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Winged Insects
Rove Beetles
Cellular Organisms
Winged Insects
Rove Beetles
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nitidula (Gyllenhal 1810)
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nitidula (Gyllenhal 1810)
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Staphyliniformia world catalog database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
(Gyllenhal 1810)
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Aleochara nitidula
Gyllenhal 1810
Species recognized by
GBIF national node type records Sweden
Gyrophaena nitidula
Species recognized by
Austria Species List
Italy Species List
Poland Species List
, and
wikipedia MIN
Gyrophaena nitidula
(Gyllenhal 1810)
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Aleochara nitidula
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nitidula (Gyllenhal 1810)
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nitidula (Gyllenhal 1810) Gyllenhal 1810
Species recognized by
Gyrophaena nitidula
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Gyrophaena nitidula (Gyllenhal 1810)
Species recognized by
GBIF data coverage
Alternative Names
Aleochara nitidula Gyllenhal 1810
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Staphyliniformia world catalog database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Encephalus kraatzi Solsky 1875
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Staphyliniformia world catalog database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Gyrophaena signatipennis Gredler 1863
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Staphyliniformia world catalog database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Gyrophaena solskyi Heyden & L. 1880
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Staphyliniformia world catalog database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Aleochara nitidula
Gyllenhal 1810
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Encephalus kraatzi
Solsky 1875
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Gyrophaena signatipennis
Gredler 1863
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Gyrophaena solskyi
Heyden & L. 1880
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Aleochara nitidula Gyllenhal 1810
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Encephalus kraatzi Solsky 1875
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Gyrophaena signatipennis Gredler 1863
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Gyrophaena signatipennis Gredler 1863
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Gyrophaena solskyi Heyden & L. 1880
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nitidula (Gyllenhal 1810)
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nitidula (Gyllenhal 1810)
(this page)
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) acuta Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) antennalis Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) antennaria Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) basalis Pace 1987
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) beccarii Pace 2000
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) bispinosa Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) brevicollis Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) burckhardti Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) cariniventris Cameron 1933
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) cotopaxiensis Pace 1996
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) cribrosa Fauvel 1878
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) criddlei Casey 1911
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) dejecta Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) franzi Pace 1985
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) fraseri Cameron 1950
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) glareosa Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) hartmanni Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) herebi Pace 1998
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) illiana Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) indigena Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) kaliana Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) kilimanjarensis Pace 1985
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) lewisiana Cameron 1933
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) metaxifera Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) microprofuga Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) microthailandensis Pace 2013
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) neapicalis Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nigrolucida Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) niponensis Cameron 1933
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nota (Olliff 1886)
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) orousseti Pace 1990
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) papualaminifera Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) papuaspinosa Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) parkeri Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) peraffinis Cameron 1950
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) perdebilis Pace 2000
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) poggii Pace 2000
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) proxima Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) pulchella Heer 1839
