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Eunice mindanavensis McIntosh 1885

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Eunice mindanavensis McIntosh, 1885

Eunice mindanavensis McIntosh, 1885:289–291, figs. 50,51, pl. 39: figs. 9.10, pl. 20A: figs. 21, 22.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Holotype, BM(NH) ZK 1885.12.1.51a, off Mindanao, Philippines, 7°3′N, 121°48′E, 148 and 186 m, stones and gravel, 26 Oct 1874, Challenger sta 201.

COMMENTS ON MATERIAL EXAMINED.—The holotype is now in three pieces; an anterior end consisting of 21 setigers (cut into two pieces) and a posterior end of 42 setigers. The two pieces clearly belong to the same specimen and appear to represent a complete specimen. McIntosh reported only the first of the two depths listed above; Alex Muir (in litt) informed me that station 201 included hauls at two different depths.

DESCRIPTION.—Holotype complete with 63 setigers; total length ~40 mm; maximal width 4 mm; length through setiger 10, 7 mm. Body thickset anteriorly, circular in cross-section, tapering strongly, with relatively few, very distinct segments.

Prostomium (Figure 731) distinctly shorter and narrower than peristomium, less than as deep as peristomium. Prostomial lobes frontally rounded; dorsally flattened lobes; median sulcus deep. Eyes not seen. Antennae covered by large overhanging peristomial fold, similar in thickness. Ceratophores ring-shaped in all antennae, without articulations. Ceratostyles tapering and slender, with up to 15 relatively long, rather indistinct, cylindrical articulations. A-I to setiger 1, A-II to setiger 3; A-III to setiger 7. Peristomium roughly cylindrical. Separation between rings distinct dorsally and possibly ventrally; separation on ventral side confounded by presence of superficial folds; anterior ring ~ of total peristomial length. Peristomial cirri to tip of prostomium, tapering, with 7 long, cylindrical articulations.

Maxillary formula 1+1, 7+7, 10+0, 10+10, 1+1, and 1+1. Teeth of Mx III and IV very small, but distinct. Mx III short; part of distal arc with left Mx IV.

Branchiae (Figure 73m) present, pectinate, distinctly shorter than notopodial cirri, not reduced in mid-body region, erect. Branchiae from setiger 6 to setiger 63. Branchiae present to near posterior end, present on more than 65% of total number of setigers. Last 5 pairs single filaments. First few pairs of filaments very unequal in length. Maximum 3 filaments from about setiger 15 through setiger 30. Filaments very thick, digitiform.

Anterior neuropodial acicular lobes distally truncate, becoming distally rounded posteriorly; aciculae emerging above midline. All pre-setal lobes low, transverse folds. Anterior postsetal lobes following outline of acicular lobes closely, becoming low, transverse folds from about setiger 15. Prebranchial ventral cirri thick, tapering. Ventral cirri large, flattened, forming scoop around lower edge of acicular lobe from early branchial setigers, eventually forming scoops around emergent part of subacicular hooks; tips tapering. All notopodia medially inflated; anterior notopodial cirri with 5 or 6 cylindrical articulations; articulations indistinct from mid body.

Limbate setae narrow. Pectinate setae (Figure 73n) flaring, flat. Both marginal teeth slightly longer than other teeth; ~15 teeth present. Shafts of compound falcigers (Figure 73p) slightly inflated, internally strongly striated, marginally smooth. Appendages short, slender, bidentate with thick teeth. Proximal teeth triangular, directed laterally. Distal teeth erect. Guards asymmetrically bluntly pointed; mucros absent. Pseudocompound falcigers and compound spinigers absent. Aciculae single anteriorly; 2–3 present in median and posterior setigers, dark brown, tapering to blunt tips, straight; cross-sections round. Subacicular hooks (Figure 73o) with dark brown cores and clear sheaths, bidentate. Hooks distinct from setiger 21; setigers 17–20 with broken remnants of much more delicate hooks in subacicular positions, present in all setigers thereafter, always single (except for replacements). Hooks distincctly tapering; heads distinct. Proximal teeth directed laterally. Distal teeth triangular, rather blunt.



CHARACTERS USED IN PREPARATION OF KEY NOT SCORED.—Inappropriate Characters: 56, 60. Unknown Characters: 4, 6, 13–16, 74.

bibliographic citation
Fauchald, Kristian. 1992. "A Review of the Genus Eunice (Polychaeta: Eunicidae) Based upon Type Material." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-422. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.523