Tube worms (Riftia pachyptila) at a Pacific hydrothermal vent
Galeolaria aurantiaca (Vogt.).
Polycirrus exinius.
Clymenella torquata.
Polydora (Leucodore) ciliata, with ova (1) : Young larvae of Polydora from a photomicrograph (2), Older stages (3-4), Somewhat more advanced (5-9), Egg-cases of polydora (10).
Seed scallops, with a small amount of white worm tube (Serpula) attached to the shell. These scallkops have not yet spawned, and, for the future welfare of the scallop fishery, should be protected until they have passed the spawning period, which occurs when the scallop is one year old. The capture of these immature scallops is a decided menace to the fishery, and is forbidden by law.
Siphostoma fuscum (The Pipe-Fish).. fig. 19Young embryo, in which the tail is still archicereal and the dorsal and pectoral fins are just developing. fig.20 a still younger stage, in which the tail is just beginning to grow out. fig.21 an older stage, i
Cirratulus grandis.
Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo, Galina Buzhinskaja
Figure 6.Diplocirrus kudenovi sp. n. Holotype (LACM-AHF 2594) A lateral view B same, anterior end, lateral view C same, head, frontal view D another specimen, posterior end, dorsal view E same, chaetiger 26, right parapodium F same, notochaetae G same, neurochaetae (insert: neurochaetal tip).
Figure 1.Aporodrilus aotea sp. n. ventral view with dorsal view of epilobous prostomium, spermathecae, prostate and gizzard in 5 in situ; and lumbricine setal ratios on 12–14; plus lateral view of tail end. [Boxed spermatheca is for comparison of Aporodrilus esculentus (Benham, 1904) from Benham’s fig. 67 and from Lee (1959: fig. 309)].
Figure 1.A–D Serpula madrigalae sp. n., from Turks and Caicos Islands, USNM 1157006, holotype A–B operculum in lateral and aboral views C–D tube in dorsal and frontal views E–F Serpula cf. vermicularis, from Nigeria, UMML 22.545 E–F operculum in lateral and aboral views.
Ratmanee Chanabun, Chirasak Sutcharit, Piyoros Tongkerd, Somsak Panha
Figure 11.Morphology of the lectotype (ZMH V9301) of Glyphidrilus buttikoferi Michaelsen, 1922, showing the A external ventral and B internal dorsal views.
Figure 1.A Eisenia fetida specimen S1 from Jeju Isl., Korea; anterio-ventral and lateral views, dorsal prostomium; spermathecae and calciferous glands in situ, nephridium from 20lhs B Eisenia fetida S3 ditto with nephridium in 13lhs C Athecal Allolobophora hataii Kobayashi, 1940: fig. 5 (incertae sedis) for comparison.
Robert J. Blakemore, Seunghan Lee, Wonchoel Lee, Hong-Yul Seo
Figure 1.Amynthas daeari sp. n. showing ventral view with spermathecae, their composite genital marking glands and 18lhs prostate in situ plus incised intestinal caecum in 27; dorsal view of prostomium; [boxed are lateral views of spermathecal pores and male field in 18rhs to same scale].
Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo, Galina Buzhinskaja
Figure 1.Caulleryaspis fauchaldi sp. n. A Holotype (LACM 5360), ventral view B Anterior end, frontal view C Ventro-caudal shield, frontal view D Paratype (LACM 5361), ventral view E Ventro-caudal shield, frontal view F Posterior end, dorsal view. Bars: A 1.8 mm B, C, E, F 0.6 mm D 2 mm.
María E. García-Garza, J.A. de León-González
Figure 2.Amphictene helenae. Holotype. A ventral view of anterior end B dorsal view of anterior end C lateral view of anterior end, showing tentacular cirri D notochaetae from 7th chaetiger E front view of bayonet shaped neurochaetae from 7th chaetiger F lateral view of neurochaetae from 7th chaetiger G dorsal view of scaphe (G’) scaphal hooks detail H ventral view, anal papillae I tube of holotype. Bar scale = A, B, C, G, H = 1mm; D = 50mm E, F = 10mm; I = 3mm.
William A. Hopkins, William E. Moser, David W. Garst, Dennis J. Richardson, Charlotte I. Hammond, Eric A. Lazo-Wasem
Figure 2.Dorsal surface of Placobdella appalachiensis sp. n., Holotype USNM 1232924 collected from an adult eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) from stream reach A3 in southwest Virginia, USA. Scale bar equals 1 mm.
Darío J. Díaz Cosín, Marta Novo, Rosa Fernández, Daniel Fernández Marchán, Mónica Gutiérrez
Figure 2.External view of the anterior part of the body of Eiseniona gerardoi.
Daniel Fernández Marchán, Rosa Fernández, Marta Novo, Darío J. Díaz Cosín
Figure 2.(A) Live specimens of Hormogaster joseantonioi sp.n. External morphology of a fixed specimen, shown in a picture (B) and diagram (C).
Shinri Tomioka, Eijiroh Nishi, Hiroshi Kajihara
Figure 2.Mediomastus duobalteus sp. n., holotype, CBM-ZW 1088. A Anterior end of body, left lateral view B abdominal segments, left lateral view.
Ueangfa Bantaowong, Ratmanee Chanabun, Piyoros Tongkerd, Chirasak Sutcharit, Samuel W. James, Somsak Panha
Figure 1.Map of type locality of 1 Amynthas srinan sp. n. from Srinan National Park, Nan province, 2 Amynthas phatubensis sp. n. from Tham Pha Tub Arboretum, Nan province, 3 Amynthas tontong sp. n. from Tontong Waterfall, Pua district, Nan province and 4 Amynthas borealis sp. n. from a small hill near Chaloemprakiat district, Nan province.
Local distribution of the polychaetous worm Clymenella torquata. This is likewise determined by the character of the bottom, but is almost the converse of that of Nereis pelagica, the present species being in a large degree restricted to a muddy habitat.
Parasite on the Skate (Hirudo muricata).
Siphostoma fuscum (The Pipe-Fish).. fig. 19Young embryo, in which the tail is still archicereal and the dorsal and pectoral fins are just developing. fig.20 a still younger stage, in which the tail is just beginning to grow out. fig.21 an older stage, in which the caudal fin is beginning to be formed