Cestodes in general have sensory organs in the scolex, which are attached to longitudinal nerves extending down the body. The nerves are attached to organs and the cestodes can detect tactile stimulation.
Communication Channels: tactile
Perception Channels: tactile
The eggs of D. mansonoides hatch between 9 to 120 days (Mueller, 1938). The coracidium or first larval stage exit the egg through the operculum or cap. During this stage, the coraciduim is ciliated and swims about in the water until it is ingested by a copepod, typically a species of Cyclops (Mueller, 1938). In the gut of the Cyclops, the ciliated epithelium is shed exposing the hooks on the cercomer (Mueller, 1938). The cercomer is the posterior adhesive organ. Through the use of its hooks, the larva penetrates the midgut wall and develops into an infective procercoid after 18 days (Mueller, 1938). The development of the procercoid causes the copepods to be more sluggish and therefore more susceptible to be eaten by a second intermediate host such as a frog, snake, or mammal (Mueller, 1936). When the Cyclops is eaten by an appropriate fish, the larva penetrates the wall of the gut and enters the muscles or connective tissues of the fish. In the muscles or connective tissues the procercoid larva transforms into the plerocercoid. The plerocercoid lacks hooks. It is during this stage that the bothria (longitudinal groves on the scolex) develops, but there is no strobilization. The plerocercoids may pass through several paratenic hosts. The infected intermediate host could then be eaten by its definitive host, the bobcat, or secondary definitive hosts: cat or dog (Mueller, 1936). Once eaten by the definitive host or secondary definitive host, plerocercoids penetrate the intestinal wall and take up residence in the muscles where they absorb nutrients (Mueller, 1938).
Humans rarely become infected with the procercoid by accidentally eating the copepods. When this does occur, the procercoid migrates to subcutaneous tissue or muscles: the pleural cavity, abdominal viscera, urinary tract, scrotum, and the eye, where they develop into the plerocercoid. The human condition of having plerocercoid in the muscles and subcutaneous tissues is called sparganosis. Sparganosis is a very rare parasitic disease that produces chronic active inflammation in the brain. Possible routes of human infestation are as follows: 1) ingestion of water contaminated with copepods; 2) ingestion of raw second intermediate hosts, such as snake or frog; 3) topical application of a slice of raw meat to open wounds and mucous membranes; and 4) ingestion of the plerocercoid larvae through carriers. Symptoms include itching, hives and pain at the site where the nodules are developing. The treatment is usually surgical removal of the nodules containing the third stage larvae.
Negative Impacts: injures humans (causes disease in humans )
This species uses copepods, fish and frogs intermediate hosts. Mammals are usually second definitive hosts.
Ecosystem Impact: parasite
Species Used as Host:
Diphylobothrium mansonoides obtain food by absorbing nutrients from their host.
Diphyllobothrium mansonoides is typically found in the southern United States, especially in Florida and along the Gulf Coast.
Biogeographic Regions: nearctic
The habitat for eggs, coracidia, and copepod host, is freshwater. Plerocercoid can be found in the muscles of vertebrates. The adult Diphyllobothrium mansonoides inhabit the gut of cats.
Habitat Regions: temperate ; freshwater
Terrestrial Biomes: forest
Aquatic Biomes: lakes and ponds; rivers and streams
Other Habitat Features: riparian
Diphyllobothrium mansonoides has a small spatulate scolex (head region), which is set off from its long slender neck. The bothria, which are longitudinal grooves, are shallow, broad, flat bottomed, and continuous with the surface of the neck. Posterior to the neck are a number of immature proglottids, anywhere between 200 to 300. Mature proglottids with eggs tend to occur 16 to 20 cm posterior to the scolex and have a maximum width of 7 mm (Mueller, 1935). Diphyllobothrium mansonoides uterus is in the form of a spiral and forms two terminal loops(Mueller, 1932). The muscular terminal compartment of D. mansonoides is set off by a sphincter (Mueller, 1935). The spiraled outer uterine coils is a major characteristic of D. mansonoides. The cirrus and vagina open separately (Mueller, 1936). The cirrus opens as a small pore, while the vagina posterior to it, appears as a transverse slit (Jubliar, 1951; Mueller, 1935). The testes are numerous, spherical, and are located in median plane of proglottid. The eggs are pointed, another major characteristic for D. mansonoides (Mueller, 1932). Their coracidium larvae have recognizable hooks (Mueller, 1936).
Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; heterothermic ; bilateral symmetry
These parasites are likely not intentionally ingested. Larval mortality is high due to the parasites not reaching a definitive host.
This species is a hermaphrodite.
Key Reproductive Features: simultaneous hermaphrodite
Parental Investment: no parental involvement; pre-fertilization (Provisioning)