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) pulchra Cameron 1952
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) robusta Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) ruficollis Cameron 1941
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) sculptipennis Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) siva Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) smetanai Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) subgregaria Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) tripartita Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) tsushimana Bernhauer 1936
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) viettei Pace 1999
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) vulnerata Bernhauer 1938
Gyrophaena (Leptarthrophaena) affinis Mannerheim 1830
Gyrophaena (Phaenogyra) cultrifera Pace 2014
Gyrophaena (Phaenogyra) subnitens Casey 1906
Gyrophaena aequalitatis Pace 2010
Gyrophaena alligatrix Pace 2007
Gyrophaena amazonicides Newton 2017
Gyrophaena anguinea Pace 2003
Gyrophaena antipodum Pace 1991
Gyrophaena arrowi Bernhauer 1910
Gyrophaena azteca (Casey 1906)
Gyrophaena barberi Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena bicallosa Eichelbaum 1913
Gyrophaena blatchleyi Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena carinifer Cameron 1932
Gyrophaena cervicornoides Pace 2010
Gyrophaena cheesmaniana Cameron 1937
Gyrophaena chontalensis Sharp 1883
Gyrophaena collarti Cameron 1932
Gyrophaena comorensis Pace 2008
Gyrophaena congoensis Bernhauer 1930
Gyrophaena cordobensis Bernhauer 1929
Gyrophaena ebenina Fauvel 1878
Gyrophaena fianaratsoensis Pace 2006
Gyrophaena fijiensis Cameron 1927
Gyrophaena granifera Cameron 1922
Gyrophaena huachucae Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena imperita Pace 2010
Gyrophaena jaegeri Pace 2010
Gyrophaena kansana Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena madegassa Pace 2006
Gyrophaena mahunkai Pace 1991
Gyrophaena malabarensis Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena malayana Cameron 1936
Gyrophaena mimetica Pace 1990
Gyrophaena munca Pace 2010
Gyrophaena nemoralis Bernhauer 1929
Gyrophaena nilgiriensis Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena ojibway Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena osferox Pace 2014
Gyrophaena pallipes Kraatz 1859
Gyrophaena pileusmeni Pace 2007
Gyrophaena pumila Sharp 1876
Gyrophaena punctatissima Bernhauer 1929
Gyrophaena schuelkeiana Pace 2010
Gyrophaena semibrunnea Bernhauer 1930
Gyrophaena sinopinguis Pace 2010
Gyrophaena spatulata Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena taiwaspinosa Pace 2007
Gyrophaena tonensis Pace 2007
Gyrophaena torta Assing 2005
629 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Staphylinoidea Latreille 1802
Staphylinidae Latreille 1802
Aleocharinae Fleming 1821
Homalotini Heer 1839
Gyrophaenina Kraatz 1856
Gyrophaena Mannerheim 1830
Gyrophaena subgen. Gyrophaena
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nitidula (Gyllenhal 1810)
(this page)
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) abjecta Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) abnormalides Newton 2015
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) accepta (Olliff 1886)
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) aculeus Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) acuta Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) adspecta Pace 2000
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) aedugena Enushchenko 2011
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) aenescens Bernhauer 1915
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) affinifera Enushchenko 2018
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) alexandrovi Bernhauer 1938
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) almorensis Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) amica Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) amitabha Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) anepsia Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) anguli Pace 1999
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) antefuscicollis Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) antennalis Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) antennaria Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) apiciflagellum Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) aryanamensis Enushchenko 2019
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) ashei Kim, Yoon-Ho & Kee-Jeong Ahn 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) asymmetrica Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) baka Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) basalis Pace 1987
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) basipunctata Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) basiventris Cameron 1941
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) beccarii Pace 2000
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) beesoni Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) beijingensis Pace 1998
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) bernhaueri Jakobson 1909
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) biarmata Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) bicarinella Bernhauer 1938
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) bicornis Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) bicornuta Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) bigladiosa Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) bihamata Thomson & C. G. 1867
