Biddulphia ?. A triangular version? Collected by ATOL special protist hunters 1st ocean taw in Woods Hole during the Protistology Workshop at MBL, October-November 2005. Isolation and art by Adrian Reyes-Prieto.
Biddulphia sp? (Triangular guy). Collected by ATOL special protist hunters 1st ocean taw. Woods Hole Massachusetts for the Protistology Workshop at MBL. October-November 2005. Isolation and art by Adrian Reyes-Prieto, SEM by Charles O'Kelly and Shauna Murray.
Biddulphia sp? (Triangular guy). Collected by ATOL special protist hunters 1st ocean taw. Woods Hole Massachusetts for the Protistology Workshop at MBL. October-November 2005. Isolation and art by Adrian Reyes-Prieto, SEM by Charles O'Kelly and Shauna Murray.
Trigonium (try-go-knee-um) or Hydrocera (high-dro-see-ra) is a marine diatom. It is a centric diatom in which a three pointed asymmetry has been imposed. Test only. Differential interference contrast,
Ditylum (die-tie-lum) brightwellii. Marine centric diatom, cylindrical frustule from the ends of which is a long spine or labiate process. This contains two products of cell division, and each cell has numerous golden chloroplasts. Differential interference microscopy.
data on this strain.
Ditylum (die-tie-lum) brightwellii. Marine centric diatom, cylindrical frustule from the ends of which is a long spine or labiate process. Many small plastids and central nucleus. Differential interference microscopy.
data on this strain.
Eucampia (you-camp-ee-a) zoodiacus is a filament forming diatom (stramenochrome). Adjacent cells are attached by two interlocking apical elevations. Differential interference microscopy.
data on this strain.
Eucampia (you-camp-ee-a) zoodiacus is a filament forming centric diatom (stramenochrome). Adjacent cells are attached by two interlocking apical elevations. Detail showing peripheral disc-shaped plastids and central nucleus. Differential interference microscopy.
data on this strain.
Triceratium moronense.
Triceratium pentacrinus.
Portrait (girdle view) of two frustules of the centric marine diatom Triceratium pentacrinus (Ehrenberg). Collected from a commercial saltwater aquarium in Boise, Idaho, october 2004. DIC.
Group portrait (valve view)of the centric marine diatom, Triceratium pentacrinus (Ehrenberg). Collected from a commercial saltwater aquarium in Boise, Idaho October 2004. DIC.
Portrait (valve view) of the centric marine diatom, Triceratium pentacrinus (Ehrenberg). Collected from a commercial saltwater aquarium in Boise, Idaho, October 2004. DIC.
E. zodiacus forms long spiralling chains. It has blunt processes connecting adjacent cells. This species can be abundant in autumn
Chain forming diatom, which produces wing like extensions one valve end, which link adjacent cells. This is a cosmopolitan species.
Odontella (owe-don-tell-a) mobiliensis, a centric diatom. The frustule or shell is formed of two valves joined by girdle bands. Many small peripheral chloroplasts and a central nucleus. Differential interference microscopy.
data on this strain.
Odontella (owe-don-tell-a) mobiliensis, a centric diatom. The frustule or shell is formed of two valves joined by girdle bands. With horns (spines) emerging from the apical margins of the valves and more spines (referred to as apical processes) arising closer to the centre of the valves. Many small peripheral chloroplasts and a central nucleus. Two daughter cells located within frustule of parental cell. Differential interference microscopy.
data on this strain.
Cells are single or united into short chains by the long spines extending from the elevated central part of the valve face. The processes are slender and point diagonally outward. This species can be confused with O. regia.
Scale bar indicates 10 µm. Sample from North Sea near Heligoland (spring diatom bloom). Use of SEM equipment courtesy of Lab Dr. Karl-Heinz Schäffner, Solingen, Germany.
Scale bar indicates 25 µm. Sample from North Sea near Heligoland (spring diatom bloom). Use of SEM equipment courtesy of Lab Dr. Karl-Heinz Schäffner, Solingen, Germany.
Sampling date 04/2017. Scale bars indicate 50 µmLatitude: 54.186311 Longitude: 7.895034Microscope Zeiss Universal, camera Olympus C7070WZ. DOF image.© Wolfgang Bettighofer,images under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA).For permission to use of (high resolution) images please contact
postmaster@protisten.de.For further information about the image, please click here:
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Two images. Scale bars indicate 50 µm.Please click on < or > on the image edges or on the dots at the bottom edge of the images to browse through the slides!Place name: North Sea around Heligoland Latitude: 54.186311 Longitude: 7.895034Microscope Zeiss Universal, camera Olympus C7070WZ. DOF images.© Wolfgang Bettighofer,images under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA).For permission to use of (high resolution) images please contact
postmaster@protisten.de.For further information about the image, please click here:
Link to protisten.de page