrmarachne glavisi
Myrmarachne grahami
Myrmarachne gurgulla
Myrmarachne helensmithae
Myrmarachne hidaspis
Myrmarachne hirsutipalpi
Myrmarachne hoffmanni
Myrmarachne ichneumon
Myrmarachne imbellis
Myrmarachne incerta
Myrmarachne insulana
Myrmarachne isolata
Myrmarachne jacksoni
Myrmarachne jacobsoni
Myrmarachne japonica
Myrmarachne joblotii
Myrmarachne kitale
Myrmarachne kochi
Myrmarachne kuwagata
Myrmarachne lawrencei
Myrmarachne lesserti
Myrmarachne linguiensis
Myrmarachne longiventris
Myrmarachne luachimo
Myrmarachne lulengana
Myrmarachne macaulayi
Myrmarachne magna
Myrmarachne mahasoa
Myrmarachne malayana
Myrmarachne maratha
Myrmarachne mariaelenae
Myrmarachne maxillosa
Myrmarachne megachelae
Myrmarachne milledgei
Myrmarachne mocamboensis
Myrmarachne moesta
Myrmarachne mussungue
Myrmarachne nigella
Myrmarachne onceana
Myrmarachne opaca
Myrmarachne palladia
Myrmarachne paviei
Myrmarachne pectorosa
Myrmarachne piercei
Myrmarachne pinakapalea
Myrmarachne plataleoides
Myrmarachne prognatha
Myrmarachne radiata
Myrmarachne ransoni
Myrmarachne rhopalota
Myrmarachne rubra
Myrmarachne rufescens
Myrmarachne rufisquei
Myrmarachne sansiborica
Myrmarachne seriatus
Myrmarachne simoni
Myrmarachne simplexella
Myrmarachne tagalica
Myrmarachne tamsuiensis
Myrmarachne tayabasana
Myrmarachne topali
Myrmarachne tristis
Myrmarachne uniseriata
Myrmarachne vanessae
Myrmarachne vehemans
Myrmarachne vehemens
Myrmarachne vestita
Myrmarachne volatilis
Myrmarachne yamanei
Myrmarachne zabkai
165 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.