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) biplicatella Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) biseriata Cameron 1933
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) bisinuata Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) bispinosa Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) boothi Kim, Yoon-Ho & Kee-Jeong Ahn 2014
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) borneocicatricosa Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) botulitheca Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) brendelli Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) brevicollis Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) bruneicola Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) burckhardti Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) carinata Cameron 1944
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) cariniventris Cameron 1933
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) caseyi Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) caucasica Strand & A. 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) ceylonica Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) chinensis Li & Jingke 1993
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) chippewa Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) cognata Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) coiffaiti Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) comtensis Pace 2014
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) congrua Erichson 1837
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) criddlei Casey 1911
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) egena Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) fasciata (Marsham 1802)
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) flavicornis Melsheimer & F. E. 1844
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) fuscicollis Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) gaudens Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) gentilis Erichson 1839
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) gilvicollis Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) gomyi Pace 1984
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) hanseni Strand & A. 1946
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) illiana Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) insolens Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) involuta Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) joyi Wendeler 1924
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) joyioides Wüsthoff 1937
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) keeni Casey 1911
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) laetula Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) lewisiana Cameron 1933
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) lobata Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) lucidula Erichson 1837
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) manca Erichson 1839
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) michigana Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) minima Erichson 1837
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) modesta Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) munsteri Strand & A. 1935
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nana (Paykull 1800)
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nanoides Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) obsoleta Ganglbauer 1895
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) orientalis Strand & A. 1938
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) poweri Crotch 1867
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) pseudocriddlei Klimaszewski & Webster 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) pulchella Heer 1839
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) puncticeps Bernhauer 1907
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) rhodeana Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) rugipennis Mulsant & Rey 1861
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) sculptipennis Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) stroheckeri Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) uteana Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) vitrina Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) williamsi Strand & A. 1935
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) wisconsinica Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) yotsudeba Cameron 1933
223 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nitidula (Gyllenhal 1810)
(this page)
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) acuta Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) antennalis Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) antennaria Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) basalis Pace 1987
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) beccarii Pace 2000
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) bispinosa Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) brevicollis Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) burckhardti Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) cariniventris Cameron 1933
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) cotopaxiensis Pace 1996
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) cribrosa Fauvel 1878
