“Archasterope Poulsen, 1965
TYPE SPECIES.—Archasteropc dentata Poulsen, 1965:339, monotypy.
This genus contains only two species, both collected in or near the study area, A. dentata Poulsen, 1965, and A. bulla, new species.
DIAGNOSIS OF GENUS.—Carapace elongate with subparallel ventral and dorsal margins; posterior infold with or without processes between list and edge of valve.
First antenna: Sensory bristle of 5th joint with 7 filaments, 1 proximal, 6 terminal; d-bristle of 8th joint about half length of e-bristle.
Mandible: Dorsal margin of basale with 4 or 5 midbristles; exopodite about one-half length of dorsal margin of 1st endopodite joint.
Maxilla: Basale bare or hirsute; dorsal margin of basale with 3 or 4 distal bristles, ventral margin with 4-6 proximal bristles; endite II with 3 bristles.
Sixth limb: Anterior margin with 1 upper and 1 lower bristle; end joint with 16-25 posteroventral bristles.
Seventh limb: Each limb with 6 to 8 proximal bristles and 6 terminal bristles; terminal comb with 14 or 15 opposing teeth.
Furca: Each lamella with 8 or 9 claws, posterior 1-3 of these bristlelike.
Lateral eye: Absent or reduced with 8-12 small ommatidia.
DISTRIBUTION.—The northernmost occurrence of the genus Archaslerope is 34°35'S, at a station included in this study, although slightly north of the study area. The southernmost locality of the genus is about 55°S, 59°W, just outside the Antarctic Convergence. Members of the genus have been collected on the bottom at depths of 180 to 1861 m, and in an Isaac-Kidd Midwater Trawl dragged at a depth of 1812-2145 m.”
(Kornicker, 1975B, p. 382-383)