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) criddlei Casey 1911
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) dejecta Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) franzi Pace 1985
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) fraseri Cameron 1950
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) glareosa Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) hartmanni Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) herebi Pace 1998
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) illiana Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) indigena Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) kaliana Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) kilimanjarensis Pace 1985
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) lewisiana Cameron 1933
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) metaxifera Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) microprofuga Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) microthailandensis Pace 2013
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) neapicalis Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nigrolucida Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) niponensis Cameron 1933
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nota (Olliff 1886)
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) orousseti Pace 1990
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) papualaminifera Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) papuaspinosa Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) parkeri Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) peraffinis Cameron 1950
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) perdebilis Pace 2000
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) poggii Pace 2000
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) proxima Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) pulchella Heer 1839
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) pulchra Cameron 1952
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) robusta Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) ruficollis Cameron 1941
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) sculptipennis Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) siva Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) smetanai Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) subgregaria Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) tripartita Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) tsushimana Bernhauer 1936
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) viettei Pace 1999
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) vulnerata Bernhauer 1938
Gyrophaena (Leptarthrophaena) affinis Mannerheim 1830
Gyrophaena (Phaenogyra) cultrifera Pace 2014
Gyrophaena (Phaenogyra) subnitens Casey 1906
Gyrophaena aequalitatis Pace 2010
Gyrophaena alligatrix Pace 2007
Gyrophaena amazonicides Newton 2017
Gyrophaena anguinea Pace 2003
Gyrophaena antipodum Pace 1991
Gyrophaena arrowi Bernhauer 1910
Gyrophaena azteca (Casey 1906)
Gyrophaena barberi Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena bicallosa Eichelbaum 1913
Gyrophaena blatchleyi Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena carinifer Cameron 1932
Gyrophaena cervicornoides Pace 2010
Gyrophaena cheesmaniana Cameron 1937
Gyrophaena chontalensis Sharp 1883
Gyrophaena collarti Cameron 1932
Gyrophaena comorensis Pace 2008
Gyrophaena congoensis Bernhauer 1930
Gyrophaena cordobensis Bernhauer 1929
Gyrophaena ebenina Fauvel 1878
Gyrophaena fianaratsoensis Pace 2006
Gyrophaena fijiensis Cameron 1927
Gyrophaena granifera Cameron 1922
Gyrophaena huachucae Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena imperita Pace 2010
Gyrophaena jaegeri Pace 2010
Gyrophaena kansana Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena madegassa Pace 2006
Gyrophaena mahunkai Pace 1991
Gyrophaena malabarensis Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena malayana Cameron 1936
Gyrophaena mimetica Pace 1990
Gyrophaena munca Pace 2010
Gyrophaena nemoralis Bernhauer 1929
Gyrophaena nilgiriensis Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena ojibway Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena osferox Pace 2014
Gyrophaena pallipes Kraatz 1859
Gyrophaena pileusmeni Pace 2007
Gyrophaena pumila Sharp 1876
Gyrophaena punctatissima Bernhauer 1929
Gyrophaena schuelkeiana Pace 2010
Gyrophaena semibrunnea Bernhauer 1930
Gyrophaena sinopinguis Pace 2010
Gyrophaena spatulata Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena taiwaspinosa Pace 2007
Gyrophaena tonensis Pace 2007
Gyrophaena torta Assing 2005
628 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nitidula (Gyllenhal 1810)
(this page)
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) acuta Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) antennalis Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) antennaria Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) basalis Pace 1987
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) beccarii Pace 2000
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) bispinosa Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) brevicollis Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) burckhardti Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) cariniventris Cameron 1933
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) cotopaxiensis Pace 1996
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) cribrosa Fauvel 1878
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) criddlei Casey 1911
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) dejecta Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) franzi Pace 1985
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) fraseri Cameron 1950
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) glareosa Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) hartmanni Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) herebi Pace 1998
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) illiana Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) indigena Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) kaliana Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) kilimanjarensis Pace 1985
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) lewisiana Cameron 1933
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) metaxifera Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) microprofuga Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) microthailandensis Pace 2013
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) neapicalis Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nigrolucida Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) niponensis Cameron 1933
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nota (Olliff 1886)
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) orousseti Pace 1990
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) papualaminifera Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) papuaspinosa Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) parkeri Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) peraffinis Cameron 1950
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) perdebilis Pace 2000
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) poggii Pace 2000
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) proxima Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) pulchella Heer 1839
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) pulchra Cameron 1952
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) robusta Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) ruficollis Cameron 1941
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) sculptipennis Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) siva Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) smetanai Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) subgregaria Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) tripartita Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) tsushimana Bernhauer 1936
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) viettei Pace 1999
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) vulnerata Bernhauer 1938
Gyrophaena (Leptarthrophaena) affinis Mannerheim 1830
Gyrophaena (Phaenogyra) cultrifera Pace 2014
Gyrophaena (Phaenogyra) subnitens Casey 1906
Gyrophaena aequalitatis Pace 2010
Gyrophaena alligatrix Pace 2007
Gyrophaena amazonicides Newton 2017
Gyrophaena anguinea Pace 2003
Gyrophaena antipodum Pace 1991
Gyrophaena arrowi Bernhauer 1910
Gyrophaena azteca (Casey 1906)
Gyrophaena barberi Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena bicallosa Eichelbaum 1913
Gyrophaena blatchleyi Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena carinifer Cameron 1932
Gyrophaena cervicornoides Pace 2010
Gyrophaena cheesmaniana Cameron 1937
Gyrophaena chontalensis Sharp 1883
Gyrophaena collarti Cameron 1932
Gyrophaena comorensis Pace 2008
Gyrophaena congoensis Bernhauer 1930
Gyrophaena cordobensis Bernhauer 1929
Gyrophaena ebenina Fauvel 1878
Gyrophaena fianaratsoensis Pace 2006
Gyrophaena fijiensis Cameron 1927
Gyrophaena granifera Cameron 1922
Gyrophaena huachucae Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena imperita Pace 2010
Gyrophaena jaegeri Pace 2010
Gyrophaena kansana Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena madegassa Pace 2006
Gyrophaena mahunkai Pace 1991
Gyrophaena malabarensis Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena malayana Cameron 1936
Gyrophaena mimetica Pace 1990
Gyrophaena munca Pace 2010
Gyrophaena nemoralis Bernhauer 1929
Gyrophaena nilgiriensis Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena ojibway Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena osferox Pace 2014
Gyrophaena pallipes Kraatz 1859
Gyrophaena pileusmeni Pace 2007
Gyrophaena pumila Sharp 1876
Gyrophaena punctatissima Bernhauer 1929
Gyrophaena schuelkeiana Pace 2010
Gyrophaena semibrunnea Bernhauer 1930
Gyrophaena sinopinguis Pace 2010
Gyrophaena spatulata Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena taiwaspinosa Pace 2007
Gyrophaena tonensis Pace 2007
Gyrophaena torta Assing 2005
630 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nitidula (Gyllenhal 1810)
(this page)
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) acuta Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) antennalis Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) antennaria Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) basalis Pace 1987
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) beccarii Pace 2000
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) bispinosa Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) brevicollis Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) burckhardti Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) cariniventris Cameron 1933
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) cotopaxiensis Pace 1996
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) cribrosa Fauvel 1878
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) criddlei Casey 1911
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) dejecta Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) franzi Pace 1985
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) fraseri Cameron 1950
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) glareosa Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) hartmanni Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) herebi Pace 1998
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) illiana Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) indigena Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) kaliana Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) kilimanjarensis Pace 1985
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) lewisiana Cameron 1933
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) metaxifera Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) microprofuga Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) microthailandensis Pace 2013
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) neapicalis Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nigrolucida Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) niponensis Cameron 1933
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) nota (Olliff 1886)
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) orousseti Pace 1990
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) papualaminifera Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) papuaspinosa Pace 2009
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) parkeri Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) peraffinis Cameron 1950
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) perdebilis Pace 2000
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) poggii Pace 2000
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) proxima Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) pulchella Heer 1839
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) pulchra Cameron 1952
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) robusta Pace 2001
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) ruficollis Cameron 1941
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) sculptipennis Casey 1906
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) siva Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) smetanai Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) subgregaria Pace 1989
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) tripartita Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) tsushimana Bernhauer 1936
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) viettei Pace 1999
Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) vulnerata Bernhauer 1938
Gyrophaena (Leptarthrophaena) affinis Mannerheim 1830
Gyrophaena (Phaenogyra) cultrifera Pace 2014
Gyrophaena (Phaenogyra) subnitens Casey 1906
Gyrophaena aequalitatis Pace 2010
Gyrophaena alligatrix Pace 2007
Gyrophaena amazonicides Newton 2017
Gyrophaena anguinea Pace 2003
Gyrophaena antipodum Pace 1991
Gyrophaena arrowi Bernhauer 1910
Gyrophaena azteca (Casey 1906)
Gyrophaena barberi Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena bicallosa Eichelbaum 1913
Gyrophaena blatchleyi Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena carinifer Cameron 1932
Gyrophaena cervicornoides Pace 2010
Gyrophaena cheesmaniana Cameron 1937
Gyrophaena chontalensis Sharp 1883
Gyrophaena collarti Cameron 1932
Gyrophaena comorensis Pace 2008
Gyrophaena congoensis Bernhauer 1930
Gyrophaena cordobensis Bernhauer 1929
Gyrophaena ebenina Fauvel 1878
Gyrophaena fianaratsoensis Pace 2006
Gyrophaena fijiensis Cameron 1927
Gyrophaena granifera Cameron 1922
Gyrophaena huachucae Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena imperita Pace 2010
Gyrophaena jaegeri Pace 2010
Gyrophaena kansana Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena madegassa Pace 2006
Gyrophaena mahunkai Pace 1991
Gyrophaena malabarensis Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena malayana Cameron 1936
Gyrophaena mimetica Pace 1990
Gyrophaena munca Pace 2010
Gyrophaena nemoralis Bernhauer 1929
Gyrophaena nilgiriensis Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena ojibway Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena osferox Pace 2014
Gyrophaena pallipes Kraatz 1859
Gyrophaena pileusmeni Pace 2007
Gyrophaena pumila Sharp 1876
Gyrophaena punctatissima Bernhauer 1929
Gyrophaena schuelkeiana Pace 2010
Gyrophaena semibrunnea Bernhauer 1930
Gyrophaena sinopinguis Pace 2010
Gyrophaena spatulata Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena taiwaspinosa Pace 2007
Gyrophaena tonensis Pace 2007
Gyrophaena torta Assing 2005
628 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Gyrophaena Mannerheim 1830
Gyrophaena nitidula (Gyllenhal 1810)
(this page)
Gyrophaena adspecta Pace 2000
Gyrophaena aequalis Sharp 1887
Gyrophaena almorensis Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena anatis Pace 2010
Gyrophaena anepsia Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena annapurnensis Pace 2006
Gyrophaena antennata Cameron 1936
Gyrophaena arator Fauvel 1906
Gyrophaena armata Eichelbaum 1913
Gyrophaena aryanamensis Enushchenko 2019
Gyrophaena ashei Kim, Yoon-Ho & Kee-Jeong Ahn 2009
Gyrophaena beccarii Pace 2000
Gyrophaena benevola Pace 2001
Gyrophaena bicornuta Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena burungana Bernhauer 1932
Gyrophaena ceylonica Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena cheesmani Cameron 1937
Gyrophaena cognata Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena connexa Cameron 1922
Gyrophaena cotopaxiensis Pace 1996
Gyrophaena cribrosa Fauvel 1878
Gyrophaena dabensis Pace 2010
Gyrophaena dejecta Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena densicollis Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena deprehensionis Pace 2010
Gyrophaena dispar Erichson 1839
Gyrophaena distincta Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena facilis Pace 1998
Gyrophaena festiva Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena flagellans Pace 2003
Gyrophaena forceps Pace 1989
Gyrophaena forticornis Pace 2006
Gyrophaena furcata (Motschulsky 1858)
Gyrophaena ghoropanica Pace 1989
Gyrophaena gonggamontis Pace 2010
Gyrophaena harmandorum Kim, Yoon-Ho & Kee-Jeong Ahn 2014
Gyrophaena incola Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena insinuata Pace 2006
Gyrophaena involutides Newton 2017
Gyrophaena ituriensis Bernhauer 1930
Gyrophaena jhyariensis Pace 2006
Gyrophaena jumlicola Pace 2006
Gyrophaena katonai Pace 1986
Gyrophaena kinabaluicola Pace 2001
Gyrophaena kuwapanicola Pace 1989
Gyrophaena laevior Cameron 1933
Gyrophaena larga Kim, Yoon-Ho & Kee-Jeong Ahn 2014
Gyrophaena lobospinosa Pace 2006
Gyrophaena magnilobata Pace 2001
Gyrophaena maldonata Pace 2015
Gyrophaena marjakata Enushchenko 2018
Gyrophaena microdentata Pace 2001
Gyrophaena minuta Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena misella Pace 1987
Gyrophaena monospina Pace 2003
Gyrophaena munca Pace 2010
Gyrophaena neapicalis Pace 2009
Gyrophaena nemoralis Bernhauer 1929
Gyrophaena newtoni Pace 1991
Gyrophaena nigrans Cameron 1950
Gyrophaena obscurella Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena oligotinoides Pace 2001
Gyrophaena orousseti Pace 1990
Gyrophaena ouaquiensis Pace 2014
Gyrophaena papuapicalis Pace 2009
Gyrophaena pasniki Assing 2005
Gyrophaena permutaria K. Schubert 1906
Gyrophaena perparva Pace 1987
Gyrophaena peruvianorum Pace 2015
Gyrophaena pivai Pace 1991
Gyrophaena pluviophila Pace 1989
Gyrophaena politula Cameron 1943
Gyrophaena polystictipersoonii Eichelbaum 1913
Gyrophaena producta Pace 2006
Gyrophaena pyeongchangensis Kim, Yoon-Ho & Kee-Jeong Ahn 2014
Gyrophaena raubensis Cameron 1950
Gyrophaena rubeola Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena ruficollis Cameron 1941
Gyrophaena sapporensis Sharp 1888
Gyrophaena schoutedeni Cameron 1930
Gyrophaena segmenti Pace 2010
Gyrophaena sensitiva Pace 2010
Gyrophaena sharpi Fenyes 1918
Gyrophaena simplex Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena sinopinguis Pace 2010
Gyrophaena sonorae Seevers 1951
Gyrophaena sororcula Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena spatulatides Newton 2017
Gyrophaena speculicollis Pace 2003
Gyrophaena subinsulsitatis Pace 2001
Gyrophaena suspecta Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena tetracuspidata Assing 2005
Gyrophaena torquifera Pace 2001
Gyrophaena tridens Sharp 1876
Gyrophaena tripartita Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena uncus Pace 2001
Gyrophaena vexans Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena viettei Pace 1999
Gyrophaena vivida Cameron 1939
Gyrophaena yotsudeba Cameron 1933
635 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Gyrophaena nitidula
(this page)
Gyrophaena angustata
Gyrophaena antennalis
Gyrophaena arizonae
Gyrophaena barberi
Gyrophaena bihamata
Gyrophaena bilobata
Gyrophaena blackwelderi
Gyrophaena blatchleyi
Gyrophaena boleti
Gyrophaena brevicollis
Gyrophaena californica
Gyrophaena caseyi
Gyrophaena chippewa
Gyrophaena compacta
Gyrophaena congrua
Gyrophaena coniciventris
Gyrophaena cornigera
Gyrophaena criddlei
Gyrophaena dybasi
Gyrophaena egena
Gyrophaena fasciata
Gyrophaena flavicornis
Gyrophaena franciscana
Gyrophaena frosti
Gyrophaena fuscicollis
Gyrophaena fusicornis
Gyrophaena gaudens
Gyrophaena gentilis
Gyrophaena gerhardi
Gyrophaena gilvicollis
Gyrophaena gracilis
Gyrophaena hanseni
Gyrophaena huachucae
Gyrophaena illiana
Gyrophaena indiana
Gyrophaena insolens
Gyrophaena involuta
Gyrophaena joyi
Gyrophaena joyioides
Gyrophaena kangasi
Gyrophaena kansana
Gyrophaena keeni
Gyrophaena laetula
Gyrophaena laurana
Gyrophaena lobata
Gyrophaena longispinosa
Gyrophaena lucidula
Gyrophaena michigana
Gyrophaena minima
Gyrophaena modesta
Gyrophaena monticola
Gyrophaena munsteri
Gyrophaena nana
Gyrophaena nanoides
Gyrophaena neomexicana
Gyrophaena neonana
Gyrophaena obesula
Gyrophaena obsoleta
Gyrophaena orientalis
Gyrophaena poweri
Gyrophaena pseudonana
Gyrophaena pulchella
Gyrophaena rhodeana
Gyrophaena rousi
Gyrophaena rufa
Gyrophaena rufipennis
Gyrophaena rugipennis
Gyrophaena schoelcheri
Gyrophaena schuelkeiana
Gyrophaena sculptipennis
Gyrophaena segmenti
Gyrophaena sensitiva
Gyrophaena seraphim
Gyrophaena sierrae
Gyrophaena simpliciformis
Gyrophaena simulans
Gyrophaena singularitheca
Gyrophaena sinoclaricornis
Gyrophaena sinodilatata
Gyrophaena sinodivergens
Gyrophaena sinolobata
Gyrophaena sinopinguis
Gyrophaena sinoplicatella
Gyrophaena stella
Gyrophaena strictula
Gyrophaena stroheckeri
Gyrophaena struyvei
Gyrophaena subguttula
Gyrophaena subinsulsitatis
Gyrophaena subnitens
Gyrophaena tactilis
Gyrophaena taeniae
Gyrophaena taiwacicatricosa
Gyrophaena taiwaculeifera
Gyrophaena tenebrosa
Gyrophaena transversalis
Gyrophaena uteana
Gyrophaena vitrina
Gyrophaena williamsi
Gyrophaena wisconsinica
396 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.